EYES OF ENGLAND ARE ON CHURCHILL, EDEN MK WINSTON ( III icrilll.l., bundled In overroit, arrived at Kurklnghani Palace to confer with Kll/al»cth. Churchill announced hla realgnatlon u« Prime Minister of England Tuesday. .Sir Anthony Eden (rljfht) will Mircced the Htateaman. Churchill Resigns Post; Anthony Eden Takes Over Ky -JAMES F. KING LONDON (API Under the weight of his HO years Sir Win ston Churchill stepped down Tuesday night as Britain's prime minister still flushing the cham pion'* V-for-Vlclory sign. He thus cleared the way for his political heir. Su Anthony Kden, to liecomc prime minister Wedne»«Jny and take up the fight of thv nationwide election cam paign just ahead. New Government Postponed Queen Elizabeth II, moved at the retirement of her first minis ter, broke with normal procedure and held off summoning the 57 year-old Kden to form a new government. It was a sympa thetic gesture of a young queen to an old statesman who first served under her great grand mother. Queen Victoria. This was to be his day. For months Churchill stub bornly resisted pleadings of his wife, doctor and fi-ienda to take thing* easier. Tuesday he gave in. put on his Sunday best with top hat and gold watch chain, and rrsle from Downing Street to Buckingham Palace to tender his resignation. “Good Ole Winnie” Shouts of the thousands mill ing outside —echoing the “Good Ole Winnie” of days of triuinpb aet his pink-cheeked face beam ing. He waved a silent thanks. Churchill spent 41 minutes in the palace with the Queen and then emerged still smiling. He slowly climbed Into the back seat and sat back puffing a big cigar in the manner of a man relaxed by the lifting of a weight from his shoulders. Wednesday, the official tri butes begin in the House of Com mons, with leaders of all parties speaking. Political life came to stand still for the moment as the news of Churchill’* resignation spread. Only 20 members lounged on the green benches of the House of Commons when word reached IJtti (lament. Quickly the lobbies began to bustle as members moved into ; clusters and whispered. There was a slight melancholy air about the whole building with even ; Churchill's political enemies feel ing the impact. Foreign Secretary Eden, the loyal protege and friend who is inheriting Churchill's mantle, was absent. Cubtnet to Itemaln The Churchill cabinet has of fered its resignation, in accord with tradition, but Eden is ex ! peeled to keep the same Con ! servative party team that has ruled the nation since 1951. Eden is expected to relinquish ! his old Job when he moves up to prime minister. Defense Minister Harold Macmillan likely will be j foreign secretary in the Eden ■cabinet. Macmillan, whose fam ' ily controls the big Macmillan publishing hause, served under President Eisenhower in North Africa. Churchill himself has no in clination to serve in the cabinet and reportedly had adjusted him self to a role as elder statesman making only occasional appear ances In the Commons. Campus Calendar Noon French Tbl 110 SU White Caps 112 SU 3:00 Queen Sel Com 113 SU 4:00 YW Ldrshp Dadsrm SU SU Bd 337 SU 6:30 Alpine Cl 334 SU Canoe Fete Com 112 SU Eta Mu Pi 113 SU 7:30 Newcomers Brdg 110 SU Folk Dance Gerl Annex 8:00 APO 333 SU ANNUAL MEETING University of Oregon Co-operative Store 4:00 P.M. Thursday, April 14th Room 207, Chapman Hall Nominations will be held for new members on the Board of Directors. yrs ^EWS Several inquiries have been re ceived this last week from new ly enrolled veterans as to the manner in which their schooling entitlement is deducted. There seems to be a mistaken idea among some veterans that a whole month is deducted even if the veteran only attends school a portion of a month. For the benefit of these new students, deductions are made on a day by day basis; i.e., if an enrollment started on the 24th day of a cer tain month then the VA would deduct only the balance of the month, etc. New students attention is also called to the importance of sign ing the monthly reports of at tendance forms. 7-1996a. If a veteran wants to receive his check, this report must be signed the first of every month. This will be certified by the school and mailed to the VA. If it is duly submitted on time the vet eran then receives his check the 20th of the following month. If not signed on time, the veteran’s check could possibly be held up for another whole month. USSR Makes No Comment' LONDON (AP)- Moscow ra ' dio reported without comment to the Russian people Tuesday the resignation of Sir Winston Churchill 1 Britain’s prime min ister. But from other capitals of the j ' world came plenty of comment. ■ It praised Churchill’s service and J expressed hope that he will con- j J tinue to offer his counsel to his country and the world. President Rene Coty of France j cabled Churchill saying: "France, j united with Great Britain and j all free peoples, render* you ; affectionate homage and extends {her admiration and recognition.”! i In behalf of the entire French j cabinet. Pr emier Edgar -Faure ■ sent greetings and said: "YoUr departure from the gov ernment does not signify the end of your public life. We know that your counsels will continue to inspire the policy of your country.” Former Premier and Foreign Minister Georges Bidault, a top wartime resistance leader, said Churchill was “a symbol of lib erty in our darkest hour.” West German Chancellor Kon rad Adenauer said in a state ment: "It is one of Sir Winston’s greatest services that the West ern world now lives in freedom. All o^ us in the free world need his counsel and will continue to seek it.” Patronise Kmerald Advertisers Phone 5-6321 for regular service 821 EAST 13th AVENUE LESLIE'S MANDARIN RESTAURANT 1249 ALDER STREET PHONE 3-6234 HOURS MONDAY -THURSDAY 11:00 A.M.-l 1:00 P.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 11:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M. SUNDAY 11:00 A.M.-11:00 P.M. • Succulent Chinese Dishes • Excellent American Cuisine • Quick, Economical Lunches • Orders to Take Out • Banquet Room Open Today at 6 p.m.