College Queen Contest Open To select and honor on a na tional level the typical and most all-around versatile college girl in the nation is the purpose o( the third annual National College Queen contest. The winner of the contest to bo held in Asbury Park. N.J., will receive a grand tour of Eu rope and $5000 in prizes. Under graduate college girls between the ages of 17 and 24 years are eligible to enter the contest to be held September Ml. Judgings will be based on 50 percent for beauty and 50 per cent for brains. Entry forms will request information concerning campus activities; extra-curricu lar achievements; scholastic work and personal background. Entrants will also submit an original essay (250 words or less t on the subject. “What College Education Means to Me.” A snap shot or photograph is also to be included with the entry blank. The Youth Research Institute of New York City has been com missioned as the official scoring and marking body for the con test. The National College Queen winner will receive the National College Queen Trophy-Award; a Grand Tour of Europe with all expenses paid; scholarship awards and $5,000 in prizes in cluding an all-purpose wardrobe of designer’s clothes. State col lege queen finalists will receive round trip transportation to com pete at Asbury Park, N.J., and TV Show Features Graduate Student Indar Malhotra. native of Kash mir and a graduate student in journalism, will be interviewed on a KVAL-TV television pro gram Monday at 6:45 p.m. Malhotra has been in the Unit ed States since 1952. and has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master's in agronomy and extension work from Kansas State college, where he studied before coming to Oregon last summer. Charles T. Duncan, professor of journalism, will interview Malhotra during the program. GRADUATION A MILESTONE THAT MUST BE MARKED BY A FINE PORTRAIT. MAY WE MAKE THEM FOR YOU? Please Phone 4-3432 For Your Appointment FEHLY STUDIO 1214 Kincaid ON the Campus « III UV liu V bury Park while there. Free entry blank forms can now be obtained by writing to: College Queen Contest Director, Convention Hall, Asbury Park, N. J. r Foreign Students Hold Open House March 18 Cosmopolitan club will hold open house from 7:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. Friday. Two movies, “California Va cation Land" and "Small Towns in America," will be shown. Re freshments will bo served. Alaska has a larger national forest area than any state. Ore gon is fourth among states. "MAKE A SHORT STOP AT MILT'S SHIRT SHOP" Eugene's New Specialty Shirt Shop Featuring short sleeve sport shirts in the new continental (Italian) collar styles. from $4.95 Milt's Shirt Shop 1045 WILLAMETTE STREET (Across From Burch's) Antique Clock Presented to Dean A new addition to the office of Gordon A. Sabine, dean of the University Journalism school, Is an antique clock. It was present ed to him by W. Arthur Steele, publisher of the ClatHkanle Chief. The clock came from Scotland and la made of dark Inlaid wood. A*fc f«r *fyl» 1751] IMi II If »n«n If comm to :ItI« fhjfi ii tmirl •I • P*i Mi Kipp* • pfm contort Ikit mi CM'I tw bull fry on 1 pile of M City Club Sko« Md ho foe yoonofft CHyQub byPoloo W dr.t«dtv* «kwi for nvn, *8” to "17” A$ odvrlifd in LIFC and ISQUttt ALSO atk to too Hx now WESBORO Shoot for young mon. Own a oomptoto S-Mlr WISiOtO SNOI WAINOII for ai'lMlo at S23.S5. yggfvmmwnn- mg p«, ■ STOP HERE TOR i-UCKY BROODIES! NAAOKON LOOKING AT SELF IN HIGH MIKROK Willem Maurits Lange, III Syracuse University I CNO VICW Of THOUSAND MILCS Of VKKT STRAIGHT WIRI Osvaldo Bacchetta Southern Illinois University WHAT’S THIS? " For solution see paragraph below. /T YOU'LL GET A BANG out of the Droodle above. The title is: Daredevil enjoy ing better-tasting Lucky just before being shot from cannon. Luckies are going great guns everywhere. The reason for their booming popularity is simply this: Luckies give you better taste. They taste better, first of all, because Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then, that tobacco is toasted to taste better. “It's Toasted”—the famous Lucky Strike process—tones up Luckies’ light, mild, good-tasting tobacco to make it taste even better . . . cleaner, fresher, smoother. Enjoy yourself when you smoke. Have a little fun. Light up the better-tasting cigarette . . . Lucky Strike. DROODLE3, Copyright 1963 by Roger Price 1 COLLEGE SMOKERS PREFER LUCKIES! Luckies lead all other brands in colleges—and by a wide margin— according to an exhaustive, coast to-coast college survey. The No. 1 reason: Luckies taste better. ""Berte/i taste Luckies... CHICK THAT BOUNCIO Nancy Maaterton U.C.L.A. BUTTON SUN THROUGH •UTTONHOLI (jerry Davis Richmond Professional Institute LUCKIES TASTE BETTER CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER! ©A.T.CO. PRODUCT OF AMERICA’S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES