Veterans still interested in , changing their major college pro gram are reminded that such changes cannot be made later than three years from the stu dent's date of separation. Counseling service is still avail able to veterans, even after they have enrolled in school. Those! who are still uncertain about1 aptitudes, abilities, or objectives j should apply for guidance j through the VA. Seriously disabled veterans are still eligible for a $1600 grant towards a car. The appli cation for such a grant must; be made within three years of separation from the armed i forces. Veterans are also reminded that under certain conditions they are eligible for hospitaliza tion at the VA hospital even though the medical condition is not a service-connected distbil ity. Veterans should address fur ther questions to Larry Whitson.j officer in charge at the Veterans Administration office, 209 Hamp ton Bldg.. 610 AJy.llamette St. Telephone 5-3441. Job Opportunities The Bell Telephone company laboratory and the Sandia cor-, poration representatives will in terview prospective June grdau ates in physics and chemistry on Thursday. General Electric Tuesday will interview students in physics and chemistry who will receive bachelor or master degrees in, June. Appointments for interviews can be made in Science 121. Patronize Emerald Advertisers + Campus Briefs + 0 The Ore|(«n chapter of the Future Teachers of America will meet tonight at 8 in the Student Union. A teacher from the Con don school will speak on “What Is Expected from the Beginning Teacher." 0 Infirmary patients Tues day. according to hospital rec ords. were: Milford Schierboltz. Albert Peterson, Thomas Rea dier. Richard Bates. William Russell! Charles Will. Stanley Ito. Wayne Brandt, Ardice Houghton. Edward Jackson, Lyn Ednnmdson, Janet Flatland, Cig Freshmen, Market Meted Beer Fines Four University freshmen were fined for possession of beer and Shisler's market received a $P5 fine and 55 costs in district court j Tuesday. Robert Steinmetz, Darrell Best j and John Charlton, freshmen in business, and Christian Risky, freshman in liberal arts, pleaded1 guilty to possession of beer and, were fined $25 each. Shisler’s sold beer to the min ors on Feb. 26. according to a complaint signed by Kenneth Whitlock. Oregon Liquor Con trol commission investigator. nette Swan .Roberta Mulkey nncl Annie Quackenbush. No visitors are allowed on the infirmary floor in an attempt to atop the spread of the flu. 0 The Student Truffle court will meet tonight at 7:30 in Stu dent Union 309. Students who wish to appeul tickets may do so at this meeting. 0 Alpine club will meet at 6:30 p.m. today in the Student Union. 9 N'ew ami old YWCA cabi nets will meet today at noon in Gerlinger hall. SAE to Celebrate 99th Year Sunday Sigma Alpha Epsilon founder's ; day will be marked Sunday by a banquet at the Eugene hotel Col-1 onnade room. This is the 99th year of the fraternity's founding, and alum ni from all over the state, as well as actives from the three SAK chapters in Oregon will attend the banquet. Other chapters are at Oregon State college and Willamette uni versity. General chairman of the banquet is Dennis Rapp. SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN' FROM 9 A.M. T|| ■ is P. DAILY & SUNDAYS r I ILL I I Iw m. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - EXT. 218 « EMERALD 0FFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cent* per Word Pint ln»ort!on, 2 Cent* per Word Thereafter. Attention married students. You can now have Public Liability and Property Damage Auto Insurance for $15.20 per six months re newal. Save 1/3 on other coverages. Get the facts. Call or see Jerry Brown, Mayflower Agent, 962 Oak St. 4-9144. Res. 4-2957. 2-4-tf Get 1955 high-compression performance from your old er Plymouth with this spe cial aluminum finned head. Adds gas mileage, power. Simple to install. Costs $55, will sell for $25. Phone Ve ueta 2896. Hi-Fi Items: Warfdale Speak er 10” $40, R. J. Cabinet, $25. New Canard Manual Turntable and O E. Cart ridge. Clarkstan Pickup Arm $15. Ph. 4-0514. 3-2 Lost small black purse Satur day night on campus. Con tents needed. Reward. Phone 4-8537, 1445 K. 21st. 3-3 For Rent. Good 3-rooni trailer w'ith stool at Twin Totem Trailer Court. Call Mrs. Hcrmanaon, 6-3524. 2-22tf STUDENTS Are you able to make ends meet on your present In come? If not, and you are able to work evening* in our order department, you can make that extra money to put you over the Hump. For interviews. «ee Mr Corbitt, Room 104, 119 Hast Broadway between 10 and 3 p.m. 3-1-tf ST COUNTS If you are free from 4 p.m. til 9:30 p.m. every night, Mon. thru Friday, I muy be able to use you. You must be satisfied with $60 per wk. to start. We are opening new of fices in this area for one of the largest companies in the U.S. Good chance of ad vancement. Apply in person only. See personnel man ager, Room 104 119 K. Broadway before 3 p.m. 2-26-tf Alteration* and Dressmaking, Phone 3-4182 for appoint ment. Mrs. McCoy, 2024 Kmerald, Apartment 1. 3-4 Wanted: Ride to Seattle and return between terms. Ph. S 6222. 3-4 Today's Staff Make-up Editor: Sam Vahey. Copy Desk: Mary Jo Base he, Dottie Griffith. i News Desk: Gordon Hire, Anne Ritchey. Night Staff: Claudia Wurtz, Sanford Milken. Suggest Your Weekend r ENTERTAINMENT ...t Movies, Restaurants, x, Dances featured on the >< ENTERTAINMENT PAGE every Friday w, iere to no an cl what to clo in (d^ucjene!