Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 10, 1955, Section II, Page Three, Image 11

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    Marcia Dutcher
Man ia Dutcher, candidate of I
the Army HOTC unit, wn* named i
Little Colonel Saturday at the
Military Ball.
Pat Leonard wan finaliHt In
tin* Air Force unit'll content, and
will be a lieutenant colonel. Oth- i
er finaliata for both units will
be majors, according to Bob
Arndt, chairman of Little Colonel
They Include Ruth Joseph, Joan
llunler and Janet Wick, for the
AKKOTC, and Diane David, Al
ma Owen and Charlotte Britts
for the Army.
All eight of the finalists will'
be present at reviews and award
ceremonies for the rest of the
year, and will be pr««ent when
commissions are awarded during
graduation ceremonies, Arndt
Army Wins Sales
Miss Dutcher was selected on
the basis of ticket sales, and as
of Friday night, when the con
test closed, the Army had sold
17s tickets and the Air Force
An additional 20 tickets were
sold at the dance, Lloyd Powell,
ticket and invitation chairman,
aaid. They were not included for
Little Colonel selection, however.
Members of the Army com
pany B bought the most tickets.
Powell said. Tickets were sold
only by memt*-rs of Scabbard
and Blade and Air Command
Guests Listed
Guests of honor at the dance
included University President
and Mrs. O. Meredith Wilson.
Bug. Gen . < Ret. > and Mi s.
Charles A. Pyle, Col and Mrs.
F L Bruns, and Lieut. Oil. and
Mrs. W. R. Thomas.
Gen. Pyle la a brother of W.
W. Pyle, assistant professor of
business administration. Col.
Bruns was formerly head of the
department of military science
and tactics here.
Lt. Col. Thomas, an assistant
professor of military science, is
adviser of Scabbard and Blade,
ami helped plan the dance.
Panhellenic Names
Officers for Year
The new officers of Panhellenic
council were recently chosen for
the ensuing year. They were in
troduced at a Panhellenic meet
ing March 3.
The new president of Panhel
lenic is Janet Flatland; vice
president, Olivia Tharaldson:
second vice-president, Jean Mc
Pherson; secretary, Betty Ander
son. and treasurer, Mickey Me
Khirley Parmonter is the new
relations chairman; Joan Kraus,
publicity chairman; Jean Fay,
standards chairman; Nancy
Adams, social and activities
chairman, and Judy Loucks,
scholarship chairman.
Psi Chi Members
Newly Initiated
Psi Chi, national psychology
honorary, initiated 25 new mem
bers recently in the Student
Those initiated were Jane |
Abelson, Jose Aimilla, Frances I
Bascom, Helen Billett, Kenneth
Brookshiqf, Marvyn Cadwallader,
Joyce Cronholm, Marilee Fred
Tennison Haley, James Lau
rent, Richard Littman, Barbara
Mason, Jennifer Matthews, Don
ald Mead, Robert Moore, Nancy
Moore, Elliott Mozee, Loufs Ni
dorf, James Robertson, Jim
Steele, Norma Terry, Carol
Wood, Richard Woodcock, David
Wrench and Carlton Zaire.
Still time*...
* to remember her
If you’ve been remise with the miss
* don’t despair! There’s always time
to make amends with telegrams.
Flash her a glowing birthday greet*
ing in your own inimitable style. Its
delivery on Western Union’s special
blank will win her undying devotion^
iYes sir—any way you look at it, ,
telegrams are a guy’s {and a gal’s)
best friend. Jus* call your helpful
Western Union office..
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