Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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By Jan Bennett
tnwnld Reporter
At Alpha Chi Omega
Recently announced at Alpha
Chi Omega was the engagement
of Jean Panina to Ned Wilaon,
who l» a atudent at Stanford uni
At Alpha Delta Pi
Betty Beadle haa announced
her engagement to Jerry Petera
of Springfield.
At Alpha Omicron Pi
Norma Jean Nye announced
her engagement to Perry Hal
stead, graduate assistant in ge
ology, with the traditional candle
ceremony at the house Saturday
Mrs. Nellie Helm, from Seat
tle, Wa«h„ is the chapter's pew
housemother, replacing Mrs. A.
F Happ, who resigned last term
Mr*. Rapp is now In California
visiting relatives.
At Alpha Phi
Two Alpha-Phi’s were married
during spring vaeation. Sylvia
Wingard married Dick Rcmis.
a graduate of I>ewi» and Clark
now attending law school here.
A former student, Sally Mine,
married Jack Weir. Freshman
Mollie Monroe is now wearing
the Beta pin of John Shaffer.
At Delta Zeta
I>elta Z' Ih'h also had two mar
riages during the recent vaca
tion. Margie Hams was married
to Jim Puscaa, Sigma Alpha Ep
silon, anil Barbara Sherman was
wed to Jack Bretz of Eugene.
At Gamma Phi Beta
Four engagements and two
plnntngs have recently been an
nounced at the Gamma Phi
house. Most recent engagement
in that of Gloria Stolk and Wal
ly Carson, a Phi Delta Theta at
Stanford. Joan Price is engaged
to Bob Enright. Phi Sigma Kap
pa and '54 graduate; Marcia Hod
son is engag'd to A1 Turja, Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon and ’53 grad
uate, and Mimi Hurley is engaged
to Jack Taylor, United States
Coast Guard. Nancy Fox is
pinned to Frank Matson, Kappa
Sigma, and freshman Sally Rose
crans is pinned to Jim Mee, Sig
ma Chi at the University of Colo
At Zeta Tau Alpha
Ardith Jones was married to
Neal Chambers during spring
vacation at Longview. Wash.
S U Currents
Student Union petitions for
next year are tine today at 4
p.m. in the SU box on the third
floor of the Student Union. The
School of Architecture and Al
lied Aits, school of Music, School
of Liberal Arts and the PK school
which are two year terms, are
open to sophomores only. Posi
tions in the Law school and the
Graduate school are. open also.
The Campbell club quartet,
winner of the harberahip quar
tet contest will sing at this
week's Friday at 4. Mark Tap
scott will be the emcee for this
week’s performance and will also
sing, accompanied by Rob Roy.
Ben Doris will play the piano
and Clair Fry and Helen John
son will sing.
All members of the SIT gen
eral publicity committee will
meet today at 4 p.m. in room 313
of the SU, according to Dick
Gray, committee chairman.
They Hie now living in Eugene.
Marilyn Peteraon was rnaiTie<l
to James Edwards in California.
The couple is now residing there.
Delores Tritt was recently mar
ried to Harlan Henry. They are
living in Engene. Five Zeta Tau
Alpha's recently attended chap
ter convention held at the Uni
versity of Washington April 1-3.
Those attending were Jeanette
Kimball, Loretta Humphries, Pat
Ardtnger, Shirley Hardy and
Nornfa Terry.
At Kappa Alpha Theta
Last weekend Barbara Beaver
announced her pinning to Jim
Roberta, Phi Delta Theta. Mary
Jane Rudd announced her en
gagement to Barny Holland, Sig
ma Chi, during final week.
At Pi Beta Phi
Corlene Warren announced her
engagement to Gus Keller, The
ta Chi Tuesday evening at a des
sert at the Pi Phi house. A Sep
tember wedding is planned. Kel
ler graduated last year and is
presently employed in Penncy's
in Portland.
At Sigma Kappa
Two Sigma Kappa's have re
cently become pinned to Theta
Chi's. They are Barbara Wilcox
to Dean Highlander and Joyce
Meppen to Gary McManus.
Campus Briefs
§ There will be an Important
meeting of United Independent
Students, campus political party,
at 4 p.m. today at Campbell club,
according to President Len Cal
vert. 4 s many Independents who
can are urged to attend as the
• coming elections will be dis
• The Oregon Alpine club Mill
meet tonight at 6:30 in the Stu
dent Union.
0 Canoe Fete committee chair
! men will meet Wednesday at 6:30
p.m. in the Student Union. Budg
ets must be submitted at the
meeting according to Len Cal
ivert, chairman.
^ There \t ill lie a short busi
ness meeting of Phi Theta Upsi
lon 6:15 Thursday in the Student
0 Brad Blaine, rmmielur for
■ men, has announced that men
! interested in being head coun
i selors or assistants in the men's
; dormitories must have petitions
in by April 15.
• Junior women and returning
senior women interested in coun
selling in the dormitories for
next year should contact Virginia
Kempston. counselor for women,
to obtain petitions. Deadline for
returning petitions will be April
0 There will he a Alpha Fill
Omega meeting at 8 tonight in
the Student Union. The Ugly
Man contest procedure will be
discussed, according to Travis
Cavens, president.
^ The YWCA upperclass cab
inet will meet today at noon in
Gerlinger hall.
round the clock
Car Service Weekends Only
West 6th, Near Blair
Phone 5-9001
m;in in liberal arts, I* anmn^
the 10 finalists In the Miss Ore
gon Press Photographer con
test in Portland April 30. The
ten finalists were chosen from
among 00 entries. The uinner
in Portland will rceehc an ex
pense-paid trip to Colorado
Springs for a national coolest
planned in conjunction with the
Vational Press Photographers
com ent ion.
April 16
Alpha Chi Omega
\lpha Delta Pi
Alpha (iamnta Delta
Ann Judson
Alpha Oniicron Pi
Carson hall
Highland house
Hendricks hall
Pi Beta Phi
Rebec house
Sigma Kappa
Susan Campbell hall
University house
April 34)
Gamphell club
('111 INI
Delta Thu Delta
Kappa Sigma
1*1 Kappa l*hi
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Sigma Kappa
Sigma Alpha Mu
Sigma Phi Kpsilon
Alpha Tail Omega
'Beta Theta PI
Delta Ilpsilon
l.ambdn Chi Alpha
Phi (ianmui Delta
I’hl Kappa Sigma
Sigma Chi
Alpha Phi
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Gamma
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Kappa Gamma *
Patronize Kmerald Advertisers •
May 7
May 21
New Ink
Jc welry^*Store
on the
Emerald Women's Page
Sally Jo Greig and Marcia Mauney,
C« >dit«n
Language Head
Tours Schools
D. M. Dougherty, head of the
[foreign language department, is
on an extensive tour of the high
schools in Klamath Falls.
Dougherty is making the tour
to obtain an evaluation of the
' foreign language courses pre
sented in the Klamath high
| schools.
This trip is similar to his Seat
tle trip made a few days ago
with members of The Pacific
, Northwest Conference of Foreign
Language Teachers. Dougherty
j will return to Eugene Wednes
■ day evening.
Junior Weekend
| Chairmen Chosen
Sub-chairmen for the Junior
Weekend queen selection and
! coronation committee have been
announced by Barbara Bailey and
Anne Ritchey, co-chairmen.
They are Mary Sandeberg, se
lection: Nancy Marston. pictures;
Mary Gerlinger and Nancy
Adams, voting; Joyce Bearden
, and Carol DeVilbiss, contact; Sue
Morris and Alice Belt, spon.-ors.
dresses and flowers; Julie Miller,
presentation; Don Lovett and
Chuck Wingard. set up. and Bev
Chamberlain, publicity.
These chairmen will meet in
i the- Student Union today at 3
i p.m. to select committee mem
bers and receive reports.
Jacobson To Serve On
Education Committee
Paul B. Jacobson, dean of the
, school of education, will leave to
■ day for San Francisco, to serve
on a screening committee of the
| Fund Committee for the Ad
’ vancement of Education.
The duties of the screening
! committee include selection of
the scholarship winners from a
i group of teacher applicants.
) '_._
Petitions Due Friday
For Annual Breakfast
Petitions are due -Friday for
I general chairman of the YWCA
j sponsored annual Junior-Senior
breakfast. May 1.
j The breakfast is for all jun
| ior and senior women on cam
| pus. but is administered at the
1 Y\V office and is sponsored by
| the entire YW ‘ group. Petitions
[ should be turned in to their of
. fice, in Gerlinger hall.
Technicolor { fuim Dr» . Isa Zm SaW
Cfeo MCORE. Hag> HAAS • Her. CAItTWj?
MARTI* laws
YWCA Sponsors
Leadership Panel
Today's leadership training ses
sion sponsored by the YWCA
will feature a discussion on
"Group Functioning" led by
Herbert Bisno, assistant profes
sor of socftrtogy. Meeting will be
at 4 p.m. in the Student Union,
with the room number to be
These sessions are open to the
public and are designed to help
anyone who will be working as a
group leader or group member.
Bisno will use several student
groups to demonstrate the "do’s"
and "dont's" of group member
ship and group leadership. They
will illustrate the various ways
a group may arrive at a decision
in a democratic manner.
Mother's Weekend
Petitions Due Friday
The deadline for turning in
petitions for committee chairmen
for Mother's Weekend is Friday
at 5 p.m. on the third floor of
the Student Union.
Positions to be filled are hos
pitality. promotion, registration,
publicity, ;ea. breakfast, tickets,
awards, housing and general sec
ret ary.
Mother’s Weekend is held in
conjunction with Junior Week
end, May 13-15.
Please Don't Wait
Until You Need Them. .
Have Them Made Now at
Your Earliest Convergence. I
P'epse Phone 4-3432
For Your Appointment
1214 Kincaid
ON the Campus
in the