State Department Men Here Today United States State depart ment representatives Robert L. Thompson and Thomas T. Tur ner will be on campus today to discuss new career opportunities in the US foreign service. They will meet with interested students from 2 to 4 p.m. in Stu dent Union 315. Faculty mem bers will meet with Thompson and Turner at noon today in the SU. Former UO Student Turner, a former University of Oregon student, received his appointment as a foreign service officer in 1946. He has held posts in Tunis and Zurich, Switzerland. Thompson, chief of the Divi sion of Publications, was appoint ed to the Department of State in 1946. During the war, he served with the Office of War Infor mation and Air Force Intelli gence. Foreign Service Program Turner and Thompson are vis iting Oregon as a part of the new foreign service recruiting pro oCiiteninq . sn ...On KWAX Friday 91.1 mg. 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 News Till Now 7:00 Guest Star 7:15 UN Story 7:30 Britain Story 8:00 Philosophy 8:30 Navy Bandstand 8:45 Musical Interlude (South Pacific) 9:00 Kwaxworks 11:00 Sign Off gram. Approximately 300 new foreign service officers are ex pected to be taken into the ca reer corps this year. American citizens from 20 to 31 years old are eligible. Start ing salaries, depending on age and experience, are between $4000 and $5000 per year. There are 267 embassies, legations and consulates in 77 countries in which foreign service officers may hold positions. Competitive Appointments Appointments are made on a competitive basis. Written exam inations wrill be held in June in a large number of cities through out the United States including Portland, Spokane, Seattle, Boise, Los Angeles. San Francisco and j Sacramento. The examination in j eludes tests of English expression general ability, general back ground and modern language. The oral exams will be given later. Campus Briefs 0 Infirmary patients, accord - ' ing to hospital records Thursday were: LaRae Koon, Janet Flat j land, Lyn Edmundson, Ardice Houghton, Fleur Located, Mar garet Everts, Milford Schier boltz, Albert Peterson, Thomas Raenier, Richard Bates, Stuart j Seltzer and Paul Craig. 0 Canterbury club will meet Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Father Ellis' house, 1909 17th East. Ad Staff Layout: Priscilla Herrington, Jody Klahre, Marcia Brooks, Dick Koe. You that have to eat dinner out Sunday night will enjoy an appetizing smorgasbord dinner in "old wdrid" atmosphere. We're conveniently located to campus, too. Open 5:30 to 9:00 — Every day except Monday 1258 Kincaid Phone 5-7332 The DRIFTWOOD • TENDER STEAKS • GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN • SEAFOODS OF ALL TYPES Beautiful Banquet Rooms Hours Mon. thru Fri.—11 a.m. to midnight Saturdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays 4 p.m. to Midnite For reservations call 6-3198 5094 McKenzie Hy, Springfield •Studen ents . . . "For Gracoius Dining" for delicious Chinese and American dishes try Foo's Sea Food A Specialty Orders To Take Out For Cocktail Time Visit Our Oriental Lounge 764 Willamette FOO’S Phone 5-9583 For the Best in Spaghetti and Pizza try • 1491 Willamette • Tel. 4-2453 TINO'S •Weekend Entertainment* By Bill Curnow Emerald Advertising Columnist Phriends phor phancy phoods, it's Phil's Phine Phoods. The next time someone suggests a little party time up the McKen zie, take a tip and stop at PHIL's. A drive up the McKenzie is terrific anytime, especially spring term. PHIL'S is located on McKenzie Highway 52 miles east of Eugene (no parking me ters). Get a few of the. gang and make a reservation for an en joyable evening. Terrific before house dance time. Phone Blue Paver 4-9575. * * * Do you like pizza, have you ever tried pizza, or do you know what pizza looks like? Well, here’s your chance to find out the whole scoop on a truly different taste treat. Just hit TINO’s on Willamette street at 15th and enjoy pizza at its best. Tino is noted for his fine Italian dinners, too. Every dish is great. But if you want to join the ever in creasing group of pizza enthus iasts ... all the more reason you'll make TINO's a must for that dining date. • • • Why not make it smorgasbord at the SWEDEN HOUSE? Swed ish baked steaks, chicken, ham and many other great kinds of goodies are yours from five ’till thru Tuesday “WHITE CHRISTMAS” Ring Crosby — Danny Kayo Rosemary Clooney Wednesday, March 9: “REAR WINDOW” James Stewart — Grace Kelly —and— “ROMAN HOLIDAY” Audrey Hepburn — Gregory Peek f nine Tuesday through Sunday evenings. These foods are Includ ed on the smorgasbord. Once more you can eat just as much as you can handle. The bigger your appetite the better. No foolin’, the food's delicious. Convenient location across from Common wealth on Kincaid. Just drive by or cut across the campus and enjoy the best in smorgasbord. Cali 5-7332 for reservations. • • • The next time you’re in the mood for a charcoal broiled ham burger, stop in at HAMBURGER HEAVEN. Whether you prefer a regular style hamburger, a chiliburgcr, 01* other HAMBURG ER HEAVEN specialties, the food's the finest. Don't cruise the main without stopping" at HAM iNQRTHiENDm ** HWY *9 N .S ; NOW PLAYING smca Maun i« raw TRACY * WIOMARK • PmRS • WAGNER BROKEN EANCE> K’lUH.'.riMVAgHI -ALSO- I Jennifer Jones -Montgomery Cum “INDISCRETION am QmuAjcam U)i£t“ I k'-M «•» W4 ro w ***** f ’ ; mo . fe«M * ttA* t^NOt - ALSO - jaw u • \r wtl, ENDS WEDNESDAY Ends Tuesday, March 8: “FAR COUNTRY” James Stewart and Ruth Roman “WEST OF THE ZANZIBAR” Anthony Stool* ond Shell* Sim Starts Wednesday, March 9: I BURGER HEAVEN Try their delicious coeoanut cream pie. * * * Whether you’re planning a house dance, a club banquet, or p, luncheon ... of If you JuhI want a dinner for two . , . you can’t go wrong dining at the LYN WOOD CAFE. After a show or for an afternoon date, enjoy a sandwich at the LYNWOOD'B Coffee Shop. No matter what the occasion, you'll find the food the finest. The LYNWOOD fea tures steak and seafoods. Patronize Emerald AdvertIm-rs the EUGENE screen] M-G-M’s Youthful, Beautiful Musical... J. m BiyjH EDMUND PUM • • • • • mu* ram ••••#< XSWERCSOM LOUSCAUON • ...mmmm-u-marrni KlUfl naiNB .iKinuMii 2nd Top Hit THEY'RE RU HERE...THE WESTS WORST BROKER! Bauman's Tmh/utohy RANDOLPH SCOn wma-tmimmms jTo —— stf. STMS! SONG HITS! SPECTACLE! IN MY ^TOP HIT' ORIOINAL TARZAN HIT! The jungle lover* face terrifying; danger) d .2860 WULAMETTt ijPitow 4.4IS2 1/tlVEIN THEATR