Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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    Coast Loop
Opens Today
By The Associated Press
Umpires shout "Play Hall" Tucs
rlay to open the Pacific Coast
league's 53r<l hast-ha 11 season.
With a new huHtle program, new
league president Claire Goodwin
predicts the circuit will draw oVer
three million fans this year.
San Diego, last year's pennant
Bevos Feature
Five New Faces
GLENDALE, Calif., (APi —
Five players obtained since last
season will be In Portland's start
ing lineup at Los Angeles Tues
The lineup, announced Sunday
by Manager Clay Hopper, will In
clude Artie Wilson, second base;
Ituss Sullivan, right field; Ed
Mlc kelson, first base; Sam Caldcr
one, catcher; and either Dick
Whitman or Bob Caselli, center
Hopper hopes to start Whitman
but the former University of Ore
gon player, purchased from Mont- ]
real last winter, may be sidelined
with the flu.
The manager announced this
hatting order: Wilson, Whitman
or Caselli, Sullivan, Mickelson; 1
Walt Judnich, left field; Don Eg
gt-rt. third base; Frank Austin,
shortstop; Calderone, and Dick
Waibel, pitchers.
Football Hopefuls
To Meet Today
All varsity football candidates
an- to meet with head coach Lcn
Casanova today at 4 p.m. in
McArthur court. Plans will be
discussed for spring practice for
all player* who can participate.
Spring practice will open Mon
day, April 18. and last through
20 sessions, the maximum ul
lowed under Paelflr Coast con
ference rules.
winner, hosts Han Francisco in'
(Jay and night guinea. Eddie I
Erautt starts for the Pardea
ugalnst Lofty Steve Nagy for the
Beala in the afternoon. At night
it will be Padre Bob Kerrigan
against Don Fraechia.
< let tel Hide* Again
The Oakland Oaks host Seattle
and plan to use Ai “Two Gun” ;
Gettel on the mound. The Seattle ;
hurler wan not announced. Geor ge
Metkovich, former Phil, and Jim
Marshall from the Chicago White I
Sox are expected to be the big
hitters for the Acorns.
The Heals’ 12-9 record won
the Desert league title by half
game over the Acorns.
In Los Angeles Joe Hatten starts j
against Portland's Dick Waibcl in j
renovated Wrigley field. Beaver;
standouts are Artie Wilson at ’
second, Walt Judnich in left field
and Russ Sullivan in right.
The Hollywood Stars face Sacra-1
mento’s Bud Daley in the Solons
park. Red Munger is up for the
Stars. Paul Pettit, who failed as
a $100,000 bonus chucker, is try
ing for a comeback in the Stars j
Rig Cash Awards
Goodwin, starting his first year :
as a baseball executive, predicted •
the PLC will have a new look in
its 53rd season. He has installed j
a hustle pi ogram backed up by j
$20,000 in cash awards and thinks
the system will produce dividends
both on the field and at the gate.
“When I took over as league
president I said we would draw
at least three million fans,"
Goodwin said. "After three
months I have seen nothing to
lower that estimate. In fact, if
anything I’d be Inclined to boost
it a little.
“All clubs are strengthened over
last year and there seems to be
a new outlook throughout the cir
cuit. It is our aim to give fans the
best possible brand of baseball.
"We’d like to see everyone hustle !
out to the ball parks and see the
new look of the Pacific Coast
brings you the true taste of
Tareyton’s famous quality tobacco
PRODUCT OF <dtn*\us<vn i/o&uaeo^vnuuinp
Ducks Travel to Portland;
Pioneers Here Wednesdav
After a week of rainouts, the
Webfoot baseball team hopes for
good weather as they take on
the University of Portland in a
doubleheader this afternoon at
Vaughn street park In Portland.
Game time for the first of the
two seven Inning dashes is 1.30
Four games were rained out
last week an*practices were lim
ited as well. The Ducks were
favored with excellent weather
during the California spring va
cation tour but haven't had op
portunities for intensive work
outs since.
Wednesday’s schedule calls for
Lewis and Clark to play here.
Willamette will be here Friday,
Northwest Leogue
Starts Training
By The Associated Pr**<*t
Eugene, Ore., joins six teams of
the old Western International
league in opening spring base
ball training this week under the
newly hoisted colors of the
Northwest league.
The new circuit the only one
in the country with an odd num
ber of members, opens its sea
son April 26.
Three of the teams will start
limbering up Wednesday in Cali
fornia. W’enatchee ' is at Peta
luma, Eugene at Santa Cruz and
Salem at Napa.
Working the kinks out at home
will be Lewiston, Tri-City and
Yakima, while Spokane will train
at Clarkston, Wash.
A flock of new managers will
be calling the signals with Hugh
Luby at Salem the only returnee
from the defunct WIL.
Cliff Dapper is at Eugene after
a stretch at Billings of the Pio
neer league. Hub Kittle will
crack the whip at Yakima and
Hillis Layne, of Pacific Coast
league fame, replaced Larry Bar
ton at Lewiston.
and the Ducks will travel to Mc
Minnville Saturday for a pair
against Roy Helser’s Linfield
The conference a carton opens
Friday, April 15, versus Ore
gon State at Corvallis. The
Beavers will play here April
Coach Don Kirsch plans to
start righthander Bill Blodgett
m ui ir m
Webfoot co-captain
against Portland in the opener
and follow with lefty Bill Gamer
in the second game. Both will be
given a chance to go the distance.
Schlosstein Cleanup
Oregon's probable batting or- j
der will have shortstop John Kel
ler (.400) leading off, Jim John
son. ?b, (.278) batting second,
George Shaw cf (.450) third,
and Dick Schlosstein lb (.412)
in the cleanup slot.
Thu rest of the lineup will bo
Berale Averill rf (.500), Pete
Williams 3b (.200), Jerry Ross
rf (.231), Neal Marlett c (.167)
and Blodgett p.
In the second game sopho
more Jim Pingree will go to left
field, and either Norm Forbes,
Terry Maddox, or Bob Wagner
will patrol right. Gamer will
Forbes, Oregon’s star right
hander in 1954, still is suffer
ing from a sore shoulder and
won’t pitch against Rich Carlas
cio’s Portland club. Forbes ha3
done no throwing since the re
turn from California.
Patera Selected
For All-Sig Team
Jack Patera, a four year foot
ball star at Oregon, has been
named to the 1954 All-Sigma Chi
football team, according to that
organization’s official publica
tion. Patera was placed at tackle
and selected as captain of the
mythical eleven.
Patera, a 223-pounder, was
named All-Coast by AP, UP, and
the PCC coaches. He played in
the East-West Shrine game on
New Year’s Day and in the Hula
Bow! in Hawaii on January 9.
Drafted by the New York
Giants professional football
team, he was traded to the Bal
timore Colts, where he will join
Oregon teammate George Shaw.
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