East Leaders Met 9 HI KM.VS I’llKMIKH II. NT, l»*ft, smiles as he chats with India’s Trlme Minister Jaw sharia! Nehru in New Ih-lhi. The two leaders conferred on the fortheoining Asian countries' conference in Bandung. Indonesia. (AT Wlrephoto) Biggs to Run For Senator ( continued from patje one) erans on campus now," he said, '•and almost all of them are older (24-251. Many are married and the present set-up doesnt allow the married couples to sit to gether in the rooting section at games." The ambitious junior went on to say that he thought that ."there are just too many social activities on campus at present." Me pointed out that there are so many events that "no one activ ity can be a really big success. “I think coordination of many similar activities (such as the campus queens) would be a help." Biggs just recently completed a tour of duty In the Uniter! States Army in which he attained the rank of sergeant. He also made a trip around the world after his army sei-vice in which he visited many colleges and uni versities in other countries. "I found that student govern ment in most foreign countries is much stronger than at any col leges I have visited in the US," he said. Service Groups Offer Scholarships Zonta and Quota. Eugene wom en's service organizations, are offering full fee scholarships to qualified University women at tending the University next year. Campus Calendar 8:00 Women’s Marine Corps Noun FSFF Drama Staff Soc Dept Coop Lnch 12:1 r, Phi Beta 4:00 Duck Prev Bklt Stu Affairs Phi Theta Ups Scab & B1 Dull Leet Brs. 6:15 6:30 7:30 110 SU 111 SU 112 SU 113 SU 114 SU 315 SU 111 SU 337 SU 112 SU 113 SU Rm SU cjCislening -3n ...On KWAX 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 News Till Now 7:00 Sport Shots 7:15 Radio Nederland 7:30 Britain 8:00 Best of Broadway 8:30 Navy Band Stand 8:45 Guest Star 9:00 K wax works 10:55 Final Edition 11:00 Sign Off Miller Will Speak On Foreign Study William Huston .Miller, Went Coast field representative of the Institute of International Kdu eatlon, will speak to students in terested in studying abroad, next Monday, at 4 p.m. In the Student Union. Miller will be on campus Mon day through Wednesday and will conduct Individual conferences. All students Intelested in a con ference should schedule them in the Student Affairs office, ext. 25 5. Theta Sigma Phi Initiates 3 Women Three women were initiated into Theta Sigma Phi. women's professional journalism honor ary. Wednesday. They were Anne Hill and Sally Ryan, juniors in journalism, and Tina Fisk Taggert. senior in jour nalism. Daily Appointed Area Co-ordinator Col. E. B. Daily, head of the military department and profes sor of air science, has horn ap pointed as co-ordinating officer for the Eugene area during the annual Armed Forces day ob servances, May 21. His duties are to oversee all activities connected with the day Including the parade and ex hibits and will work with all vet eran and military groups partici pating In the observances. Young Republican Meeting Cancelled The campus Young Republi cans will not meet tonight as previously scheduled.. Chairman Charles Blackburn has an nounced. Instead, all Young Republicans have been urged to attend the Lane County GOP Central com mittee meeting tonight at S in the county courthouse at which time Representative Harris Ells worth will speak. Students desiring transporta tion to and from the courthouse should contact Blackburn by tele phoning 3-2375. Ford to Give Speech At Plumber Convention Business public relations will he the subject of a speech by S. T. Ford, assistant professor of business administration, on Friday. Ford is speaking to the state convention of the Associated Na tional Master Plumbers of Ore gon which will be held in Eugene Thursday and Friday. Today's Staff Makeup Editor: Anne Ritchey. News Desk: Anne Hill. Bob Robinson. Copy Desk: Jan Bonnet, Kathy Morrison. Night Slaff: Darlene Leland, Mary Helen Williams. + Campus Briefs + 0 The discussion croup of foreign and Amfiir»n students planned last term by the Inter national Affair* commission of the YWCA will not meet today at i p.m. an originally schedule**! The new date will be announced later. 0 Anv persons driving to Portland Friday may call Dick Allen if they want passengers. Alien is chairman of the YMCA car pool ride committee and may be called today between 3 and 5 p.m. ^ Paula Smith, Mary Poeock, Marlene Sledge. Jan Young, Dag mara Hill, Donald Rehfos. George Austin and Terry Picknell were all confined to the infirmary Wednesday due to illness, accord ing to hospital records. 0 Panhellenic advisers vv ill he in the Panhellenic office. Student ■ Union third floor, every Thurs i day afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. to counsel girls going through open rush. They will be there to , day and every Thursday through April 21. 0 The Kadtn Workshop Play , ers will present a show over sta tion KOAC today at 4:35 p.m. The players, directed by E. A. * Kretsinger, assistant professor of speech, will put on a perform ance titled, "Fnjm Out of the Sea.” 0 1> Tabard Inn, nwn's liter ary honorary, will meet this eve ning at 7 p.m. at the College Side Inn. 0 Women’s living organiza tion* are to pick up supplement ary Duck Preview housing lists each day this week in Mrs. Golda Wickham's office. A list of ac cepter! invitations must be turned in by Wednesday. 0 Phi Theta will meet at fi:13 tonight in the Student Union for a short business meeting. The session is important and all mem bers are urged to attend, ac cording to Germaine LaMarche, president. % Petitions for membership on the Student Union board are due today at 5 p.m. They should be turned in at the SU third floor any time today. SEU. IT THRU THE WANTADS WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Sponsoring MODERN DANCING By The 4 Stars * PAUL PETERSEN * RALPH DeCOURSEY * LARRY BUDZ * KATIE TAYLOR CO-SPONSORSHIP INVITED! DANCE EVERY FRIDAY FRIDAY, APRIL 8_9-12 P.M. WOODMEN OF TNI WORLD HALL 8th and Lincoln Phone 3-53T5 Support The Eugene Emeralds! NO LIQUOR ADM. $1.00 Per Person In a Turmoil?... Advertise in the Emerald Classified Are you ''stumped” os to how you con sell that car? ... or have you a room to rent? . . . Advertise in the EMERALD CLASSIFIED section . . . and get fast returns! (Only 4c per word for the first day. . . and 2c a word on repeated ads.!)