Oregon Professor Gets Copy of Book Carl L.. Johnson, associate pro fessor of romance languages, has recently received complimentary copies of his book “First Year French" which was published this year by D. C. Heath and Com pany. The book was written for teachers who “want something less than a complete reference grammar and yet something more than a minimum statement of grammatical principles." The emphasis in the book is placed on speaking, rather than read ing. The stress on culture is second ary in the book, but it is never theless considerable. There are! maps, photographs, and drawings I which are designed to give the student an acquaintance with France, her people, and their achievements. Johnson came to the Univer sity in 1935. Previously he was an instructor for two years at Har vard. Patronize Emerald Advertisers JMTWWg luwimi w juom. Doors Open 6:45 NOW PLAYING “Rear Window” Starring GRACE KELLEY JIMMY STEWART t HEILIG NOW PLAYING Doors Open 12:45 CAIN RAISIN ^0 COMEDY DRAMA M OF THE 5 BACKWOODS! I Take a Break During Finals •/* OR At Any Time Hamburger Heaven 1224 Willamette Street Phone 3-1041 BOB'S SUPERETTE Open / Days a Week 9:00 A M - 10:00 P.M. "Come In and See Us Today" GROCERIES - MEATS MAGAZINES - BEVERAGES 1298 PATTERSON STREET Are You Worrying About Finals? Take a STEAK BREAK at LOU & EV's. Don't let final* gal the bat! of you. Enjoy a tiziling tlaak or lama Un der, juicy friad chicken al IOU AND EV‘« and raliava the lantion and worry from lKo»a horrible thing* callad final*. lou and iv have completely re modeled, but the low price* on their la»ty dinner* are ju*t the tame. STEAKS _$2.25 to $2.75 CHICKEN DINNERS_$1.65 Your worrie* over final* are fur ther relieved when eating at Lou and Iv't—all tha wall* irt (Ovtftd with relaxing outdoor kmm paint ad by Waltar L hall, watt-known artitt and intarior decorator Vimit low and iv'a and relieve aaamination worrioa Thirty-five to forty paopla can now bo toatad in a tarm-privata room. LOU & EV'S CAFE On* Mile North of Overhead on Highway 99. Adjacent to Bonneville Power Station . . . and here to further your checkered career is a captivating dress from our spring collection. it's a checkerboard It's a torso dress in swishy taffeta over a crinoline petticoat and sporting a huge bow. Navy or black with white. }A&f. Eugene's Fashion Centejr I0f spring 29.95