Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 03, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    I Letters to the Editor
Headline Questioned
Emerald Editor:
Mxy I call your attention to a
»e‘vvH Item appearing on page
*‘*ven of today's (March 1i Dally
The headline reads. "College
Student* Want Elsenhower." Yet
In the atory which follows we are
told that a number of college
student* were naked whether or
not they think that Mr. Elsen
hower will run for a second term
In 1956.
I suspect that among these
students who were polled, at
least some would like to make
a distinction between what they
want to happen and what they
think will happen.
I do not mean to suggest that
this was anything but an over
sight on the part of your paper's
staff. However, similar distor
tions are all too frequently de
liberate on the part of certain
editors, and I would not like to
see you included among thefe
Vergil Dvkstra
Instructor in Philosophy
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor: Pete Taussig.
News Desk: Ann? Hill.
Copy Desk: Kathy Morrison.
Night Staff: Elton E Eng
On Thinking
| Kmmld Editor:
j t noticed «n the editorial page
i of today's (March 1» Emerald
that you eloquent leaders of the
Fourth Fatale on thia campus
were surprised that a poll of U.8.
1 College atudenta ahowed that 51
percent of them don’t know what
SEATO la. Personally I waa sur
priaed that the Emerald printed
| auch an editorial. I had come to
uHBiime that it waa your editorial
policy not to editorialize beyond
the bounds of campus affairs,
i It aeems to me like the pot call
ing. the kettle black when the
Emerald pointed Its finger at the
half of the country’s college stu
denta who aren’t concerned with
the world they live in. However
f took your editorial aa a spark
of hope. Since the Emerald odi
I lots have become appalled at the
fact that half the nation’s col
lege population doesn't think,
perhaps we can now begin to
read what the Emerald editors
do think.
Presumptuously yours,
W. B. Swenson
For editorial comment see
editorial page 2 entitled “Who
Thinks What?”
The United Nations' Charter
came into effect Oct. 24, 1945.
Young GOP's
Hear Jones
Gerald Jones, Junior in Anthro
pology and Republican college
league western council represen
tative, will apeak tonight at the
Young Republican meeting in the
Student Union. He will give a
brief report concerning the re
cent Midwestern and far Western
Young Republican convention
held at Colorado Springs, Colo.
While attending the conven
tion, Jones was elected chairman
of the Western Council of Col
lege of Young Republican clubs.
He has previously served as
chairman of the University
Young Republicans. He was a
member of the state college i
league board for almost two ;
Other business on the agenda
is the Oregon college league con
clave at Surftides on March 26 j
and 27. To date eight local Young
Republicans will be attending!
this annual social event. They
are: Bob Porter, Ed Peterson,
Chuck Blackburn, Jerry Jones.
Jerry Maxwell, Carl Fleshman,
Dorothy Yergen and Clare
Thompson. Anyone else interest
ed in attending this conclave I
should attend the final Young
Republican meeting of the term j
tonight or contact Blackbui'h by
March 18, telephone 3-2375.
Patronize Emerald Advertisers
KWAX to Give
'Dracula' Today
One of the most terrifying nov
els ever written, Brian Stoker’s i
"Dracula,” will be presented by
radio KWAX today over KOAC;
AM at 4 p.m.
The hour-long program was
adapted for radio by Loanne
Morgan and will be performed
by the radio workshop players on
the University hour.
Being KWAX’s first hour-long '
program of the year, it will fea
ture the most extensive use of I
sound effects yet employed by
the student station. The show,
directed by Jon Powell and Lo
anne Morgan, will star George
Goldagger as Dracula and Win
ston Rust.
Others included in the cast are
Bruce Holt, Victor Heyden, Pat1
McCormick and Floy Louise Van
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round the clock
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