Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    I/O Takes Over
Bioloqy Institute
By Bob Rogers
Emerald Reoorte»
The Marine Biology Institute i
at Coos Bay which has recently j
been taken over by the Univer
sity of Oregon, possesses un
limited potentialities, according
to Dr. B. H. McConnaughey. as
sistant professor of biology, who,
has been appointed temporary
head of the institute pending the
appointment of a new head of the
University’s biology department.
Although the institute is in
the state of rehabilitation, which
includes general building repair
and the leveling of the shore line,
regular classes are tentatively
set for the summer of 1956. This
repair work is being headed by
I. I. Wright, head of Oregon's
physical plant.
Observe Sea Life
The importance of the marine
station is primarily that it will
provide the undergraduate with,
an economical opportunity to ob
serve. first hand, the major types
of ocean and seashore life. Three
other Pacific coast hiological in
stitutes of this nature are cur
rently in operation, but they deal
with more advanced work.
Another outstanding advan
tage of this school is its location.
As it now stands, the nearest
northern laboratory is located in ■
• Grays Harbor, which receives!
specimen from the Arctic re-1
gions. The two southern labora
tories. located in southern Cali
fornia, acquire sea^ material from
the gulf area.
The present site of the biology
station has easy access to many
desired types of localities. These
include protected sandy beaches,
mud flats, a group of typical old
pilings, rocky reefs, and open 1
coast ranges. Also it is unique in
that there are two complete tides
flowing during a 24-hour period
which provides greater opportu
nity for the study of marine life.
Other Acres Vuluuhlc
The SO acres which surround
the labs are still wild and are
valuable for the practical study
of other types of sciences. Orig
inally the land was deeded to the
University of Oregon in 1931
with a strong financial backing
guarantee from a wealthy Port
land firm. However, the depres
sion soon set in and this source
of aid was destroyed.
Shortly afterward, it was tak
en over by the Civilian Conserva
tion corps, which erected some
buildings on the site and used
it as a camping site.
During the last two years, the
University of Oregon and Oregon
State college both managed the
area until last fall.
McConnoughey hopes to oper
ate the institute for two five
week periods instead of the whole
summer. This would give more
students an opportunity to at
tend without taking the whole
summer. Tentative prices include
registration fees at $55. and ap
proximately SI35 loom and board
for an eight-week session.
Will Meet Friday
The Cosmopolitan club will
meet Friday at 8 p.m. with Ken
neth Lodewick as speaker.
Lodewick will speak on “Folk
Music in America" and play rec
ords from his large collection.
A dance will follow the speech
and refreshments will be served.
S (I Currents
SU Movie Committee
Will Meet Thursday
All movie committee members
are urged to be at the Thursday
meeting at 0:45 to arrange the
term schedule.
Public Relations Group
Meets Tonight in SU
The Public Relations commit*
tee will meet tonight at 6:30 in
room 313 o£ the SU. according
to Lolly Quackenbush, chairman.
Student-Lack Cancels
SU Fishbowl Mixer
Due to the. fact that too many
students are going home, there
will be no SU fishbowl mixer this
Friday night, Don Peck of the
Dance Committee has announced.
Wengert Re-elected
To Fill Board Position
E. S. Wengert.* head of the
political science department, has
been re-elected to the editorial
board of the Public Administra
tion Review. He will serve in
this position for two years.
Want Ads
Telephone $-1511 - Ext 218
Emerald Office — 2nd Floor Allen Hell
Rates: 4 Cents per Word First Insertion.
2 Cents per Word Thereafter.
Lost Small black notebook
with Shaffer pen and pen
cil attached, near Library
by Frank Walker. Phone
3-1014. 4-8
Want Ads
RATES: 4 Cents per Word First Insertion, 2 Cont» per Word Thereafter.
To any student Interested In
mnking all college expenses
by working only 25 hours a
month. The Campus Sj»ot
llght is for sale this term.
Investment can be realized
in two months. For com
plete details call Garry Me
Murray at 5-8416. 4-7
Get 1950 high-compression
performance from your old
er Plymouth with tins spe
cial aluminum finned head.
Adds gas mileage, power.
Simple to install. Costs $55,
will sell for $25. Phone Ve
neta 2896.
I need three persons of high
caliber to work with com
pany opening new officse in
this area. Work from 4 till
10 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Apply room 104, 885
Oak St. between 9 u.m. and
3 p.m. 4-7-tf
Furnished one-half duplex
apartment. Hot water at all
times. Close in at 124 East
13th Ave. 4-12
Unfurnished 2 bedroom bouse
for adults. Children accept
ed. Fireplace, storage space
ut 124 E. 13th. 4-12
Lost: Who has Herman the
Elk head 7 25c reward.
Travis Cavens. Ph. 5-7801.
For Sale 1951 MG-ld New
battery and motor overhaul.
$825. Phone 5-5870 after 6
p.m. 4-7
Earn $75 per week during
summer. Part time work
also available during bal
ance of school year. Car
necessary. Caah summer
schalarahlps. Write Mr. Ar
nold, P.O. Box 542. Eugene,
for personal Interview. 4-4tf
25 7 '
If you are married or fe
male and now paying' more
than $30 40 a year for pub
lic liability and property
damage auto insurance re
newals. you aie throwing
money down the dram. May
flower will give you PL. &
PD insurance for $13.20
per 6 months renewable.
Check your old policy today.
If you are paying a penalty,
yr,ur MAYFLO W E R
AGENT before you renew.
Ph. 4-9444. Res 4-2957 or
stop In at 902 OaV street.
Mrs. Kile, now at 1533 E.
I3th. has room for three
boys for board alone. Phone
4-0422. 4-8
Royal de luxe portable type
writer, $45. 4-0234, or ext.
418. Lee Rogers. 4-7
For Sale: ’54 Mercury Mon
terey Coupe and M G. Sell
or trade. Phone 3-4301. 4-8
The News Today
• will concern you
gives a complete
coverage of the
Be In The
\ Know — with
Your Campus