Winter Term Honor Roll Released Thirty-four University students made perfect 4.00 GPA’s accord ing to the winter term honor roll as released by the registrar's of fice Wednesday. The mark of 34 people mak ing perfect grades almost doubled the fall term total of 19 A grand total of 266 students made the winter term honor roll as compared to 201 fall term. Sophomores led the way or the list with a total of 74 stu dents making the required 3.5 oi better. Seniors placed second with 66 and the juniors and freshmen followed in that order with 58 and 54 respectively. The rest of the spots were taken up by special students. Four Points The 34 people making 4.0C were: Christina Allen (2 LA), Hairy Asch (3 Hst), Marion Baum (1 LA). Kathleen Benson (2 LA) Constance Brown (2 LA), Don ald Call (2 LA), Marie Cooker ham (3 BA), Judy Counts (3 Eng), Margaret David (4 FL), Joe Gardner (4 J), George Ger hard (3 Psy), Mary Herron (4 GSc). Kay Hyatt (2 LA), Chao Lir (O LA), Donald Millage (3 BA) Dixie Miller (R Sp), Marilyn Miller (3 GSc), Urlin Page (3 Ph), Frances Passmore (2 LA), Jane Peterson (2 LA), Andrew Price (4 BA), Robert Quigley (4 AAA), Keith Robertson (3 P-M), Goldie Ryals (4 Eld). George Schultz (3 AAA), Inga Shipstead (3 AAA), Esther Strom (1 LA), Thomas Taylor (4 AAA), Marjie Travillioh (4 Mus), Richard Van Allen (3 BA), George Weir (4 Eng), Orlo Wipf (2 PS), Claudia Wurtz (1 LA) and Margery Ziniker (2 LA). - Others included on the honor roll were: A’s Luella Adams (4 FL), Gerald Alexanderson (4 Mth), Sally Al len (2 LA), Ethel Apgar (4 Ed), Jose Armilla (4 Psy), Alyce Atherton (2 LA), Merte Atwood (3 Ph), Arne Baartz (3 FL), Richard Barbour (4 Mus), Keith Barker (2 LA), Sally Bamum (2 LA), Gunther Barth (0 LA). Orlo Bartland (2 LA), Robert Beatty (1 LA), Donna Bell (1 LA), Helen Bersie (4 Eng), Carol Bestul (2 LA), Donald Bick (2 LA), Lee Blaesing (1 LA), Bruce Bloomfield (2 LA), Carol Boals (2 LA), Betty Boehm (1 LA), Brian Booth (1 LA), Richard Bowen (4 GG), William Boyle (2 LA), Kay Bredleau (4 Ph), Richard Bronaugh (3 Phi). Mary Brooks (3 FL), Charles Burgess (2LA), Douglas Burns (1 LA), MarjfcBussard (3 HPE), Mary Cadiz (1 LA), Sarah Calk ins (2 LA), Marilyn Call (3 S) Charles Camplan (4 Hst), Orval Cary (2 LA), Marian Cass (4 Mus), David Cass (1 LA), Travis Cavens (2 LA). Marilyn Christensen (1 LA), Marlis Claussen (2 LA), Douglas Clement (4 P-M), Walter Coder (2 LA), Sue Colburn (2 LA), Phyllis Colvin (2 LA), Russell Connett (3 BA), Raymond Cow an (1 LA), Carol Craig (2 LA), Kenneth Cunningham (3 Soc). D’s Paul Delzell (4 Hst), Alvin Denham (1 LA), Joan Dennis (1 LA), Jay Dee Deschamps (2 LA), Woody's round the clock DRIVE-lh THE BEST CHICKEN IN-A-BASKET IN TOWN! Car Service Weekends Only West 6th, Near Blair Phone 5-9001 Lynnia Dewey (2 LA), Bob Doughton (3 P-M), William Dun lap (4 P-M), Marcia Dutcher (4 J), Patrick Eaton (3 PS), EIkTh Erickson (3 GG), Kenneth Erick son (3 GG), Karlecn Evan (3 BA), Patty Fagan (3 Ed), Jean Fay (2 LA). Henry Ferrero (4 PS), John Flaxel (1 LA), ^lary Fourier (1 LA). Nancy Fox (2 LA), Fred rick Fraunfelder (2 LA), John Fryberger (2 LA), Robert Fudge (3 AAA), Arthur Fujita (4 HPE), Joan Fuller (3 AAA), Lis elotte Georgiades (2 LA), Vir ginia Gibson (4 Ed), Martha Go shell (2 LA), Nancy Graves (3 Psy), John Gregor (4 BA), Sally Jo Greig (2 LA), Grete Grieg (0 LA). Rita Grislis (2 LA), Rogert Hagglund (1 LA), Georgene Hammermaster (2 LA), Erik Hansen (1 LA), Philip Hanson (3 BA), Susan Hanson (4 Sp), Joanne Hardt (4 BA), Laura Harper (4 Sp), Shirley Hathaway (2 LA), Joan Havland (4 Ed), Georgia Hemmila (0 LA), Alan Heston (4 Ec), Penny Hicks (2 LA), Burton Hobson (1 LA I, Mary Hooker (4 Eng), Elena Horn (4 FL), James Hunter (3 Mus), Carolyn Hurd (2 LA), Helen Huse (1 MA), Yasuo Ish ida (0 LA). J’s Timothy James (3 Hst), Myr tle Johnson tl LA), Richard Johnson (1 LA), Sharon Johnson (1 LA), Vivian Johnson (4 Mth), Sherwin Jongeward (4 BA),.Don | na Joseph (4 Sp), Carolyn Kaser (2 LA), Dennis Ratter (2 LA), Shirlee Katz (4 Sp), Jerome Kat I zky (1 LA), Deneice Kenyon (2 ; LA), Joanne Kerr (2 LA), Gret : then Klomhau (2 LA), Helen ! Knight (1 LA), Dorothy Kopp j (4 Hst), Ethel Kuykendall (2 LA), Germaine LaMarche (3 ■ FES). Alfred Land (1 LA), Edward Leeper (1 LA), Mary Leigh (4 AAA), Douglas Liechty (3 P-L), Robert Llewellyn (1 LAi, I^eola ! Lorenzen (1 LA). Don Lovett (2 I LA), Edward Lugar (4 BA I, i James Lynch (1 LA), Dorothy McBroom (1 LA), Sharron Mc Cabe (1 LAI, David McDaniel 1(3 GSc), Marian McDowell (2 LA), Joyce McGee (4 BA), Eliz abeth Jdclveen (3 FL), David McKibbin (2 LA), Jean Ellen McPherson (1 LA). Neal Marlett ! (4 BA). Yoko Matsuoka (3 FL), Marcia Mauney (2 LAi, Win ston Maxwell (2 LA), Mary Me gale (2 LA). Woman Flies Jet MARIE MARVTNOT, one of the first women to pilot planes in the pioneer days of aviation, takes lessons at the age of 80 to become a helieopter pilot in Paris. Here she takes the controls of a Djinn 1221 jet helicopter under guidance of Eric Fourcaud, left. , (AP Wirephoto Graduate Assistant Given Scholarship John Hess, graduate assistant in business administration, has been awarded the Levi Stevens Memorial Scholarship worth $1500 to be used at Stanford uni versity in the graduate school of business during the 1955-56 academic year. Hess plans to work for a Ph.D. in business administration. Then he would like to return to this university to teach. As a graduate student at Ore gon for the last two years, Hess has been a research assistant for I the Bureau of Business Research, ’ and now is a graduate assistant to V. P. Morris, dean of the busi- ' ness administration school. Hess is minoring in economics this year. A native of Iowa, Hess grad uated from the University of Iowa. He was a member of the executive council of the Iowa Mountaineers, a large campus organization that emphasized outdoor activities and sports. I After graduation, he spent two j years in the service as a person 1 nel officer. J ! i ANNUAL MEETING University of Oregon Co-operative Store 4:00 P.M, Thursday, April 14th Room 207, Chapman Hall Nominations will be held for new members . on the Board of Directors. e UNIVERSITY CO-OP "THE STUDENTS OWN STORE" . Marsha Meyers (1 LA), Don Mickelwait (4 Ec), Jean Miller (3 Hst), Gail Moan <1 LA), Caro-u lyn Moll (3 Bl), Marjorie Moore (2 LA), David Mourmind (2 LA), Robert Naper (3 Hat), Donna NlchelB (1 LA), James Noble (1 LA), Dick Nooe (2 LA), Arthur Nuaom (3 BA), Gerald Ohlsen (4 Ch). P's Rolf Panny (4 FL), David Parkhurst (3 Hst), Sharon Ped erson (2 LA), Martin Pedigo (2 HPE), Gordon Pefley (4 Ph), Howard Peterson (4 BA), Ann Pettersen (X LA). Craig Philips (1 LA), Edward Phinney (2 LA), Elizabeth Poage (1 LA). Barbara Proebstel (2 LA), Lois Puustinen (2 LA), Robert Ransom I 3 Mus), Gordon Rice (3 J). Charles Richardson (1 LA), Kaye Robinette (1 LA), Jo Anne Rogers (2 LA), Kenneth Rosen lof |4 CH), Annette Rowland (1 LA), James Russell (1 LA), Su san Ryder (1 LA), Edmund Sa voie (4 Eng), Ruth Sawyer (3 Ed). Russell Sayers (4 P-D), Warren Schad (2 LA), Donna Schafer (4 mus), Lorretta Schel ske (1 HPE), Sandra Schori <1 LA), Suzanne Seibert (4 Mus), Norman Seidenverg (1 LA), Bar bara Shea (1 LA ), Jenny Shen (2 LAi. Terry Sherwood (1 LA). Justin Smith (3 Hst), Myron Smith (3 P-Di, Raymond Smith (4 Hst), Carolyn Smyth (3 Hst), Patricia South worth (3 Mth>, Silver Sparks (2 LA), Ronald Spicer (2 BA), Barbara Spillman (2 LA), Phyllis Stalsberg (2 LA ), Keith Stuart i4 Sp), Robert Sum mers (4 PS), Howard Susaman (3 P-M). T*s Kathryn Taylor (4 Musi, Mary Lou Teague (3 Must, Agnes Thompson (2 LA i, Newton Thornton (2 LAi, Robert Tost berg <4 Hat), Jean Ann Under hill (4 BA), David Utecbt (3 GALi, Kenneth Viegas (3 Soc),; Joe Viles (3 P-M), Floy von Groenewald (4 Sp), Nolene Marie Wade (3 Anthi, Frank Walker (3 Ed), Russell Warkentin <3 AAA), Shirlee Warren II LA), John Watson (4 BA), Barbara Werle (2 LA), Gail West (3 Ed), Monica Wheeler (2 LA), Mury Whitaker (4 Hp), Eleanor* Whit sett (1 LA), Betty Wiese <3 Bli, Peter Williams (4 BA), Mary Wilson (4 Sp), Mary N. E. Wil son (4 HPE), Homer Winslow (2 LA), Wilma Wtttenfehl (4 Eel, Camille Wold (4 Engt, Tiim son Woodman (4 Mum, Shirley Woodruff (2 LA), Florence Woodworth (2 LA), Mury Zinl ker (2 LA), Charles Zweigart 14 CiO). Training Sessions Held at YWCA Two YWCA leadership train ing sessions will lie held Thurs day. One, at 4 p.m„ will be a regular session while the other, at 6:30 p.m., will be a make-up meeting for persons who miss the regular meeting. The regular mission will la; de voted to the YWCA ami all its related organizations and fields of work. Gladys Lawther, YWCA regional secretary from Port land, will give a talk on the rela tionship of the local organization with the national group. She will show' a movie of the beginning of the Y movement. Special Features To Honor Brides Campus brides will be honored all next week in the Emerald’s first Bfide’a Week promotion. Four University of Oregon to ed* will be featured, being photographed in Eugene stores as they select merchandise for the ceremony and their future homes. Barbara McNabb, Sut Balaton, Hope Holgerson and Tedro Cro ley have been chosen to represent all-campus June brides. The Em erald plans special Bride's Week features, and advertising will also be solicited in conjunction with the promotion, which will be spread throughout all five issues of next week. May We Have the Pleasure of Serving You? We specialize in homemade breads, pies, and cakes that are the finest. SERVE HOT CROSS BUNS FOR BREAKFAST ON GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SUNDAY HOME BAKERY86 y