Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1955, Page Four, Image 4

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    Portland Dinner
Ready to Honor
Varsity Athletes
The fifth annual Bill Baker
award will be presented to the
most valuable player on the 1955
Oregon basketball team when
the Ducks are honored at the
Portland Duck club banquet at
the Congress hotel.
The award, with which goes
a watch and the winner's name
on a permanent trophy, is de
cided by a vote of the basketball
squad members. The Webfoots
met earlier in the week to de
cide this year’s winner.
Last year the award went to
Barney Holland. all-Northern
Division guard and assistant
coach for the Webfoots during
the 1955 season. The first award
in 1951 went to Jack Keller with
Kent Hunt and Chet Noe getting
the 1952 and 1953 honors.
Hoop Letters Given
Meanwhile eight varsity and
12 freshman basketball letters
for the 1955 season were an
nounced by Athletic Director Leo
Harris. Co-captains Jim Loscu
toff and Howard Page, the only
seniors on the squad, head a
varsity list that glso- inclydes
Juniors Ray Bell, Jerry Ross.
Max Anderson and Gary Mc
Manus plus Sophomores Ed Bing
ham and Phil McHugh.
It is the third varsity award
for Page .who will receive an
Oregon blanket as well as his
third sweater. Bell. Anderson.
Ross and Loseutoff got their sec
ond letter while this was the first
for Bingham. McHugh and Mc
Manus. Jim Fraser and Jack
Courtemanche received manag
er’s awards.
Included in the list for awards
for Coach Don Kirsch’s freshman
team are Hal'Duffy. Dave Wan
aka. Bob Ay re. Don Delbon, Bob
Faris, Roger Diddock, Wimp
Hastings. Martin Swan. Paul
Tuchardt. Wendy Rasar, Lowell
Slick and Burt Williams. Charles
Hall got a manager's award.
Wrestlers Honored
Wrestling awards were also
announced for Coach Bill Ham
mer’s varsity grapplers, who fin
ished fourth on the coast. Includ
ed were Dick Barker, Ken Kesey,
Darrell Klampe, Dave Newland.
Roy Schlesser, Charles Williams.
Roland Wilson, John Woyat and
Franz Niegemann. manager.
Those to be given awards for
Coach Vern Sterling’s freshman
wrestling team include Ray
Green, Jack Cooke, Jack Mc
Brien, Howard Timmons, J. D.
Griffith, Bob Rrynan, Don Dex
ter, George Krupicka. Alvin Den
ham, Jay Dearing and Tom
Skiens, manager.
Seven letters will be given for
Coach John Borchardt’s swim
ming team plus one to Gary Can
non, manager. Varsity letters
W'ill go to Captain Harry Fuller,
Jim Englund, Jerry Froebe, Bob
Hays, Howard "Hedinger, Phil
Lewis and Yogi Matsushima.
,s*op hel\°cy°"en
I you'll come bacK
694 East 11th Ave.
Willamette Game
Rained Out; LC
Set for Saturday
Wet ground* has forced post*
ponement of today's scheduled
baseball game against Willam
ette at Salem, A makeup game
will be played as part of u
doubleheader when Willamette
plays here next Friday.
The postponement was the
second in as many days for
Coach Don Klrsch’s club. Port
land university had been sched
uled for Howe field Thursday.
A doubleheader against Lew
is and Clark at Portland is still
tentatively listed for Saturday.
Track Coach Gets
Different License
The state of Oregon has made
Oregon track Coach Bill Bower
man feel like an old man.
It seems that when Bowerman
recently received a new set of
license plates for his car. the new
numbers read 4B-440. It was a
change from the old license plates
under a different numbering sys
tem in which Bowerman’s plates
were numbered 440-880 in honor
of the distances he ran under
the grand old man of Oregon
track. Colonel Bill Hayward.
Apparently the Secretary of
State's office felt that Bower
man was getting old and couldn't
run the 880 any more, so it lim
ited Oregon's track mentor to the
Halbrook, Sears, Gola
On USF Opponent Five
Sears of Santa Clara and Tom ;
Gola of LaSalle were the only!
unanimous choices of the all-op
ponent squad named by Univer
sity of San Francisco NCAA bas
ketball champions.
The Dons made their selection j
without regard to position. Their
First squad: Sears: Gola; Jim j
Scott, West Texas State; Wade j
Halbrook. Oregon State: Tom
Salvino, Loyola of Los Angeles.
Second squad: Ron Tomsic,
Stanford; Bob McKean, Califor
nia; Gary Bergen and Art Bunte,
Utah; John Moore, UCLA.
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Allen Johnson.
Staff: Jerry Claussen, Chuck
Mitchelmore, Buzz Nelson, Jack
Oregon has never won a bas
ketball game from California,
losing on all three tries.
Oregon Trackmen Ready
For Willamette Competition
“irtunate Gordien, world rec
ordholder in the discus; a sub
10 second 100-yard dash field,
and a top-rated Oregon distance
medley team will be the featured
attractions in the collegiate di
visions of the Willamette relays
in Salem’s McCulloch stadium
Gordien, United States Olym
pic team performer and ex-Min
nesota standout, holds the discus
mark with a throw of 194' 6”.
Gary in Field
Washington State’s Bob Gary
tops the fast century dash field
with a best time of 9.6. The Web
foots' Bruce Springbett, fresh
from the Pan-American games
in Mexico, and Seattle Pacific’s
Fights Slated
For Tonight
Six bouts will be on the pro
gram tonight at McArthur court
at the Lettermen's Fight Night
program, .scheduled to begin at 8.
Tag team wrestling and a box
ing match between the Austral
ian featherweight champion and
an Oregon Golden Gloves star
will be featured during the eve
Gil Durey, the Australian
titleholder, will meet Jack Pus
cas, popular young lightweight
from Fugene and Northwest
AAV champ, in the top bout
on the card. This match is
scheduled for four rounds.
In the other three boxing
matches, which will be at three
rounds. Bob Williams will meet
John Coefield in a welterweight
bout, Larry Rose will go against
George McKnight in a heavy
weight clash and John Woyat
and Carl-Ray Steen will fight in
a light-heavyweight match.
In wrestling, Don Dexter of
the Frosh team will grapple
with Don Biehn in a 160-pound
clash. In the tag team match
football Captain Lon Stlner
and Harry Johnson will meet
a pair of “Masked Marvels.”
The wrestling matches will be
conducted in three three-min
ute rounds.
Admission will be 50 cents and
tickets will be available at the
door, according to Bob Reid, Or
der of the O president. Co-eds
are especially invited, Reid
stressed. Receipts will be used to
finance the furnishing of. the
new lettermen’s lounge in Mac
The Co-op Can Supply All of Your
Needs For Tennis
Walt Hill have marks of 9.7, and
Caley Cook of Lewis and Clark
rounds out the top field with a
Cook is also an outstanding
broad Jump performer and has a
record jump of 24 feet to his
The favored Duck distance
medley quartet will be shooting
at the meet record of 10:24.1 held
by a University of Washington
team. Oregon runners will be
Jim Bailey, Australian 88 0
champ; Gordon Dahlquist, a 50.5
quarter miler; Ken Reiser, Nor
thern Division two mile winner,
who will run the three-quarter,
and Bill Dellinger, NCAA mile
Clement Injured *
Originally slated for a position
on the Webfoot medley, middle
distance star Doug Clement
probably will not see any action
at all Saturday. Clement pulled
a muscle in last weekend's meet
with Willamette and has not yet
fully recovered his form. He
took a medium workout Thurs
day and will undoubtedly la
ready for competition against
Lewis and Clark next week.
Other top performers seeing
action in Salem include Oregon
State javelin standout, Jerry
Church, expected to cop the Pa
cific Coast conference title this
year and many outstanding Ore
gon and Washington high school
track and field men.
Approximately 2500 athletes
from 22 colleges and 101 high
schools will be divided into three
Game Postponed
The season-opening baseball
game for the Oregon frosh has
been moved up from today to
next Saturday, allowing Coach
Bob Basich to look over the 34
man team before cutting it to 25.
Cleveland high will come to Eu
gene for the games. The Duck
lings worked out Thursday on a
soggy field.
classes high school, novice and
senior. The novice division Is for
college men who have not letter
ed and the senior class Is for
lettermen college varsity per
Frosh to Perform
In addition to a full varsity
entrance list from Oregon, the
Froah will also be well repre
sented The Duckling 440-Vard
relay team includes Bob Rogers.
Burt Williams, Karo Whitney and
Jack Morris. Morris was a sprint
and hurdle record setter while
at Medford high school before
entering the Air Force, and is
slated to run in the open 100
yard dash.
Whitney, holder of the Oregon
high school pole vault mark at
lS'ft", is one of the top entrants
in the novice pole vault.
Wcbfoot varsity competitors
Shut pul Jack Mup), itcu IA<>)(I. Wall
lladmek Slid Jim June*.
Dikii, KJ tliugham, fladnrek, IJoyd
and Muad.
Javelin Hum Mannex ami Bingham.
Ilruail jump Martin I’edigo, I>un Me
(.lure, Dorm Nullv.»n and Mamie*.
tlmh jump Terry Sullivan, Bub Held,
Ken llickettliutPim ami IVdigo.
Pole vault Dave Nralami, Reid,
nea ami Hickenbutlotn.
inn yard deh Bruce Springl»clt aiui
Hank Imumetia,
Utah hurdle* Doug 11:,,ham.
arm.yard rrta, Springtarlt, Dave Tailed,
laiumena and Sundry.
Splint medley Sor*l,y, (.minima, Cur>
dun l)aht<|iii«l and l.rrny ( amplartl.
Divtance medley Da)ili|ui*t, Jim Hailey,
Ken Kei»er and Hill Dellinger
M ilc relay Tailed, Daht<jui*t, Arden
I hr i,ten*eii ami Suraliy.
in the
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