Greek Week Features Varied Athletic Contests A. chariot race among the cam pus fraternities will be the fea ture event of the Greek Week athletic contests. Fraternity pledges will pull the chariots, which will be driven by Chuck Carlbom. Theta Chi: Bob Bur nett, Delta Upsilon: Dick Janik. Alpha Tau Omega: Dick Allen. Chi Psi: Stan Rasmussen. Lamb da Chi Alpha: Gary Canova. Knp pa Sigma; Ron Clark. Phi Delta ‘Theta, and A1 Pareliua. Phi Gam ma Delta. Joe Gardner, Phi Kappa Psi; Sanford Milkes. Phi Kappa Sig ma; Leland Nee. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Jerry Hirsch. Sigma Alpha Mu; Chuck Cowen. Sigma Chi: Larry Blanc. Sigma Nu; Guy Beachler. Sigma Phi Epsi lon, and T. Akiebe. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Phil Hill and Lee Btazing are the chairmen in charge of the C ’.ariot race. Sack Race The sorority 3ack race, which i- being headed by Joyce Spill man and Sid Woodbury will fea ture Dorothy West and Gail Gunderson. Alpha Chi Omega: Alice Kihn and Marlene Gras seschi. Alpha Delta Pi; Marsha Cameron and Beaudette Smith, Alpha Gamma Delta; Shelley .Ooggett and Barbara Gregg, Al pha Phi: Shirley Severen and Donna Beckwith, Alpha Xi Delta, and Donna Schafer and Connie Hilt. Delta Delta Delta. Carol Aiken and Rita Schenk. Delta Gamma; Marian Vaaler and Nelda Ackerman, Delta Ze ta: Edi Lundi and Judy White, Gamma Phi Beta; lone Scott and Carol Wenner, Kappa Alpha Theta; Barbara Williams and Lynn Gildersieeve. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Sally Jo Greig and Pat ty Fagan. Pi Beta Phi; Agnes Thompson and Johnnie Johnson. Sigma Kappa, and Yvonne Stev ens and Edith Soldin, Zeta Tau Alpha. Bicycle Marathon The bicycle marathon winner will bring home a trophy to his fraternity. Fritz Fraunfelder and Mary Jo Fourier, chairmen of the event, ask that all contestants wear a fraternity “t" shirt of sweatshirt. The course for the race will be once around the in tramural track, once around the Mock containing the athletic fields and McArthur court, and twice around the intramural track. The contestants are Boyd Har ris, Beta Theta Pi; Dick Caruth ers. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Chuck Blackburn, Delta Tau Delta; Jim Peak. Lambda Chi Alpha; Frank Students Should Write Invitations Students must write personal letters to their high school senior fr iends if they wish to beat Ore gon State in senior weekend at tendance. Donna Lory, invita tions chairman for Duck Pre view, said Wednesday. Letters from the University telling of the weekend's events will reach all high school seniors who have indicated an interest in attending Oregon next year, but personal letters will be necessary if OSC'3 turnout is to be topped, Miss Lory pointed out. Petitions for members of the invitations committee will be due April 5 at 5 p.m. in the ASUO petition box on the third floor of the Student Union. Anyone with a 2.00 GPA for winter term is eligible for the committee. Regu lar ASUO petitions are to be used. Beman. Phi Sigma Kappa: Ron Mount. Pi Kappa Alpha: Durk Doornbos. Delta Upsilon: Bob Steinmetz. Phi Gamma Delta; Tatsuya Akebe, Tnu Kappa Ep silon, and Chuck Greenley, Sig ma Chi. Dick James. Theta Chi: Phil McHugh. Phi Delta Theta: Gil Durey. Alpha Tail Omega; Nick ! Markulis, Sigma Nu; Stan Ka : lapus. Chi Psi; Jack Murray, Kappa Sigma; Chuck Laudskron jer. Sigma Alpha Mu; James Mur ray. Phi Kappa Sigma: Jim Chapman. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, i and Kerry Livingston. Phi Kappa ;psi. Football Game The touch-football game for the ] sororities has been tentatively I scheduled, but at the time of pub jlication it was not yet definite. ! If the game is held, these Greeks will participate: For the north team. Donna Butz. Marjorie Fniraan and Bar bara Wilcox. Sigma Kappa: ’ Joyce Beaidon. Kay Partch and Sue Nosier. Alpha Phi; Nolem | Wade and Louise Robinson. Al pha Xi Delta; Cloe Fairweath er. Molly Carr and Sharon Ford. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Mary Jo ! Ftterre. Joan Honeywell and ’ Sally Anderson, Kappa Alpha Theta: Mary Brennan. Jodie Lau * meister and Val Motterm, Gam ma Phi Beta. The south team will be Connie Long and Judy Kirk. Alpha Chi Omega: Pooch Woodside, Nan I Hagedorn and Joanne Fundings ! land. Pi Beta Phi; Doris Lilje . berg and Janet Filbert. Alpha Omicron Pi; Donna Glaske. Ar * lene Hardt and Eileen De Wilde. ; Delta Gamma; Marjorie Harmen 1 and Sally Slate, Alpha Delta Pi: * Ruth Martin. Delta Zeta. and ‘ Harriet Scroggins, Alpha Gam | ma Delta. 'Evelyn Nelson and Gary Stew art are the chairmen of the foot ball game. Three-legged Race The three-legged race under the chairmanship of Jim Lar penteur and Nancy Marston will be in four heats of five partners. I the partners being chosen by | drawings. i The contestants are Valerie i Hersh and Virginia Lamb, Alpha* j Chi Omega; Pris Harrington. Al , pha Delta Pi; Shirley Tobey, Al : pha Gamma Delta; Norma Jean j Nye and Jean Singleton. Alpha | Omicron Pi; Glenna Pearl and Margaret Davis, Alpha Phi; j Elizabeth Mcllveen and Louise .Robinson, Alpha Xi Delta; Paula Smith. Delta Delta Delta: Shar ,on Mullins, Delta Gamma; Helen I Johnson and Darlene Lorett, Del ta Zeta; Eleanor Whitsett, Gam 1 ma Phi Beta; Sally Plummer and Sally Bangs. Kappa Alpha The ta; Carolyn Call, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Sally Allen, Pi Beta Phi; Agnes Thompson, Sigma 1 Kappa, and Betty Wiese, Zeta Tau Alpha. ! Jack Nance, Alpha Tau Ome |ga; Jim Laughton, Beta Theta i Pi; Vance Taylor, Chi Psi; Jim j Potter, Delta Tau Delta; Vick i Smith. Delta Upsilon; Phil Rich j ter. Kappa Sigma; Jim McKin ney, Lambda Chi Alpha; Rich Costi, Phi Delta Theta; Ray Giansante, Phi Gamma Delta; ' Les Bergeron. Phi Kappa Psi; | Dean Beck, Phi Kappa Sigma; j Duane Cooksey, Phi Sigma Kap pa; Quentin Steele, Pi. Kappa Al pha; Pete Tyerman, Pi Kappa | Phi; Dave Talbot, Sigma Alpha j Epsilon; John Spiegl, Sigma Al . pha Mu; Bob Scearce, Sigma Chi; ' Hank Loumena, Sigma Nu; Ter j ry Sullivan, Sigma Phi Epsilon; j Dean Hainline, Tau Kappa Epsi J Ion, and Dennis Olsen, Theta Chi. 1 Patronize Emerald Advertiser* Campus Briefs 0 Curl \V. Hint/., librarian nt the University library and presl ! dent of the Oregon Library asso ciation. has announced that the association's annual convention i will be April 29 and 80. Hint/ will preside over this convention, which will be held on the Kast ern Oregon college campus at La Grande. 0 According to hospital rec ords the following students have been confined to the infirmary Thursday for medical attention: Tacquelyn Saylor. Diane Toolson. i Mary Sweeney, Juliane Jensen. ! Ruthe Bankhead, Genevieve Eachus, Edward Peterson, Ray mond Howard und Dagmara Hill. ^ "Because of You," the story of a child’s effect on a broken marriage, will be shown Sunday, April 3. in the Student Union ballroom at 2:30 and 5 p.m. with thirty cents admission. Loretta Young and Jeff Chandler star ! in the film. 0 Hui O'Kaiuauinu will meet | Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in the Student Union. The meeting is compulsory for club members. The main item of business will be a discussion of the coming luau. 0 Veterans who are IntfrctltHl in entering the Air Force ROTC program are urged to contact the department before Tuesday, April 5. 0 An April Fool's Day fish bowl mixer will be held tonight from 9 to 12 p.m. Phi Theta Event Calls for Petition Petitions for the annual Phi Theta Upsilon Mystie Sale should 1 be turned in to Germaine Da Marche, president of the honor- i ary, at Susan Campbell hall by next Wednesday at 5 p.m. Freshman women may petition for the chairmanship. Purpose of the sale, for which some “mystery’’ goody will be ! sold on campus, is to raise money for the scholarships given an : nually by the junior women’s I group. I Want Ads UUphon* 5-1511 - Ext. 218 Emerald Office — 2nd Floor Allen Hall Rates: 4 Cents per Word First Insertion. 2 Cents per Word Thereafter. Hi Gang- - Welcome Back! When you’re hnngiy—Drop by or call us. THE HUT Phone 4-6319. 4-1 FOR SALE — Deep midnight blue tux suit, perfect con dition. Size 40, for tall man. $25.00. Call 4-93C5, 1745 Olive. 4-6 WANTED — 4 aggressive students (male or female) for money - mailing job. Work the days and hours of your choice in the aft. or evening getting valuable experience meeting the pub lic. A car is helpful. Send • name, address, and phoilfe No. to P.O. Box 5191, Eu gene, Ore. 4-5 One girl student for part time sales work over tele phone. (Must have tele phone available to use.) Hourly salary plus bonus. Good speaking voice neces sary. Send card with name, phone, and address to P.O. Box 5191, Eugene, Ore. 4-2. (^merciid.. Want Ads TELEPHONE 3-1511 — (XT 21R • EMERALD OfFICE-Jnd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RAIL'S: 4 Ccnti per Word Firil Imerhon, 2 Cent! per Word Thereafter. STUDENTS I have jobs open for five cap able persona. You must be neut in uppearance and able to convei-se freely. You must be free from 4 to 9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Kri. See Mr. Corbitt. Hoorn 104. 119 K. Broadway before 3 p.m. for interview. $40 per week to aturt. 3-31-tf Get 195.'> high-compression performance from your old er Plymouth with this spe cial aluminum finned head. Adds gas mileage, power. Simple to install. Costs $55, will sell for $25. Phone Ve neta 2890. For Kent. Good 3-room trailer with stool at Twin Totem Trailer Court. Call Mrs. Hermanson. 6-3524. 2-22tf For Sule 2 beautiful spring Forma Is. Sizes 14 and 16. Reasonable. Phone 5-7691. 4-4 Let me do your shirt ironing. 446 Rust 12th Ave. Ph. 3-3872, Mrs. Potter. 4-4 questions asked. 3-29 Royal de luxe portable type writer. $45. 4-0234, or ext. 418. Lee Rogers. 4-7 For Sale Bendix Washer 49 model. Excellent condition. Phone 3-2483. 4-4 COLLEGE MEN Karn $75 p<'r week during iiummer. Part time work alRo available during bal ance of .school year. Car necessary. Cash Rummer scholarships. Write Mr. Ar nold, P.O. Box 542. Eugene, for personal Interview. 4-4tf ARK YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 257 If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto Insurance re newals. you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. * PD Insurance for $15.20 per 6 months renewable. 3-29tf Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP.See JERRY BROWN, your MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-0444, Rea. 4-2057 or stop In at 962 Oak street. GKT THE BEST FOR LESS. ITS GOOD BUSINESS. 3-2011 There will be a meeting of all boys interested in turning out for freshman golf in the Athletic dept. Thuis. at 3:00 p.m. 3-31 Patronize Emerald Advertisers It'a the wiee and not the f eolith that being (hair laundry Kara Wa (aha tpeciai cara of ttudentt' laundry. For eroned Clothet are wathed, dried and folded ready to put away. (The entire tervice meant more tludy and play lima!) bring your buddtot-it't cheaper. The wathing't the tame but teveral bundlet can be dried for the price of one. YOU'LL LIKE OUR LAUNDRY SERVICE AN t-ll. iOAD, WASHED -DRIED- FOLDED for 75c. OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. • A M to « P M. ean 2470 ALDER PHONE 5-5190 jor Owi ^ Says• . . Treat Yourself to THE HAMBURGER THAT HAS EVERYTHING V\ lb. of Hamburger with Fresh Tomato Slices, Onions, Pickles, and Potato Chips. only 40c ror Dessert I ry Our Delicious "Homemade" 4-Layer Cake Topped with Soft Ice Cream only 20c • » College Side Inn NEXT TO THE CAMPUS - 889 East 13th Ave.