Hosteling May Solve Vacation-Time Plans By .Mary MeCroskey Emerald Reporter For students who have not yet made their summer vacation plana, hosleling may he the ans wer. Hosleling is also the answer for those who need to travel on n budget and who enjoy some thing unique in the way of travel. "To see twice the country for half the price" la the aim of the low-budget vacation programa sponsored by the American Youth Hostels, ine., headquarters at I'I West 8th Street in New York city. The A YU ia a 21-year-old non profit, non-sectarian organiza tion which has devoted Itself to the development of Inez penal ve, educational and recreational travel in the United States and abroad. It sponsors trips, prima rily by bicycle, throughout the United States, Canada, Europe. Mexico, and Alaska. Although most of the travel ling is done on bicycles, long fils* tances are covered by tram, plane, boat or bus to allow for more lime In areas of particular interest. A hostel group usually con sists of about 10 members with n competent leader, who travel from 30 to 50 miles a day by bike ami stop over night in youth hostels. The hostels, operated by house parents, may range from a barn to u castle in the Hivlera. AYH hostel groups often do iheir own cooking, permitting them to travel on extremely low budgets, as low as $2 a day. European excursion* include 11-week tours of all parts of the continent, plus several "4-Week Specials." The “4-Week Specials" are geared for those who want to learn how to travel In a for eign country and then have a few weeks for independent travel. Ideal for students are the AYI1 college -on -wh eel h trips. The itin erary for these trips includes ap proximately turn days on land with 17 days of free time in Europe. Groups sail February 28 from New York to a Southern European port. Return voyage is from a Northern Kirro|>ean port in late June. Almost anyone is qualified to take the AYH hostel trips, the only requirement being that a person must be ready to spend the summer travelling simply, living ruggedly and "la* willing to do your part to make the tripe successful." Further infor mation and application blanks for trips ran be obtained by writ ing to the National Headquarters of the American Youth Hostels, Inc., New York City. SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Waikiki, the Alps Are Within Reach By Cay Mundorff Emerald Reporter Ah ye*, basking In the sun at. Waikiki, skiing down the snow coveted slopes of the Swiss Alps, riding a camel in North Africa, seeing the aighta of gay Pareo or the mysteries of the Orient, that would be the life. Thia life need not he as re mote and impossible aa it sounds. KIT A, the Student's Internation al Travel association, offers trips combined with college credits to almost every country in the world. They have planned trips to Hawaii, Europe, South America, the Orient and around the world. They have study trips which offer college credits, adventure trips for the courageous and low cost crossroad trips for the cc onomy-minded who don't mind roughing it. For more information corres pondence should be sent to Rich ard Wilkie. 12 Denny hall. Uni versity of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Sea Holiday, Adventure Await Europe Tourists A happy holiday at wa,,, summer in Nice or Cannes... Venice and romance all these and many more exciting things are awaiting the college student taking one of two extensive tours through Europe. The tours will be conducted this summer by the Ford Abroad Society for young people all over the United States. Headed by Tonny Nolles, who has spent many years in Europe, the tours will leave New York by boat. The “North” tour through Lon don, Amsterdam, Munich, Venice. Rome and Paris will leave New York June 8 for Southampton, England. Students will spend 48 days in Europe, seeing not only the scenic attractions of the con tinent, but also enjoying the even ing entertainment as well. The Latin Quarter, Sarbonne. and the Riviera arc only a few of the places to be visited. The second, or "Mediterran ean,” tour leaves New York EASTER SPECIAL for your Parties CAKE AND COOKIES SHAPED LIKE BUNNIES -OTHER NOVELTIES. HOME BAKERY8%EHoTNrrrY June 30 for a more extensive visit to Europe. This lour lasts oft days and covers Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and F ranee. An interesting and unusual feature of the tour is the manner of travel through the European countries. Popular and roomy automobiles, called the Ford : Anglia, are to be provided for students throughout the trip. The | English-built cars have Arneri . can-type shifting, two doors and seat four passengers. Serve Better Meals LESS COST with Fish and Seafoods FRESH DAILY from Newman's FISH MARKETS 39 East Broadway Phone 4-2371 3 ore tan ^Jour an d T r 9V © I *~Jdead t'3 The following companies offer many type of European Tours in each folder. The prices and length of tour are given to indicate the variety available. Folders are available at our office for many desinations. s A I L I Company American Express Brownell Travel Bureaus $ 995 Captan's Tours Thomas Cook & Son Exprinter Travel Service Gateway Tours Lissone-lir,deman* Haley-Lunn Tours* Lanscair Travel Service Olson's Campus Tours Olson's Luxury Tours Percival Tours Sita Tours* Stop Tours Rates S 837-$2215 $2395 $2065 $2300 $1800 $2338 $1167 $2050 $1449 $1695 $2095 $1173 $1970 $1595 $1078 $ 964 950 860 201 205 849 $1365 $1895 $ 719 $ 375 $1060 * Trans-Atlantic Travel Additional Duration 28 to 90 days 42 to 80 days 49 to 56 days 28 to 62 days 29 to 55 days 27 to 63 days 14 to 70 days 28 to 66 days 45 to 48 days 50 to 53 days 49 to 53 days 34 to 51 days 1 5 to 92 days 38 to 82 days Company Transmarine Tours Travel world Treasure Tours Vanderbilt Tours Rates SI 149 - §1664 S 995-$2395 S 995-$1383 $1435-$1900 Duration ■41 to 49 days 62 to 80 days 39 to 53 days 61 tc 68 days Many of the companies listed above offer independent ar rangements for foreign travel to any point on the globe. In addition, we have many organizations that specialize in round-the-world, Africa, South America, Caribbean, Hawai ian, Alaska, Holy Land and Orient arrangements." Services are also available for car hire or purchase. There is practically nothing in the way of foreign travel that is not handled by the EUGENE TRAVEL SERVICE. Service Eugene Travel Service EUGENE HOTEL LOBBY PHONE 5-8431