WHERE 35 WERE INJURED NEAR ALBANY, N. Y. RAMMING INTO ROCKSLJDE south of Albany, this N«v York Central flier was derailed, in juring So of 1H4 passengers. Diesel engine unit lies in five feet of water as crane clears tracks of zigzagged cars. Ten of 14 cars jumped tracks when accident occurred. (International Soundphoto) Science Students To Convene Here Undergraduate and beginning graduate students in all fields of science from colleges and univer sities throughout the state will gather on the campus April 30 for the annual Oregon Science conference. The students will present re ports on special research and study. Four students presenting the best papers will be awarded a year's membership in the Am erican Association for the Ad vancement of Science. Science teachers from Oregon secondary schools have been in vited to attend the conference. t. ' " Sherwood Will Attend English Teachers Meet John C. Sherwood, assistant professor of English, left Tues day for Spokane to attend meet ings of the Inland Empire Coun cils of the National Council of Teachers of English. Sherwood will return to Eu-' gene Friday. Today's Staff Makeup Editor: Valerie Hersh. ‘ News Desk: Carol Craig. Anne Ritchey. Copy Desk: Paul Keefe temer itus;. Anne Ritchey, Elton Eng strom. , Night Staff: Claudia Wurtz, Sanford Milkes. Want Ads Telephone 5-1511 - Ext. 21 • Emerald Office — 2nd floor Allen Hall Rales: 4 Cents per Word First Insertion. 2 Cents per Word Thereafter. Three pair of floral drapes, lined. $10 a pair. Phone 5-1751. 4-6 Royal de luxe portable type writer. $15. 4-0231. or ext. 418. Lee Rogers. 4-7 For Sale: '54 Mercury Mon terey Coupe and M G. Sell j or trade. Phone 3-4301. 4-8 Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - EXT. 31S « EMERALD OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cent* per Word First Insertion, 2 Cents per Word Thereafter, STUDENTS I have jobs open for five cap able persons. You must be neat in appearance and able to converse freely. You must be free from 4 to 9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri^- See Mr. Corbitt. Hoorn 104, 119 E. Broadway before S p.m. for interview. $40 per week to start. 3-31-tf To any student interested in making all college expenses by working only 25 hours a month. The Campus Spot light is for sale this term. Investment can be realized in two months. For com plete details call Garry Me Murray at 5-8416. 4-7 Get 1955 high-compression performance from your old er Plymouth with this spe cial aluminum finned head. Adds gas mileage, power. Simple to install. Costs $55, will sell for $25. Phone Ve neta 2896. Furnished one-half duplex apartment. Hot water at all times. Close in at 124 East 13th Ave. 4-12 Unfurnished 2 bedroom house for adults. Children accept ed. Fireplace, storage space at 124 E. 13th. 4-12 Mrs. Kile, now at 1555 E 13lh. has room for three boys for board alone. Phone 4-0422. 4-8 COLLEGE MEN Earn $75 per week during summer. Part time wot k alm> available during bal ance of school year. Car necessary. Cash summer scholarships. Write Mr. Ar nold, P.O. Box 542, Eugene, for personal interviews 4-4tf A HE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. * PD insurance' for $15 20 per 6 month* renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty. STOP See JERRY BROWN, your MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph 4-9444. Res. 4-2957 or stop in at 902 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS. IT'S GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf FOR SALE Deep midnight blue tux suit, perfect con dition. Size 40, for tall man. $25 00. Call 4-9365, 1745 Olive. 4-6 Lost —Small black notiiBook with Shaffer pen and pen cil attached, near Ltbi.ihy by Frank Walker. Phone 3-1014. 4-8 of the Articles You ^ou/c/ Like to Sell Think how much , money you have lay ing around your living organization. The money is in the form of Old Books, Furniture, Lamps and Clothes that do not fit you any more. You Can Sell These Articles Through The EMERALD WANT ADS. £*Mera, • • Want Ads RATES: 4 Cents per Word First Insertion, 2 Cents per Word Thereafter. TELEPHONE 5-15T1 — EXT. 218 • EMERAU) OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL