Toast of Alphaholics JOAN I1AI. candidate of Kappa Kappa tiuinma, wan named “Toast nt the Alphuholle*" Saturday ut Alpha hull's formal dance. She was-srle’t»d by hall member* In a secret ballot. Other finalist'! foi the title were Bette Bartx, Alpha I'M, and Mary Helen Williams, Curson S. entwntmen) paereyort ol totp lo the late Kin| George Vi, Yerdley 1 Co, Ltd . London ■y J&S. Yardley brings you a super-wetting Shaving Foam— London style Are you looking for a finer pressure shave? This distinguished product—conceived in England and made in America —has a new super-wetting action which wilts the beard in a trice. The foam washes off the face instantly (or rub it in!) and leaves a most refreshing after-feeling. Normal shaving time is cut by half. At your campus store, SI. Makers and dis tributors for IJ.S. A., Yardley of London, Inc., New York. Patronize Emerald Advertisers PiKA Names Dream Girl' Maureen Doherty, freshman in ! liberal art.H, is PI Kappa Alpha’s; 198S Dream Girl. The announce- i ment waa marie at an annual j houae dance Saturday evening by houae president, Dick Bach. Miss Doherty is a graduate of i Lincoln high school in Portland, where she was a Festival ! princess. She was sponsored by | Carson 3 and is a member of Delta Gamma. The Pi Kappa j Alpha members presented the winner with one dozen red roses, j a compact and a Dream Girl necklace. The other candidates and their sponsors were Mary Jo Fourier, 1 Hendricks hall; Pat Hoy, Delta £eta, and Mary Lou Teague, Kappa Alpha Theta. A joint resolution passed by the House and Senate states that the US flag Is to be displayed on all days v/hen the weather per mits. SUN, SURF, and STUDY! in Hawaii! 1955 Summer Session June 22 to August 2 TK# UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII announces o varied curriculum of groduote and under* graduate courses in 26 fields of study. Distinguished visiting professors from the leoding universities of the United States will augment the resident sloff during the summer session. Enjoy a summer of exceptional study opportunity, combined with trovel ond fun in exotic Hawaii, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII HONOLULU, HAWAII as seen in leading Fashion Magazines dresses ... to live in ... every hour of your life from now through Spring! Smart, gay, sophisticated ... and easy on your budget, our delectable Minx Modes Dresses bring you every important fashion idea of the young-in-heart! k Sizes: 7-15 ^ Prices: $19.95-$27.95 1088 WILLAMETTE STREET For every Campus Coed JEWELS or THE SEA This one .... “Moonflower” . . . enticing as a tropical night . . . Silvery blossoms handscreened on cotton . . . . . . bewitching. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Specia 11.95 Layaway Now 20 East Broadway