Today's Staff (This Section) Makeup Editor- Paul Keefe. Night Staff Mollie Monroe. Bev Chamberlain and Cay Mun dorff. News Desk—Gordon Rice. Car ol Craig and Bob Robinson. Copy Desk Joan Kraus. Bob Turley and Carole Beech. Faculty Members to Attend Family Relations Meeting Several faculty members ami one student from the University will have an active part in the Pacific Northwest Conference or Family Relations which will be held on March 24, 25, 26, 1955, at The best ball for your game has the exclusive DURA-THIN COVER i i Here’s amazing new durability ina high-compression ball. The DURA-THIN * cover provides this great new Spalding DOT! with real scuff resistance . .. keeps the DOT uniform and true, even on rugged high-iron shots. The new DOT has a greater compactness for truer, more uniform flight. It’s actually an economical ball for you to play. And. with all this new durability, new dots still offer the long, long carry every hard-hitter wants. At school, or on vour home course, make your next round a better one with this-greatest of all golf balls, Spalding DURX-THts dots. Spalding sets the pace in sports •TriJe-mark f Portland State college in Port land. Students are invited to attend. Invitations may be picked up in 205 Commonwealth, or students may register at the conference. ‘‘The New and Current in Fam ily Life" is the general theme of this conference which features Brock Chisholm, former Direc tor-General of the World Health Organization. He will give ad dresses on Thursday evening ami Friday morning. In the Friday afternoon spe cial interest groups. John Pierce Jones, professor of education and psychology, will be modera- j ior for the "Changing Concepts j of Child Rearing" group. Will Drum, assistant professor of sociology work, will speak on "Marriage and Family Counsel j ing." T. B. Johannis, instructor in 1 ' sociology, Herbert Bisno, assist-! iant professor of sociology, and Xv D. Sundberg, assistant pro fessor of psychology, win speak on the “Tnpact of Social Change on Family Life.” The Saturday morning pro- ■ gram, which was arranged by Mr. Johannis. will feature re- i search talks. Carol Wenner, sen ior in sociology, will talk on | “Family Religious Behavior as Reported by a Sample of College Females." “Studying the Child In the Normal Household" will be the topic of the talk given by R. A. Littman. associate professor of psychology. The research for this was done by Pierce-Jones. Theo dore Stern and R. A. Littman. W. T. Martin, associate pro fessor of sociology, will speak on "Trends in Martial Status by Sex in the State of Oregon, 1890 1950." R. W. Leeper, head of the psy chology department, will speak on “New Developments in Per sonality Theory." Paul S. Ull man, graduate assistant in soci | ology, will talk on "Married Col lege Students and Their In Laws." Curtis E. Avery, profes :sor of education will also speak lines and pores “go inlj with this miracle hiding make-up! Imagine a make-up that makes your skin seem young and poreless with one touch of the puff! A make-up that covers tiny lines with flattering color ... all without mus3 or fuss! Coty’s latest make-up miracle is “CREAM POWDER” COMPACT .. . the most convenient way to look beautiful we’ve seen in a long time. It comes in a fragrant pattie that won’t spill in your purse. You’ll be proud to use it for retouching jobs because the stunning jewel-like case looks twice the cost! Choose tram these world-famous Cot/ fragrances: L'ORIGAN • I'AIMANT • “PARIS' EMERAUOE e MUGUET OES BOIS complete with hinged cote —full view mirror —ond luxury puff & \avis Store No. 1 - 797 Willamette Street Store No. 2 - 1950 Franklin Blvd. Compounded ond Copyrighted by Coty, Inc. In U S A. Home Economics Tea Has Clothing Exhibits Wives of University (lewis and department heads were enter tained at a special tea last Fri day afternoon. The tea was sponsored joint ly by home economics faculty members and students, the exec utive board ol' the Women's Fac ulty club and the Newcomers club. Clothing exhibits were shown during the program and refresh ments were served by several of the department's foods classes. -f. ... --- The US paid SI 1,250.000 to Fiance for the Louisiana Pur chase. The Ford Foundation, a Mich igan nonprofit organization, was established in 1930. TOUR PEN OVERHAULED KN STOKE Stamp* \Vjlj Jevrelr^PStore OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9. New "Top Hat" SKIRTS • NEW ALL-WOOL FABRICS • NEW PASTEL COLORS • STRAIGHT LINES WITH MATCH WITH A NEW GRAFF BLOUSE r\l\^rs rLLn I J I «>i OtVCRML O I T II J $8.95-$10.95 for Spring Cottons Perky Styles for Campus Wear At Prices Everyone Can Afford!