Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    Stevens inspects
I .S. A KMT MKCHKTAKV Kohert T. Steven*, left, squatting,
Hatches a mortar drill at a National!*! Army training lm*e near
Tainan, Formosa. Steven* Inspected Chian* Kai-Shek’* force*
In southern KnrmoM and then was scheduled to fly back to Taipei
*" eonfer ulth Chian*. (AP Wire photo)
Symposium Speeches
Continued by Students
The second in the series of
symposium ..he* to be given
before Oregon high shools and
civic organizations took place
last Monday and Tuesday when
three memlsr? of the forensics
squad toured three cities in west
ern Oregon.
Jtm Wood, assistant director
of forensics, Jacqueline Tommas,
and Wynn Dahlgren were the
members who spoke before five
groups in the tour.
The group, under the direction
of Herman Cohen, associate pro
f<-s.-.oi of spe.-ch, addressed the
Forest Grove Kiwams club on
Monday evening, an assembly
and the social sctence classes of
Oregon City high school Tues
day morning, the Oregon City
Chamber of Commerce at a
luncheon Tuesday and the Clat
skame Kiwanis club Tuesday eve
The topic for the tour was
A Day at the Zoo
(continued from page two)
here adopted the I-atln “et”
for "and" — a regrettable af
fectution; and that the printer
has goofed und spelled "et"
"at." Correcting this, we find
"The stag and F.ve." Now, “had
drunk his fill." This is some
w hat confusing at first, hut
you can’t keep a good liter
ture Interpreter down. The
meaning Is this: the stag had
drunk his fill, and F.ve had
drunk u like amount.
This leaves only "Where
danced the moon" to be subjected
to the bright light of interpre
tation. It is interesting to note
that Scott* has here scooped c, e,
cummings in leaving out capi
tals for The Moon was a popu
lar Bong-and-danee lady who was
doing her stuff at. Monan’s at
10:30 p.m. and 1 a m. every eve
ning during the period of Scott’s
visit. Scott left out the capitals
on her name only after a brief
considerate n of what his wife
might, think. There is no evidence
that e. e. cummings has the
same motivation.
This leavep us with the follow
ing statement of what Scott is
rather ineptly trying to say: a
slag and the barkeeper’s daugh
ter, Eve, have become complete
ly snockered at Monan’s Bar and
Grill, where incidentally, a real
baby named "The Moon" ap
pears in the floor-show.
That should about fry the
Ladies Expurgation Society's
"What EffecUDo the Mass Media
, of Communications Have on Pub
die Opinion?”
Thirty toura have been planned
for the symposium squad this
year. These tours usually con
sist of three members of the
squad and a moderator. Set
speeches are prepared on each
symposium topic and are adapted
to the individual audience.
Music Educators Will
Hold Conference Here
The Northwest Music Educa
tor's conference will begin April
13 on campus and will continue
through a four-day period. The
conference will he held for the
benefit of classroom teachers and
provides them with workshop
courses and helpful discussions.
On the second night of the con
ference a college night program
will be held, featuring the Uni
versity orchestra, singers and
The first part of the program
will be devoted to the orchestra,
directed by Edmund Cykler. One
of the numbers on the program
will be several movements from
"Concerto Grosso, Opus 6, No.
2," by George Frederick Handel
and featuring student violinists
Robert Groth and Sharron Mc
Cabe, and cellist Gene Wisler.
Other numbers will be “Bist du :
bei mir” by Bach, with faculty
member Kxinc Anderson, sopra
no, performing as soloist and the i
second movement of "Concerto
in C Minor. Opus 26,” by Bruch,
featuring soloist George Bough
The second portion of the pro
gram will be furnished by the
University Singers under conduc
tor Max Risinger.
Numbers in this section of the
program will be “Gloria in Excels
is Deo” by Bach; “Kyrie Bleison”
by Dieterich; "The Winging
Souls by Warrell; several num
bers from "Sea Charm” by Piket:
and “Yonder, Yonder” arranged
by Gaines. Student John Moseley
will be tenor soloist in this last
The third part of the program
will be performed by the Univer
Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meets
Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — ke Cream
13th at High St.
TILL 11:00 £
Dial 4-1342
«ity band under the direction of
Robert Vagner, conductor, and
Ira Lee, assistant conductor.
“Pageant” by Persichetti; "La
Fiesta Mexicana” by Reed; and
"Overture for Band, Opus 30” by
Fuerstner will be included in this
section of the program. Conclud
ing the evening program will be
three marches, “March from
Original Suite for Band” by Ja- j
cobs; “Bombs Away” by Gould; 1
and “Dunedin” by Alford.
The college night program,
held on April 14, will follow the
music educator’s banquet and
will be held in McArthur court
at 8:30 p.m.
Oregon State Tops I/O
In Securing Visitors
For Senior Weekend
Reports have indicated that
more high school seniors are
planning to attend Oregon State
than Oregon for senior weekend
this year, Donna Lory, invita
tions co-chairman, announced.
Formerly OSC has had double
the number of visitors to their
weekend than Oregon, she said.
Personal letters from students on
the campus to their friends both
in and out of the state will be
necessary for the success of the
Prospective visitors to the
campus for Duck Preview, whieh
if) April 23-24, will not respond
to a form letter like they will to
a personal invitation, Miss Lory
Hash Brown Potatoes
Boston Baked Beans
Hot Biscuits
Ford s Drive-In
not for the
Peppermint woven satin stripes in red or black
on white. Ricrac emphasizes the
scoop neckline and full sweep of hem.
£ LANX* «