Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Six College Graduates
To Receive Fellowships
Six American college gradu
ates will have an opportunity to
study in Denmark and Sweden
through fellowship* to he offered
thin year by the two Scandina
vian government*.
The fcIlowHhlp program wax
announced only recently by Ken
neth Holland, president of the
Institute of International Educa
tion In New York. Holland re
vealed that each country plans;
to make three grant* available.
The Danish government will
offer their fellowship* through
the Ministry of Education. They
will Include funds for a year of
study In an Institution of higher
education ita well as expenses to
cover a short or * ntation course.
Since funds are limited. It will be
necessary for the fellowship win
ners to pay their own travel and
incidental expenses.
Sweden will offer somewhat
the same type of a program
through the Sweden-American
foundation. The stipends will cov
er room, board and tuition ex
penses at a Swedish university.
Candidates will also have to pay
for travel costs on the Swedish
Eligibility requirements for
6:00 Sign On
6 03 Dinner Hour Serenade
6:45 News Till Now
7:00 Sports Shot
7:15 Journeys in Jazz
8:15 Window of the World
ts :30 Guest Star
K 45 I'N Story
f*:00 K waxworks
11:00 Sign Off
the fellowship* are: United!
.State* citizenship, a bachelor'*
degree from an American college
or univeralty, demon*!rated acad
emic ability, good all-around
character and gorsl health. Pref
erence will be given to candidate*
under 35 year* of age.
Application* may be aecurcd
from the US Student Department
of the Institute of International
Induration, 1 East «7th St., New
College Students
Want Eisenhower
President Elsenhower will run
for re-election in 1956 if the
view* of current college student*
are correct.
In a recent national .poll by the
Associated Collegiate Press 62.
per cent of the student* ques-j
Honed answered the affirmative I
when asked: "Do you think Eis
enhower will run for president
for a second term in "1956 ?"
Of those expressing doubt, 23
per cent said that Ike wouldn't
run again while the remaining
15 per cent gave "no opinion" a*
their an*wer.
Broken down, the poll revealed
that <53 per cent of men ques
tioned answered “yes” while only
60 per cent of the women an
swered favorably.
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor: Paul Keefe.
Copy Desk: Joan Kraus. Carole
Beeph and Bob Turley.
News Desk: Carole Craig, Bob
Robinson and Mary Alice Allen.
Nighi Staff: Bcv Chamberlain
and Cay Mundorff.
Women Interested
In Hawaii to Meet
University co-eds interested in
the Hawaii tours as planned by
Pan American airways will gath
er Informally tonight at 0 in the
living room of Carson hall.
All women interested In the
University of Hawaii tours are
Invited to attend, according to
Mrs. Agnes Blotti, Carson house
mother and Oregon's tour chap
erone .
Mrs. Betty Mendenhall, tour
leader from Oregon State college,
will be on hand to answer ques
tions concerning the tours. She
will show films put out by Pan
American on Hawaii.
Kauffman's of Kugenc will pre
sent an informal style show of
proper clothing for the Hawaii
tour. Other entertainment will
b<- provided by Hawaiian stu
dents and refreshments will be
Campus Calendar
Noon Phi Beta Srs 110 SU
PR Grads 111 SU
Psi Chi 112 SU
Sinf 113 SU
Birney Lnch 215 SU
1:00 Birney Asbly Ballrm Si;
AWS elections
Checkrm SU
■1:00 Tennis-Vat- &
Frosh 111 SU
Birney Gof Hr Dadsrm SI'
0:30 Phi Chi Th<-U 315 SU
7:00 I VCR 334 SU
7:30 Yeomen 110 SU
Prop Cl 111 SU
PDK 113 SU
. IKC 138 SU
Christian Sci
Gerl 1st FI
8:00 Webfoot Coop 214 SU
West Quoddy Head, near Fast
port. Maine, is the eastermost
point of the United States.
40 Jobs Available To Students Soon
The Washington Department
of Health, Education and Welfare
has announced that it will make
40 John available to young people
in the near future.
The positions will be in the
field of food and drug inspection
and will be. located in the depart
imntVs varfnr.* f i I r-'y.-ri,
mostly in the Seattle r. —a.
Information tcr.-r. -g the
openings can he ohta'not’ ».y t»
ing to the director of ;he t'*h
United State* Civil f.rv're tVj
gion, 302 Federal C'.'C e I g.,
Seattle 4, Wash.
is smooth and easy>drawing. It gives you
everything you’ve been looking for in a
filter cigarette—-all the full, rich taste of fine
tobacco and real filtration, too!
rnoDucx or
of the Articles You
Would Like to Sell
Think how much
money you have lay
ing around your living
organization. The money
is in the form of Old Books, Furniture,
Lamps and Clothes that do not fit you
any more.
You Can Sell These Articles Through
Want Ads
RATES: 4 Cents per Word First Insertion, 2 Cents per Word Thereafter.