Youngster Shines In Yankee Camp By JACK HAND CHATTANOOGA, Tcnn ) Johnny Rucks, it lean blond wokli* with a crackling fast ball, looks like the "sleeper” of the year In the camp of the New Voik Yankees. The way hla ca reer parallels Bob Grim's Is posi tively amazing. Like Grim, the new rtghthand ed whiz Is Just back from mili tary service. He, too, had a bril liant season below double-A ball Is-fore he went away. To add the final touch, Rucks even rooms with Grim, the 1954 "rookie of the year," II was against Brooklyn In an exhibition game that Grim rrully made It last year. Kochs, only 21, outdid Grim's Job when he got a chance to face the Dodgers. Pitching out of a deep hole with the bases loaded In the first Inning, he made Gil Hodges foul out and got Jackie Robinson to bounce into a double play. When IM Schedule Thursday Softball 3:50 Legal Eagles vs Hale Kane, north field. Dorm Counselors vs. Phila delphia house, south field. Delta Upailon vs. Theta Chi. upper field. 4 :55 Delta Tau Delta vs. Alpha Tau Omega, north field. Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Pi Kappa Alpha, south field. Chi Psi vs. Campbell club, upper field. Tennis 4:00 Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Beta Theta Pi, courts 4, 5. 6. Golf Chi Psi vs. Sigma Nu. Manager Casey Stengel took him out, he had allowed only three hits and one run In seven innings. Two of the hits were scratch singles. A new pitch the change-up made Kucks even more impres sive than he had been in earlier stints against St. Louis and the Chicago White Sox. Jim Turner, the Yank coach, taught him the | new pitch and is working on a side arm curve ball. Until Kucks was blasted by : the Phillies last Wednesday, , he hud allowed only fear runs and nine hits In IS Innings. "Ever since I can remember. I wanted to play ball,” said Kucks. He lives now in Stan hope. NJ„ but was born in Ho boken and went to school in Jersey City. "When the teacher in grammar school would ask us what we wanted to be, I’d always write down baseball player. She used to tell me ’You're crazy.’ ” Marciano, Cockell Meet May 16 SAN FRANCISCO (AP>—The 15-round bout between cham pion Rocky Marciano and chal lenger Don Cockell for the heavy weight boxing title will start at 8 p.m. May 16, promoter Jimmy Murray said Wednesday. The fight, to be held at Kezar stadium, will be televised on a 1 closed circuit theater network. Murray said. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Jack Wilson. Staff: Allen Johnson, Buzz i Nelson. Nance Stops Rally As Ducks Edge LC By Buzz Nelson Emerald Aisittant Sports Editor Relief pitcher Jack Nance carne in to stop a ninth inning Lewis and Clark rally and preserve a 9-8 Oregon win over the Pio neers on Howe field Wednesday. Lewis and Clark had scored four runs in the ninth and had a man on second with none out when Nance relieved Everett Stiles. The sophomore righthand er set down the next three men in order, although the runner eventually scored from second. Ducks Own 5-8 Record It was the third win in two days for the Ducks and raised their season's record to 5-3. Their next action is Friday when they host Willamette in a double header starting at 1:30 p.m. Oregon roughed up Ray Hyde, the Pioneers’ star lefty, for eight runs in the first five innings. Jim Johnson scored in the first on Dick Schlosstein's ground out, after Johnson and George Shaw had executed a double steal. The Ducks added another in the second on Pete Williams’ double and a throwing error by, the Lewis and Clark second base- j man. Shaw proved the spark to a two-run third as he tripled home Johnson, who had singled, and scored himself on Schlosstein’s fly out. .Schlosstein Triples Four more tallies came in the fifth as Johnson beat out a bunt, Schlosstein tripled him in and scored as the ball got through the catcher on Terry Maddox’ strikeout. Williams then hit his second double to send Maddox to third.' With Jerry Ross at bat, Maddox attempted a steal of home, but was trapped between third and home plate. Pioneer Catcher Art Ronne, who had an off day, made a hur ried throw to third, and the ball bounced off Maddox' back. Both Maddox and Williams scored on the error. Meanwhile Lewis and Clark could do little with the Oregon pitching. John Lundell started for the Ducks and allowed one run in four innings, a homer over the bank in left by Gary Jack son. Lundell was helped by two very nicely executed double plays, one of which he started himself. Lehl Tosses Hitless Ball Jim Lehl, 135-lb. soph left hander from Coos Bay, came on in the fifth and pitched two scoreless, hitless innings. Lehl, in turn, was replaced by Ev Stiles, junior righthander. Stiles got by the seventh, al lowed two runs in the eighth and then was very rudely treated in the ninth. The chief ninth inning blows by the Pioneers were long doub les by Bill Martell and Ron Lewis, each of which scored two runs. With Lewis on second Nance came in to put out the fire. Oregon scored what proved to be the winning run in the eighth as Jim Pingree doubled and scored on a double play. Shaw, Johnson and Williams each* rapped out two hits for Oregon. Martell, Bill Stempel and Lewis had two hits apiece for Lewis and Clark. Oregon j Keller, %b . ! XotOft, hh. j Johnson, 2b -Shaw, cf . I Schlosstein. lb . | Maddox, rf i William*. 3b : Bond, 3b .. j Ross, II I Pingree, If j Marlett, c . Lundell. p . Lehl, p | 'Wagner Nance, p Totals . , Lewis A Clark i Toney, s* ; Martel), 3b Jackson, cf Lewi*, lb . | Smethurst, 2b ... i Meyer*. 2b j Schlaadt. rf . i Fiippin. rf . Konne. c . .. B. Stempel, c .. Carrier, ff "Soule. If Hyde, p .. K. Strmpel, p •“Costello Totals .. AB H PO A 2 0 12 1 0 1 1 4 2 4 8 4 2 1 0 4 1 12 0 4 0 3 0 4 2 1 1 .0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 I P 0 4 0 3 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 9 27 17 AB H PO A .. .5 . .4 ...3 ...5 .1 ...2 .3 2 ...2 3 ...J 2 1 0 2 0 1 13 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 . 37 12 24 19 * Struck out for Lehl in sixth. ** Struck out lor Carrier in eighth. *** Walked and scored lor Stempel in ninth. E—N'oto*. Martel, Smethurst 2, Ronne 2. R—Johnson 3. Shaw, Schlosstein, Maddox, Williams 2. Pingree, Toney. Martell 2, Jackson 2, Lewi* ?, Costello. RBI—Schlos stein 3, Shaw, Martell 2. Jackson. Lewis 2, Fiippin. B. Stempel. 2B Williams 2, Pin gree, Martell. Lewis. 3B—Shaw, Schlos stein. HR Jackson. SB -Shaw, Johnson. HI* — Lundell-Johnson-Schlosstein, Keller Johnson - Schlosstein, Tony-Myers-Lewis. Run*, hits- -1 and 5 off Lundell in 4, 0 and 0 off! in 2, 7 and 7 off Stiles and 2, 0 and 0 off Nance in 1. 8 and 8 off Hyde in 5, 1 and 1 off Stempel in 3. SO—Lehl 1 Stiles 2, Hyde 2, Stempel 2. BB—Lundell | 2. Lehl 1. Stiles 3, Hyde 2. Stempel 1. ! WP—Stempel, Stile*. Left—Ore. 4, LC 8. ; ER Oregon 3, LC 8. Winner—Lundell. Loser—Hyde. Time—2 :24. _ The first car to win the Indian apolis 500 race in 1911 was a Martnon which took 6:42:08 to cover the distance. Every winner since 1951 has taken less than four hours, an average of more than 125 mph. Patronize Emerald Advertisers Let The £, mera U Suggest Your Weekend ENTERTAINMENT. Movies, Restaurants, ...X, Dances, featured on the ~X. ENTERTAINMENT PAGE every Friday v wi iere to ao an d what to do . ' S' t in (^uc^ene;