Varsity Netters Eye Weather, First Matches Oregon's varsity tennis Irani, potentially a top contender for the Northern Division title, were hoping for better weather and a bigger turnout thin week an Coach Hilbert !>«•*•'* squad began preparing for their first match, April 1. The M|tiad has la-en work ing out for about a month dur ing the unusually dry Oregon weather, and !-ee says pros pect* for the team look good. The rourtmen will *«••• their first regular action of the sea son after spring vacation when they go to Portland to play Heed and Portland IJ. April I and 2. Lee reported that the team will play practice matches with non-squad members including some graduate students and oth ers next week to get some com petition under their belts. North ern Division action for the pet ters will open In Kugene April 22 when the perennial conference champions, Washington, comes to town. The Duck team Is expected to be one of the strongest in sev eral years, as four of the 1954 squad's five top men are bark from the team that finished third behind Washington and Oregon State last year. Bolt Baker and Dick Hamil ton, two-year lettennen, and Don Bonlme and Dick Cray, one-year numeral wearers, are the quartet hack from last year. All have Improved, says I