Air of Coming Crisis Felt in Chiangs Capital TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) — A sense of approaching crisis in Formosa Strait pervades Chiang Kai-Shek’s capital of Taipei. The lull along the offshore is land front is considered ominous. It was broken Sunday only by the burst of four Red shells on tiny Nationalist Tatan Island, near Quemoy, across the strait from Formosa. Search-Planes Nationalist planes and war ships swept the strait, looking for possible Communist buildups near Quemoy and the Matsu Islands. 100 miles northwest of Formosa. If they found anything, it was not reported. With the Commu nists now on Nanchishan Island, 140 miles north of Formosa, the Matsus and Quemoy are the only important Nationalist offshore holdings. Possible Shakeup The idea that events are brew ing in the Formosa Strait that might transform the entire situa tion has spurred reports of a shakup in Presidnt Chiang’s Cab inet. This may be decided at a meet ing of the powerful Central Com mittee of the Koumintang, Chi. ang’s ruling party. It is scheduled to open sessions Tuesday. Military Man Wanted Some quarters feel that the sit uation demands appointment of a new Premier, who in the Nation alist setup heads the Cabinet, not the government. They believe the job calls for a military man. O. K. Yui, the present Premier, is rated as honest, capable and hard working. But he has not quite achieved Chiang's closest inner circle. He also has no mili tary experience. Fight to the Death Yui had talked about fighting to the death for the Tachens and Nanchishan, all abandoned with out a fight. He may have been talking for public consumption or to delude the Communists. It is possible, however, that although Premier Campus Briefs 0 Doris Allen, Connie Shimp, Janet Flatland, Joanne Kerr, Ed ward Jackson, Joe Beeson, Mil ford Schierboltz, Marvin Eck feldt, Robert Gilman and Wayne Brandt were confined to the in firmary Sunday for medical at tention, according to hospital records. 0 Tickets are now on sale for the University Theater’s next production, “The Contrast.” Box office hours are eyery day except Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Tickets for the early American comedy are priced at $1. 0 The Heads of Houses meet ing, originally scheduled for Mon day, has been postponed until a later date, according to Ruth Joseph, vice-president of the group. 0 Amphibians will beet at Gerlinger pool tonight at 8 to re hearse the aquacade. The re hearsal will follow adyiser meet ings. - Professor to Address Tuesday Psi Chi Meet Psi Chi, campus psychology honorary, will meet at noon Tues day in the Student Union. All students and faculty members in terested in psychology are wel come. J. M. Warren, assistant pro fessor of psychology will discuss “The Learning Set,” summariz ing some of the experimental work done with cats at the Uni versity on the learning set phenomena. he had been kept in the dark about impending events. Three-llour Conference The official Central News Agency said Maj. Gen. William C. Chase visited the Matsus Sunday. It reported the head of the U. S. Military Assistance Advisory Group conferred for three hours with the garrison commander, then visited other islands in the group. Chase was accompanied by his second in command. Maj. Gen. John C. MacDonald, and 12 other U. S. and Nationalist officers. Among the Nationalists was Lt. Gen. Yu Pak-Chuen, deputy chief of the general staff. Campus Calendar Monih^ February 28, 1955 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Noon URC 110 SU Smith Lnch 111 SU Spanish Tbl 112 SU Rally Bd 313 SU 7:00 Orides Gerl 3rd FI 7:30 B1 & Tackle 315 SU 8:00 Smith Lecture Ballrm SU Johann Gutenberg printed the first Bible in 1456. Composer Speaks For Art Festival George Antheil. one of the na tion's leading modern composers, will speak Thursday in conjunc tion with the current University Festival of Arts. The composer will speak at 8’p.m. in the music school audi torium! His topic will be, "The American Heritage of Music." Antheil first began his career in 1922 as a concert pianist. He has served as director of the Ber ling State theater, music direct or for both Eastern and Holly wood Paramount studios, and for Columbia studios. He is composed of several sym phonies and an opera. He is an ardent advocate of abstract mu sic. Foreign Service Job Recruiters Here Friday Two representatives of the United States Department of State will be on campus Friday to present new career opportuni ties in the Foreign service of the US. They will meet with the facul ty at noon and with students in the afternoon. This is part of a new program of Foreign Service recruiting. More information will be pub lished in the Emerald on Thurs day. (Emerald.. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1311 — EXT. 218 « EMERALD OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cent* per Word Fif»t Iniertlon, 2 Cent* per Word Thcroefter. Attention married students. You can now have Public Liability and Property Damage Auto Insurance for $15.20 per six months re newal. Save 1/3 on other coverages. Get the facts. Call or see Jerry Brown, Mayflower Agent, 962 Oak St. 4-9444. Res. 4-2957. 2-4-tf Hi-Fi Items: Warfdale Speak er 10” $40, R. J. Cabinet, $25. New Garrard Manual Turntable and G.E. Cart ridge. Clarkstan Pickup Arm $15. Ph. 4-0514. 3-2 One Afc'K Simmons t '• >: 1 Twin Bed Springs $10. General Mills Iron $5. Excellent con dition. Phone 3-1359. 2-28 For Rent. Good 3-room trailer with stool at Twin Totem Trailer Court. Call Mrs. Hermanson, 6-3524. 2-22tf STUDENTS If you an* flop from 4 p.m. til 9:30 p.m. every night, Mon. thru Friday, I may tie able to uae you. You hiumI be satisfied with $00 per wk. to start. We are opening new of fices in this area for one of the largest companies In the U.S. Good chance of ad vancement. Apply in person only. See personnel man ager. Room 104 — 119 K. Broadway before 3 p.m. 2-25-tf Excellent fraternity mascots AKC registered Dober man Pinscher puppies Champion stock. Call 3-6588 after 5 p.m. 2-25 Alterations and Dressmaking. Phone 3-4182 for appoint ment. Mrs. McCoy. 2024 Emerald. Apartment 1. 3-4 Put a SMILE in your SMOKING! 7*y CHESTERFIELD^^ You’ll smile your approval of Chesterfield’s smoothness — mildness — refreshing taste. You’ll smile your approval of Chesterfield s quality-highest quality-[ow nicotine. v-?o IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD— NO