Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 10, 1955, Section II, Image 9

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\ «l I-VI I'nlvernlty of Oregon, Eugene, Thor**., March 10, 1055 No.!)6
Section II
Continental Look
* Is Style Keynote
By Mollie Monroe
Emerald Raportar
"The way you can tell a real
Oregon man . . . tailor made
clothes and a pipe in hia hand
. . .!*' Well, not quite! Beau
Brummels are exceptions rather
than rules, perhaps.
But nevertheless, Oregon's
male population has felt the in
fluence of recent style changes
in men's fashions, and the well
dressed Joe College of 1955 is
definitely following the patterns
outlined in such magazines as
Men's Wear, and California
Men's and Boys' Stylist.
The Continental Look is the
keynote of current "high style"
in the men's clothing world. In
the Jan. 7 issue of Men's Wear,
several pages were devoted to
this striking trend which has af
fected all areas of dress for Mr.
"An international man is grad
ually evolving as a result of
broader international affairs, in
ternational visitors to this coun
try, newspaper, magazine and
television picture reports," said
Perkins H. Bfdley, executive edi
tor and fashion analyst of the
He remarked that while basic
trends in men’s wear . . . "great
er comfort, simplicity in con
struction, lighter weights, easy
upkeep” . . . will continue to re
main static for many years, "in
fluential overtones" are arriving
which will “affect the basics."
Unlimited color has been a tre
mendous selling force in men’s,
as in women’s wear this season.
Keith Fennell’s salesmen predict
that the citrus colors, lemon, or
ange, tangerine, and watermelon
will be the big thing spring term.
So far this year, Fennell’s have
featured successfully pastel dress
shirts, helio, mint green, yellow
and pink.
On the final wrap-up of Christ
mas business, merchants found
pink and black two strong pro
motion words that sold a lot of
merchandise. This comment was
made in the same issue of Men's
Wear, in the Late News Digest
A spokesman from The Man's
Shop in downtown Eugene sec
onded the statement. Pink shirts
and charcoal gray suits sold well,
as did colors of char-brown, and
the new dark green, just begin
ning to make its appearance in
the masculine wardrobe.
He added that styles have
changed considerably, mention
ing the Continental Look ami the
Eastern trend. “Styles are built
around slimmer, trimmer lines.
It's a way to reduce without dlet
ing!’’ he said, referring to the
more natural lines, narrower la
pels, and lower waistlines.
Convertible Collar Featured
The Italian convertible collar
is featured in the Jan. 21 issue of
Men’s Wear. “The trend toward
smaller shaped collars continues.
( continued on page seven)
Womens Fashions
Emphasize Color
By Bobbye Harris
Emtxld Reporter
It's just about that time again,
and that’s not referring to fi
nals. It means spring time when
every young girl s fancy turns to
thoughts of new clothes!
Emphasis this season is on
color. Frosty sherbet tones;
bright, bold turquoise, orange,
and red; and blue in all its gra
dations are making fashion news
from top to toe. What's more, the
trend is to blend rather than
Femininity comes into the fore
ground in festive cottons with
smooth-lines and great swirling
skirts which can go to class or
on dates with equal ease by just
a little change of accessories.
The princess dress is still high on
the list of fashion hits as in the
By Tri-Delt Group
Applications for the scholar
ships offered by Delta Delta Del
ta sorority for the .1955-56 acad
emic year must be turned in to
Mrs. Golda P. Wickham’s office
by April 1.
Two scholarships are offered,
$150 to a woman who will be a
junior next year, and $250 to an
incoming senior. They are award
ed on the basis of ability and
The scholarships will be
awarded during Junior Weekend.
long-torso look. Many of these
dresses feature the new neckline
which is high and squared off in
front but daringly low in back.
Coming or going, the fashion
smarty is bound to catch every
Let’s consider some of these
accessories that are so very im
To give just the right touch
to your spring wardrobe careful
ly select your shoes. Pink shoes,
green shoes, straw shoes, suede
shoes, hand-painted shoes, shoes
trimmed with buttons and bows,
shoes trimmed with flowers,
shoes, shoes, shoes to please the
most particular shopper and the
purse too.
The handbag shouldn't be over
looked either. Straw is in the
spotlight again. A novelty idea
is the straw purse in the shape
of such fruits as apples, orangjes,
lemons and pears in the suitable
colors. Then there's the old
stand-by bird cage or fishing
creel shape given the personal
touch by a perky bunch of flow
Jewelry plays its part too.
Here’s a chance to follow the
color blending trend by wearing
several ropes of beads in con
trasting shades of the same color.
The newest thing in costume
jewelry is the flower chain with
earrings to match for dressier
Clothes for casual living are
(continued on ('a<jc seven)