Competition Starts Monday In Three Intramural Sports Intramural competition will start Monday afternoon in three sports, according to Spring IM schedules released Wednesday. Twelve teams go to the post in softball action that will get un der way on three diamonds, the Legal Eagles anjl Phi Delta The ta start the tennis single elim ination tournament, and Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Psi lead off the golf schedule. First softball games, sched uled to start at 3:50. pit Delta Upsilon against Sigma Nu. Phi Kappa Psi against Sigma Phi Ep silon, and Delta Tau Delta against Sigma Chi. Second games at 4:55 will find Beta Theta Pi challenging the IM leader. Phi Delta Theta. Tau Kappa Epsilon meeting Phi Gamma Delta, and Chi Psi colliding with Sigma Al pha Mu. i Action will continue on Tues day and Thursday, and three games a week are scheduled through April. Each entry will play four games during the reg ular season. Games will consist of five full innings, or four full innings if one team is seven or more runs ahead. There must be nine play ers on a team, and spiked shoes are prohibited. The golf competition has been entered by 24 teams. Each squad will consist of four players, who will go out in four twosomes at Oakway Golf course. Champion ship match will be held April 17. Five Men on Teams Tennis matches will be played on courts 4. 5. and 6. Each tennis team must be made up of five men. split into two doubles teams and one singles player. » WILDLIFE n oLined By Phil White Emerald Sports Writer Choosng tackle is one of the most difficult jobs that faces the beginning angler. Probably more has been written on this phase of fishing in outdoor literature than any other, but its importance justifies the space devoted to the sub ject. With trout season opening on April 30, it’s about time to get down to your tackle store and select an outfit. The first thing to consider is what type of fishing you wish to do. Three Types of Angling There are three main types of fishing: fly fishing, spin ning. and bait casting. Since bait casting is rarely used for trout fishing, we will leave it out of this discussion. Fly fishing is a method employing a fly rod and fly line whereby the weight of the line furnishes the momentum to carry the lure to its target. The lighter the lure, the. bet ter it casts. Spinning is a method of casting a light lure and a thread-like line on a fixed spool reel. Let’s now consider you. the fisherman, and see which of these methods will best fit your situation. We like to think of trout fishermen as either small stream fishermen, large stream and river fishermen, or lake and pond fishermen. We believe that fly fishing outfit holds the spotlight on small streams. Even if you fish with bait (one .of the best lures for small streams), we feel the fly rod has the edge. Fly Rig Improves Control Tbe fisherman has better control of his tackle with a fly outfit and on small meandering brooks, this is a necessity. Here, you do not need the long effortless casts of the spin ning rig. If you picture yourself in waders, chest deep in .some large stream or river, the picture changes. Here, both methods have their followers. If the stream has many inaccessible spots, where you cannot wade, the spinning rod is better. The rifle-like casts obtained with the spinning reel aUow you to search out the inaccesible pockets in the river lied. If you can wade the river, one method will work as well as the other. Bait can be cast on both outfits, but those deep running wobblers and spinners that pay off on lunker trout, can best be cast with the spinning outfit. When trolling the high Cascade lakes, a fairly stiff rod is preferable. We like to use the spinning outfit for trolling, since the monofilament line cuts through the water with less friction, giving more depth with'less weight. But if we are fishing in a lake where the trout are liable to start rising during the evening hatch, we prefer to have our fly rod rigged with a dry fly. Spinning Rod Gives Distance If you’re fishing your favorite lake or pond from shore, the spinning rod definitely has the advantage. You cannot reach far enough with the fly rod. Another factor to consider when choosing your tackle is whether you’ll use your outfit for fish other than trout. If you’re going to fish for steelhead, bass or salmon along with trout, by all means get a spinning rig. A beginner can do a better job of handling these larger fish with a spinning rod because of the friction clutch drag. In summary, we’d say that generally' the spinning outfit is the more versatile beginning rig. If you plan to fish small streams where long casts are not needed, a fly rod will then prove to be the best outfit. j Best two out. of three sets, : takes the match. All matches will ! start at 4 o’clock. An Intramural track schedule j will be worked out within n few ! days by head Track Coach Bill | Bowerman. Sederstrom hall took , the Winter term freshman dorm j track crown by defeating Omega hall via the consolation brackets. Shaw Paces Duck Batters Centerfielder George Shaw, three times all-Northern Division and twice all-coast for Oregon baseball teams, has taken the lead in hitting for the Ducks aft er five early spring games. Shaw is one of four Webfoot diamond performers to post a .400-plus average for the spring trip games to Califor nia. His .450 average for th« trip was topped only by part time rightflelder Bernle Aver ilt. whose three hits in six trips gives him a .500 mark. Veteran Firstbaseman Dick Schlosstein racked up a .412 average while Johnny Keller, junior shortstop, has an even .400 batting percentage. Shaw domi nates most of the offensive de partments with six runs, two triples, and one home run. Schlosstein heads the nins batted-in column for the early part of the season with five to I his credit on the strength of his j seven hits which include a double and a home run. Pete Williams, thinlbaseman-pitcher, has the squad's other homer. Although the squad as a whole hit fairly well during the trip, posting a .2*0 aver age. the fielding and hitting reflected the poor weather for early practice sessions. The team made 11 errors in the five games and only Terry Maddox of the front line pitchers post ed a respectable earned run average. — Duck hitting for the California trip: Player AB Averill. rf ... . 6 Shaw, of 20 Schlosstein. 1b .17 Keller, ss . 15 Pingrc, If . 9 Johnson. 2b ..18 Wagner, rf . 8 Ross, If .„.15 Williams, 5b-p .20 Marlett. c . 18 Forbes, p-rf . 7 Maddox, p . 8 Blodgett, p . 4 l.undell. 2b-p ....3 Garner, p . 3 Bowen, c . 2 Stiles, p . 2 Bond, 3j> . 1 Holt, p . 0 Totals .... 174 H R RBI BA 300 .500 9 6 4 .450 7 3 5 .412 6 3 1 .400 3 0 0 .333 5 2 0 .278 2 0 1 .250 3 1 2 .231 4 4 1 .200 3 1 2 .167 1 0 1 .143 1 0 0 .125 000 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000 000 .000 000 .000 000 .000 0 0 0 .000 47 20 17 .270 Weather Stymies Baseball Opener Today’s scheduled home base ball opener against Portland uni versity has been officially post poned because of wet grounds and rain. The game will be made up Tuesday when the Ducks will play two seven inning games against the Pilots at Portland, instead of the single nine in ning game originally scheduled. Friday’s game against Wil lamette at Salem is still listed, but probably will be cancelled because of the weather. A double header is scheduled for Saturday when the Webfoots plan to travel to Portland to play Lewis and Clark college. Bob Houbregs of Washington holds the Northern Division rec ords for points in a single game, getting 49 in an Idaho game in 1953. Track Marks Called Slow By CHRIS EDMONDS BERKELEY. Calif. (AT) The world record for the two-mlle run la nlm* seconds too alow, a University of California scientist said Tuesday. What's more, Dr. Franklin M. Henry said in an Interview, a good many other Improvements are possible in existing records. | As a matter of fact, the only. current world marks faster than ' he figured them are In the 800 j meters, 880 yards and one mile and the last two were set after he worked out his formula. Ur. Henry I* a professor of physical education and re search associate In medical physics at California. He lutscs his predictions on a complicat ed study of the psyslological factors that determine runnlnK ability—the muscle energy supply system. "It involves an equation be tween running speed and the body's ability to overrome Its own inertia and to carry out cer tain energy-releasing, physio logical-chemical reactions that take place in the muscles." he said. Boiled down, that means that every human possesses certain energy factors which can be re placed as they are used through exercise. A runner, naturally, uses more energy and conse quently replaces it faster than a fan in the stands. A year ago Dr. Henry pre dicted that the mile would be run only .8 per cent slower than the 8..J8 with which John Candy set the world record last summer. Last Saturday when Lon Spur rier, former Cal track captain now running for the San Fran cisco Olympic club, set a new 880-yard record time of 1:47.5, Dr. Hemy was on hand. The mark, which has been submitted for official recognition, actually was 2.2 seconds faster than he had predicted for the distance. “There are two reasons, I think, for the fact that both the mile and the 880 have been run fast er than my formula showed." he mused. "One is the possibility that runners, in these cases Landy and Spurrier were not using their energy quite as rapidly as the formula shows. The other is that there are new techniques of running being developed which enable a man to cover his dis tance in fractionally better time.” Sports Arenas 'Ruin Athletes/ Reds Complain MOSCOW (APi The cigaret Hinoko In Madison Square Garden and other United States arenan where indoor track meets nre held la ruining European ath letes, the Russians say. Thla contention la published In Soviet 8porta, Russia's lead ing aporta newspaper. Russian aporta fana also like to amoke, but Ruaata haa few If any Indoor aporta arenas. Conditions “Unfair" It remarked that many new records were set. but complained that the American conditions were unfair to European atara who were invited to compete. Soviet Sporta nlao printed the complaint of a Norwegian run ner named Audun Boyaen. The Noi-weglan alated. according to the newapaper, that American In door track condltiona ruined Kur opean athletes. Thla may be one of the reasons that Vladimir Kuc. world cham pion Russian runner, did not ac cept an invitation to the United States for the winter track sea son. Meets Recall Circus However, he did find time to go to France for aporta events ; sponsored by Humanlte. the j French Communist Party news | paper. Boyaen la quoted In the Mos | cow preaa as stating that Amer 1 ican Indoor track meets remind i him of a circus. He aaya. accord | mg to the Ruaalan press, that "atliletea are blinded by the bright lights and that the jazz music In the arenas blares loudly and the air la filled with tobacco smoke.” 3b 2=/ chemical y reaction Exclusive "stain £k shy" finish on M AFTER SIX formal » jackets spurns wk most stains-even ^ lipstick! Suave styling, easy, ''natural" lit. budget prices Have more lun yk A*k lot »t*l* W 6Z5 dbt&beskoe-skjl enjoy a new 3-pair shoe wardrobe for only $23^’ No strain on the billfold now to own the correct style shoes for everyday, dress-up or casual wear. 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