Vol. I-VI. University of Oregon, Kugene, Wed. Mar. 2, 1955 No. 1M UO Pi Kap Chapter to Close See Columns 4, 5 Jane Bergstrom New ^W/S President Sally Ryan Gets Vice-President Jane Bergstrom, junior in art, was elected Associated Women Students president Tuesday in a run-off election between the three candidates. Sally Kyan, junior in jour nalism. udl be vice-president. Janet t«ustafson, junior in speech correction, was the other candidate. A total of 2\T> votes wen- cast In the election, with 108 neces 4ANK HEK«.slKo>l Winn in Hun-Off Ela tion nary for a majority. In the regu lar election Thursday, 370 votes were cast. The preferential system of vot ing and counting was used, with voters indicating their preference in order. Five ballots, cast for Mis* Gustafson, were invalid fol lowing redistribution. Miss Berg Htrom won by two votes, after redistribution. Miss Bergstrom is secretary of Phi Theta Upsilon, junior wom en's service honorary, and secre tary of the University Co-op board. Recently named co-chairman of the Junior Weekend all-campus sing, she is also a member of the Student Union personnel board. Miss Ryan is associate editor of the Emerald, a member of the Student Union board and a Car son hall counsellor. She has served on the AWS cabinet this year as intercollegi ate representative, and is also relations chairman of Panhel lenic. She is publicity chairman for Junior Weekend. Other newly-elected officers of AWS include Helen Ruth John son, secretary; Mary Gerlinger, treasurer; Jean McPherson, ser geant-at-arms, and Ann Petter son, reporter. Freshman's Entry Picked for Theme “Up the Lazy Mill race” has been selected as theme for Junior Weekend, according to Junior Class President Bud Ilinkson. Jerry IJIrsh, freshman in speech, submitted the winning entry in the theme suggestion contest. He will receive a tick et for two to the Junior prom. The winning entry will form the theme of all the weekend events, including the prom, all-campus luncheon and ull canipus sing. Dull Thinks Formosa Attack Possible in June By Pete Taussig Emgralil Raoorttr Mao-Tae-tung’s expressed be lief that "danger to the revo lution is greatest when the fight ing ceases" might be one of the reasons, according to Paul S. Dull, associate professor of his tory and political science, why the communists might attack Formosa in June. ' Dull made this statement dur ing the international relations club's panel discussion of "Should the United States recognize Red China” Tuesday night. After the meeting Dull added that he believes there is a very good chance the Chinese Reds will move against Formosa in June. Commies Building Forces The communists are budding up their forces now. Dull point ed out. "They might attack," he pre dicted, "and there would be a terrific air battle over the straits. Pressure would build up within the United States to use the A-bomb and we won’t go fishing this summer." "We no longer dare to fight because of the terrible conse quences of modern warfare yet we dare not fuil to oppose com munist aggression." “Containment Thru Strength" Dull, taking the position that the US should not recognize the I communist Chinese government, . advocated a short-range policy of containment through strength while long-range plans for con | tainment. on the idealogieal front are developed. "The first policy without the (Cnnlinurd <