Webfoots Trv Trianale Test Saturdav Oregon's powerful track and field squad gets its first real j tent of the young 19r»r» season ‘ Saturday when the Ducks engage Lewis and Clark and Seattle Pa cifle in a triangle meet at Port land. The meet, scheduled to begin1 at 1:30 p.m. In Lewiti and Clark's | Griswold Hladium, will be the - first regular competition for Coach Bill Bowerman's defend ing Northern Division cham pions. Earlier the Wehfoot cln dermen beat Willamette In a practice meet and then partici pated in the Willamette relays last week. Beth Teams Potent The two small colleges will present stiff competition for the Ducks. I-ewls and Clark has sev eral outstanding veterans back from their 1954 Northwest con ference c hampion team while Se attle Pacific was district NAIA champion last year. All three tenms fared well in the Willamette relays last week with Oregon leading the big eol eges with seven first-place win ners and three others tied for firsts. Lewis and Clark had strong entries In several of the relay races while Seattle Pacific showed strength in individual performances. Century Duel Keen One of the features of the meet is expected to come in the 100-yard dash in which Oregon's Bruce Springbett will go against L-C's Caley Cook and Seattle Pa m clflc's Waif. Hill. Hprlngbett and Hill have been timed in 9.7 sec ond* for the century while Cook ha* a 9.8 to hi# credit. Another clone duel will prob ably come in the broad jump where Oregon Sophomore Martin Pedigo will face Cook, the NW champ in 1984, and Cook'* team mate. Hob Chiodo. All three have topped the 22-foot mark with Pedigo recording the bent Jump in the relay* last week of 22'. 9%". IX' Runners Mtrong Chiodo is also a good high jumper and will press Oregon's Terry Sullivan in that depart ment. L-C Coach Kldtn Fix has 11 lettermen back from his cham pionship team and is especially I deep in the sprints and middle '■ distances. Four newcomers. In cluding state high school 220 champ Traver Campbell from Grant, bolster the Pioneer forces. Bowermon will send a full squad to Portland in an effort to get a good idea of the squad's full strength in individual com petition. Bad weather and lack of a real test has kept some of the Ducks from giving top per formance* yet. Duck Distances Switched Fan interest at the meet will center on the distance running of Oregon's Bill Dellinger, defend ing ND, PCC and NCAA mile champ, who will run the two mile Saturday; Jim Bailey, Aus tralian 880 champ who will run the mile, and Ken Reiser, usually a two-miler but entered in the Duck Netmen Prep for Reed With an eye toward thin week* end'* matches with Reed college and Springfield high school. Coach Hilbert Lee sent his varsity and freshman tennis teams through lengthy practice ses sions Tuesday afternoon, taking advantage of the weatherman's generosity. lice’s vanity squad will take on Reed tn a return match, us the Ducks trounced the Grif fins in Portland last weekend by a 7-0 count. The Kced net men will be playing Oregon ■State In the morning and the match should begin about 2:30. The freshmen will see their first action of the season Friday afternoon on the university courts, facing prep power Spring field at 3 o'clock. A round-robin series of matches 1b currently going on to determine the order BevosDrop Opener To Angels, 9-5 LOS ANGELES (APi—Los Angeles overpowered Portland Tuesday in the season's opening baseball game before 5871 fans, 9-5. The Angels socked four hom ers. one of them by pitcher Lefty Joe Hatten in the second inning with two men on base, and another by relief hurler Turk Lown for the Angels. Portland .000 103 001 5 10 1 Los Angeles ..031 002 Olx—9 12 0 Waibel, Anthony 4, Stalich 7, B. Bottler 8 and Calderone; Hat ten, Lown 5 and Pramesa. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Chuck Mitchel moie. Staff: Jerry Claussen, Jerry Olson, Allen Johnson, Buzz Nel son. J. Benjamin Seifling. Head Emerald Classified Ads of the two squads for the week end matches. Lee reported that the Ducks stopped off in Portland on Sun- ; day last weekend to defeat the Oregon Medical school team. A feature match saw the Ducks' first man. Eon Carlson, beat last year's Duck star. Ron Lo well. Cited for great improvement was the whole team, with Bob Baker and Don Bonime singled out for special mention. Baker, ; said Lee, was a standout in the weekend’s matches. Portland Coach Mike Ttchy said that a few breaks on the Oregon side j could have given them the match, as the games were closer than the scores indi cated. Continuing to appear In top roles for the varsity were Carl son. Baker, Bonime and the two Dicks, Gray and Hamilton. Head ing the Frosh were Stan Kalapus, Stew Jones, Brian Booth and Marv Woods. Plan Now (or Executive Career in RETAILING Unique one-year course leads you to Master’s degree. Indi- ! vidualized training for those | CoiXKGB Graiuatrs who desire top-paying positions, have average or better aca demic records, broad educa tional backgrounds. Training in nutionully known retail or ganizations with pay (covers tuitiou, books, fees). Scholar ships. Coed. Graduates placed. Next class begins Sept. 6,1955. - * Applications ae cepien now. w rue for Bulletin C. SCHOOL OF RETAILING UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH | Pittibuigh 13, P*. '■M j HHO this week. Other Ducks gunning for firsts in the running events will be Sophomore Kd Bingham, who threw the Javelin almost 200 feet two weeks ago and figures to top that soon; Gordon Dahlquist, 440 ace and part of the Ducks’ crack mile relay team; Doug Basham and Bill Hornby in the hurdles and Bob Reid in the pole vault. I Doug Clement, ace middle-dis-; tance man for three years, is still resting a pulled leg muscle and is not a likely starter for the Ducks until the first con ference dual meet with Idaho April 16. But there's on Easy Solution Just sell what you don't need . . . the easy, inexpensive way with EMERALD WANT-ADS! Phone the Emerald, 5-1511, Extension 218 and tell us your ad . . . then sit back and wait for the phone to start ringing. By placing your ad on the "Campus Bulletin Board" everyone knows what you have for sale . . . and how that money will come in handy spring term! EMERALD Want-Ads! 4c PER WORD, FIRST DAY. ONLY 2c PER WORD EACH ADDITIONAL DAY! RUN YOUR WANT-AD ALL WEEK FOR ONLY 12c PER WORD! Phone 5 Ext. 218 For An Ad T omorrow! 1511