Scholarship Hopefuls Should See Onthank Student* Interested In obtain ing scholarships for spring term or fall term of next year should Contact Karl W. Onthank in the Office of student Hffalrs before the end of the term. New scholar ships and renewals of present ones will be given. Requirements for these schol arships are above average schol astic standing and definite finan cial need. I’atronlxe Kmeruld Advertisers Library Decided Best Spot for Files I "The library in the bent and logical place for the tent fllett” wan the decision of the Student Union board concerning the loca tion of the filen which arc now In the library. As the library In the center of academic activity and the SU the center of curricular activity the board did not feel that the SU. would be an appropriate place for the filen. The building policy of the S1J provides that there shall be nothing of a curricular nature DURING FINAL WEEK, stop m for . r.,i Smorgasbord Dinner or for coffee, and forget those tests for awhile. Open 5:30 to 9:00 — Every day except Monday Smorgasbord 1258 Kincaid Phone 5-7332 If you are going to be loaded down with lug gage for the trip home during Spring Vacation TRY A TERMINAL TAXI FOR A QUICK, SAFE TRIP TO THE AIRPORT, TRAIN, OR BUS DEPOT. Terminal Taxi SERVICE Phone 5-4311 * CARDINAL HOUSE | Home -» Cooked Foods • Distinctive, Leisurely Dining! CATERING SERVICE: A* You Wish—Whore You With: Large or Small Groups. DINNERS SERVED EVERY DAY 5.30 ON. SUNDAYS, 12:30 ON. AFTERNOON TEA *-«• o ciock every a#y, DURING FINALS DINE WITH ATMOSPHERE! A fine old home redecorated to resemble • Peris Cefe . . . fireplace and ' special subdued lighting. And, wait till you taste the delicious home cooked steak, ham, chfiken, and turkeyl CARDINAL HOUSE 315 EAST 13th AVENUE ACROSS FROM SHISLER S PHONE 3-5211 Private Dining Room Open For Your Convenience Fraternities and Sororities Invited to Make Reservations placed in it.* room* and office*. The board felt however if the location of the file* had to be changed to the SU tn order to preserve their existence that the Browning room would be the beat * place for them. The board will recommend that the file* remain in the library but that a more efficient method for their use could be. arranged. Silver Favorites To Bring Prizes What’* yoilr favorite silver pit! tern f The answer to this question may win some Oregon eo-ed a $500 scholarship or maybe a $230 award. Ilee