By Jan Bennett Emerald Reporter Election of officers which has been completed by a few more houses on campus, pinnings. en gagements and various social events provide the momentum for the last Merry-Go-Round of the term. At Alpha Chi Omega Recent pinnings at the Alpha Chi house’are those of Lou Rin guette to Jack Peterson, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and freshman Carole Mattson to Jim Wood yard, Sigma Nu. At Alpha Gamma Delta Anne Richards surprised the members of Alpha Gamma Delta after closing hours following the Senior Ball by announcing her engagement to Denny Gano, from Springfield. They are plan ning a summer wedding. Carole Cutchings is engaged, also, to Bing Wilkinson of Eugene. At Alpha Omicron Pi An engagement and two pin nings are in the spotlight at Al pha Omicron Pi. Roberta Toner is engaged to William Eady, Eu gene. Janet Filbert is pinned to Denny Rapp, Sigma Alpha Ep silon, and Doris Liljiberg is pin ned to Dirk Doornbos, Delta Upsilon. At Alpha Xi Delta Chapter officers elected re-^ cently include Sylvia Sommerer, president; Louise Robinson, vice president ; Elizabeth Mcllveen, recording secretary; Nancy Ma han, corresponding secretary: Nolene Wade, treasurer; Martha Gasnell, chaplain, and Susan De Busk, Journal correspondent and marshal. Lucy Sprouse has an nounced the date of her marriage to Clyde Barr Fletcher, Tau Kap pa Epsilon. Their wedding will take place April 16 at St. Mark’s Episcopal church in Portland. At Ann Judson House Marie Cockerham was elected president of Ann Judson house, i Lillian Beebe is the new vice president; Marilyn Knox, secre tary, and Anne Bond, treasurer. At Carson Hall Taking the romantic spotlight at Carson hall is the engagement of Dorothy Her and Sam Freer, Alpha hall. No date has been set for the wedding by the couple. At Chi Omega Recently announced at Chi Omega was the engagement of Sally Thurston to Earl Clark of Oxford, South Carolina. Miss Thurston was 1953-54 president of Panhellenic, and is now em ployed by the State department in Washington, D.S. The bride groom-elect attended North Car olina State college and the Amer ican university in Washington, D.C. He is now a special agent for the State department in Washington. The couple is plan ning a summer wedding. Chi Omega’s Susan Shaffer and Car olyn Gehres are pinned to Gary McMurry, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Gene Murphy, Pi Kappa Phi, respectively. At Delta Delta Delta The annual Delta Delta Delta Smorgasbord honoring faculty members was held Sunday, Feb. 27. Approximately 75 guests, in cluding University President O. Meredith Wilson, attended. Mu sical numbers of piano, harp, and vocal solos by several of the members provided the late aft ernoon’s entertainment. At Delta Gamma Freshmen Delta Gamma’s ar ranged for a skating party for all the members and themselves last Saturday afternoon. Follow ing the party at the Kreklaus Rink, the group returned to the DG house for donuts and cocoa. At Gamma Phi Beta Desserts and dinners have filled the social calendar for the Gamma Phi Beta’s. The Chi Psi's were entertained at a dessert February 23, and an exchange dinner with Phi Kappa Psi was held February 16. This last Wed nesday the freshmen Gamma Phi's held their own dessert with the freshmen men of Sigma Phi Epsilon. At Delta Zeta Wedding bells chimed for Mag gie McNeal February 26, when she became the bride of James Mahony in Portland. The couple is now living in Eugene. At Kappa Alpha Theta Freshman Verity Kitchen is wearing the Chi Psi pin of Phil O'Keefe. The Theta's have recently elected Mary Lou Teague to be their new president for the coming year. Other of ficers include Sue Silverthorne vice-president; Jo Kopp, corres ponding secretary; Plum Brown rush chairman: Mary Jane Rudd social chairman, and Jane Berg strom, scholarship chairman. At Kappa Kappa Gamma Barby Ge^-er has recently an nounced her pinning to Duane Reeves, Chi' Psi. At Sigma Kappa Claire Leigh Anderson has an nounced the date of her marriage to Joe Zulaski, of the Unitec States Air Force. The couple will be married March 12 in Tilla mook. Two Sigma Kappa pledges, I Anne Boetticher nnd DeVonne | i Link are pinned to Don Thurber, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Larry Gubrud, Tau Kappa Epsilon, re spectively. The Sigma Kappa alumnae held a benefit art ex hibit at the chapter house Sun day, February 27. At Zeta Tau Alpha Three new officers have been elected at the Zeta Tau Alpha house. They are Betty Weiss and Shirley Hardy, rush chairmen, and Celia Clogston, assistant rush chairman. At Rebec House House officers elected recent ly at Rebec house include presi dent. Jean Holznagel; vice-pres ident and social chairman, Car oline Miller; secretary, Dorothy Allen; treasurer, Esther Strom, and historian, Bonnie Coons. At Phi Kappa Psi Justin Smith has been elected president for the coming year, j Others who will tie helping him j are Bob Meador, vice-president; Mike Starling, recording secre tary: Les Bergeron, correspond ing secretary; Joe Erkenbracher, social chairman, and Doug Liech- ; ty house manager. At Campbell Club Dick Briggs has been elected ; to serve as president of Camp-1 bell club for the next year, as a result of elections which took place there recently. Assisting him on the board of directors will be Lee Ramsey, vice-president; Grant Gardner, secretary; Lynn Husband, house manager: Tom Gaines, social chairman, and Sam SUMMER SCHEDULE Calls for the Sleeveless Blouse 2-95 Picture you in a pretty portrait neckline, in the cool sleeveless freedom of this beauty by MACSHORE. Imagine the influence of Superfine broadcloth and you've got yourself a' wonderful summer fashion. White, pink, black, brown, navy, red, apricot. Sizes 30 to 38. « Vahcy, member-at-large. Other house offices will be filled by Hunt Lippert. assistant house manager; Bruce McCoy, alumni secretary; Malcolm Scott and Marc Anderson, membership committeemen, and Arv Fenake and Marc Anderson, disciplin ary committeemen. At Sigma Alpha Mu Newly-elected officers at Sig ma Alpha Mu urA president, Ir win CAplan; house manager, Clary Weinstein; secretary, Har ry Asch; historian. Walter Froeh lich; social chairman, Robert Kramer, and rush chairman, Bob Mosher. At Kappa Sigma Rex Betts has been elected president of Kappa Sigma for the coming year. Other house officers are Rich Conroy, vice president; Frank Matson, house manager, and Greg Galleon, mas ter of ceremonies. A pinning and an engagement have also been recently announced to the Kappa Sigs. Bob Hooker, a member of last year's graduating class, has become pinned to Jan Collins, from Burlington. Iowa. Bob graduated with honors from the University in political science, I nml in now at the University of Iowa, where lie work* on the campus (taper and travels with the Iowa football and basketball teams. Jim Ramsey la engaged to Diane Stout, an Alpha I’hi now teaching in Portland. At Sigma Nu Sigma Nu’h have ejected Jerry Nelson to serve as their new president. Other officer* include Gordy French, vice-president; Rusty Kirnsey, recorder, and Lea Wolfe, house manager. At Sigma Phi Epsilon New Slg Ep officers include Darrell Brlttsan, president; £>onn# Sullivan, vice-president; Burt B&nforth, secretary; Homer Win slow. house manager, and Jim Perry, historian. At Tau Kappa Epsilon Clyde Hawley has recently been elected president of the TKK house. Assisting hirn are Dick Harrison, vice-president; Warren Wilson, secretary; Wil Pearson, house manager; Dick Harrison, assistant house man ager; Yogi Matsushima, chap lain; West Nniah, historian; Jon Sozoff, sergeant-at-arms, ami Howard Reissel, pledge trainer. 'i exclusive* Pure line, pure flattery! Princess poured smooth as cream. In milk she*rbef colors, , • rayon crush-resistant fabric ... needs no ironing! "| ^ Jfa/letk Second Floor