Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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on the
Emerald Women's Page
Sally Jo Greig and Marcia Mauney,
.m Erry-Go-RounD
By Jan Bennett
im«rald fltporlir
To give a complete picture of
the romance merry-go-round at
Oregon the following men'*
houses have revealed many pin
ning* and engagements to girls
not attending the University.
At Alpha Tau Omega
John Keller is engaged to Pat
ty Murad of Portland, and Kon
PheiHter ia engaged to Barbara
Steven*, also of Portland. Bill
Blodgett i* pinned to Carol Kern,
who wax a student at Oregon
laat year.
At Chi Psi
George Marshall is engaged to
Nancy Randolph, Portland, who
was a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma here last year.
At Delta Tau Delta
The pm of Dick Stenberg is
being worn by Karine Knnke of
At Delta Upsilon
Three pinnings are in the spot
light at the DU house. Murray
Jenson is pinned to Lorena Rob
ertson, Salem, and Steve Dan
chok to Clarye Carter, Roseburg.
At Phi Delta Theta
John Bunded is engaged to
Donna Lee, of The Dalles.
At Sigma Phi Epsilon
Carl Irwin is engaged to Joan
Applebuum, from Ban Raphael.
Calif. Joan was a member of
Gamma Phi Beta here last year.
Miss Woodward
Jimmie Woodward, staff mem
ber of the college and university
division of the national YWCA,
will be on campus Thursday and
Friday to meet with students in
terested in professional student
work with the YWCA.
Miss Woodward will also meet
with the Religious Directors' as
sociation at Christian house
Thursday morning. A coffee hour
will be held for her by the Y
advisory board, Friday at 10 a m.
in Gerlinger.
She is also on campus to meet
with University officials to dis
cuss national Y problems. Miss
Woodward will be here in con
junction with the YW centennial
being celebrated by Y’s all over
the country.
YWCA Sends Six
To Menucho Meet
Six members of the YWCA
represented the University at
the YMCA-YWCA regional coun
cil meeting at Menucha, near
Corbett last weekend.
Anne Hill, Germaine LaMarche,
Jean Sandine, Kathryn Thurston,
Miriam Vaaler and Kileen Lind
hlad, executive director of YW
CA's activities, attended the an
nual meeting.
Miss Hill was recommended for
nomination as the 1956 co-chair
man of the YM-YW regional con
ference at Seabeck, Wash. Miss
Thurston was elected member
at-large o# the region. Miss La- ;
Marche is present regional fi- j
nance chairman for the YWCA. I
At Lambda Chi Alpha
Mill Wilson is pinned to Judy
Filzwalter, an Oregon State Pi
At Phi Gamma Delta
Lee Belknap in pinned to, Jane
Strowger, a Kappa at Oregon
last year.
At Phi Kappa Psi
Larry Anderson in engaged to
Marilyn Lenipea, A Gloria, and
Bob Meader is engaged to Mari
lyn Jones, Portland. Jim Mizncr
ih pinned to Peggy Bell, also
from Portland.
At Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Joyl Dahl and Bill Hardin are
pinned to two girls from Port
land. Dawn Wood and Dawn
Kristchley, respectively.
At Sigma Alpha Mu
The pinning of Irwin Caplan
to Roz Friedman, Alpha F.psi
lon Phi, at the University of
Washington was recently an
nounced. David Eisenbcrg. who
is attending University of Ore
gon Dental school, announced hia
engagement to Shirlee Katz. Re
cent weddings .include Howard
Marcus to Robin Levene, Tampa.
Fla., and Jerome Friedman to
Joan Baker of Palm Springs,
At Sigma Chi
Martin Pedigo is pinned to
Jacqueline Kleinert of Spokane,
At Sigma Nu
Ward Cook is pinned to Alice
Kroppe, an Oregon State Kappa
Kappa Gamma, and Swede Ra
mos is pinned to Darlene Waten
berg, of Echo.
Dream Girl Finalists
I'l KAPPA ALPHA DKRAM (HRL will be honored at a formal
house clone#* Saturday night. The candidates are: (left to right)
Mary Lou Teague, sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta; Maureen
llohertj, ( arson 3; Pat Hoy, Delta Zeta, and Mary Jo Fourier,
Hendrick* hall.
Council Appoints
YWCA Cabinets
Appointive offices in the YW
CA cabinet, and sophomore cab
inet of the Y were filled yester- ,
day at executive committee
meetings of both groups, accord
ing to Eileen Lindblad, Y execu
tive director.
Anne Hill was appointed
sophomore adviser in the senior
cabinet. Kathy Holloway was
named co-ordinator. Chairmen of
the various uppcrclass commis
sions are Sally Calkins, inter
national affairs; Inga Shipstead.
religious growth; Helen Ruth
Johnson, worship: Bienda Blaes
ing, chairman and Marlene
i Orasseschi, assistant, service;
Alice Kihn. public affairs: Betty
Anderson and Nan Hagedom,
membership; Pam Rabons. house
and social; Miriam V’aaler. con
ference; Patty Fagan, publicity:
Agnes Thompson, promotion.
Junior advisers arc Nancy
Adams, Shirley Bostad. Jean
Fay. Mary Gerlinger, Carolyn
Kascr, Connie Long, Luanne Mc
Clure, Glenna Pearl, Lolly Quack
enbush, Phyllis Stalsberg and
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Margaret Tyler.
Sophomore cabinet members
are Joyce Jacobson and Evelyn
Nelson, membership: Jeri Miura.
finance: Franny Heitkemper and
Lee Blaesing, service; Doris Al
len. chaplain, Nance Marston and
Frances Frey,, conference: Mary
Heisler, religious growth: Cay
Mundorff, social chairman: Mary
Jane Alexander and Mary Jo
Fourier, promotion: Nancy Shaw,
publicity; Joan Kraus and Shir
ley Parmenter. Duckling coun
selors; Kathy Thurston and Janet
5>omers. centennial, and Sandra
Yokum and Leola Lorenzen,
Nina Edwards
PE Presklant
Nina Edwards iun»<■>:• in pby
' *ical education. was eieetec- - ^s
1 ident of the rnnen’' rhy- ral
education club T»«t'
Vtce-prejrdent is Sue Merritt;
seerotary, Gay Baxter; treaa
urer, Margaret Holman; junior
'representative, Lois Olson; soph
omore representative, Helen
Ruth Johnson, and freshman rep
resentative, Sally Passmore.
Members of the club were
eligible to vote In the election.
The club is open to women who
,are majors or minors in physical
i education.
YWCA Coffee Hour
Planned Thursday
The first n a series of infor
, ma) student coff'-e hours, spon
sored by the YWCA will be held
| this Thursday at 4 p.m. in the
i Y lounge.
The coffee hours for foreign
■students and University students
| to get-together are based on an
, idea originating in the Nether
lands. Foreign students will be
; on hand to talk with and to an
j saver questions students may
have concerning their particular
country or field of study. No
forma! discussion topic will be
round the clock
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