Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    Goldman to Lead
UO Band Concert
Edwin Franko Goldman, leader
of the well-known Goldman band
of New York City will be guest
conductor at the University con
cert band performance Wednes
The concert will be at 8:15
p.m. in Student Union ballroom.
It is open to all University stu
dents and Eugene townspeople.
Goldman is one of the more
noted men in the field of band
music in the nation. Since 1911
he has directed his own band in
concerts in New York.
For the University concert
Goldman will direct 110 mem
bers of the concert and varsity
bands in many of his own compo
sitions including the most well
known. “On the Mall.”
Goldman has composed more
than 100 other marches and other
compositions for band. He has
also written many articles and
books on band music.
Students May Find
Lost Books in SU
Mrs. Jean Bailey, in charge of
the lost and found department,
has announced that many text
books and notebooks have been
found and are waiting to be
claimed at .the main desk in the
Student Union.
Names in some of the lost
books are: Dale Banks, Helen
Bates, Joanne Brandon. J ohn
Bohiman. \V. R. Bullahn. Jr.,
Norma Carson, Eileen DeWilde.
Gordon Dahlauist. Don Dexter,
Raymond Freauff, Raymond
Green, Arlene Hardt. Chuck
Harrell. M. P. Jacobsen, Shirley
Kraus, Aimee Lifebare. Lynn
Lemery. D. A. Maxwell, Shan
non McGee. Barten A. McKagen,
Fred Mchr, John O'Keefe, Ted
Owens. Jim Perry. Robert
Reaves, E. P. Remir, Bruce Ti
tus. William Vibrans. Joanne
Ware, R. Wilson and John Win
Many books in the lost and
found department are without
names, and the losers may claim
by identifying them.
Tax Returns Help
Available Mar. 28
Students who wish help in
making out state income tax re
turns may receive aid from a rep
resentative of the state tax com
mission beginning March 28.
The representatives will be in
the old Po3t Office building, 23
W. 6th, in Eugene from 8 to 5
p.m. on the following dates:
March 28 to April 1 Apr il 4 to 8.
and April 11 to 15, inclusive.
UW Denies Student Bid
To Invite Oppenheimer
SEATTLE (APi — The Uni
versity of Washington Board of
Regents Saturday denied a peti
tion. signed by 1,107 students,
which asked that Dr. J. Robert
Oppenheimer be invited to lec
ture at the university.
The petition, presented in per
son by 40 students at a board
meeting, protested the action of
University President Henry
Schmitz in rejecting a recom
mendation by the physics depart
ment that the atomic scientist
Ire invited.
This was the second time for
the regents to uphold Dr. Schmitz
in the Oppenheimer matter.
Charles F. Frankland, chairman
of the regents, assured the peti
tioners that the matter had been
reviewed carefully.
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor : Valerie Hersh.
News Desk: Bob Robinson,
Anne Ritchey.
Copy Desk: Marcia Mauney,
Kathleen Morrison.
Night Editor: Janet Kneeland.
Little Colonel Contestants
LIGHT FINALISTS in the Little Colonel contest have Iscen announced, four each for the urniy and air force ItOTf iinltH. The
foul for the air force (top row) are, left to ri);lil: •loan Hunter, 1C nth Joseph, >1010*1 \\ ick and Put Leonard. The four contestant's
in the bottom row, competing in the army contest, are: Diane David, Marcia Dutcher, Vlma Owen and Charlotte Itritts. Tin* winner
will be decided by preliminary vote and percentage of ticket sales and will to- announced at the Military Hall Saturday night.
Sec Little Colonel story on page 1.
He Needs
Experience, Too!
. "'Experience Is The Best Teacher"
Now! Learn
Mr. Jack Weber, a former newspaper advertising man
ager now studying for a master's degree instructs Emerald
ad staffers every Saturday at 1 o'clock. Talking over results
of your account work speeds up learning. Get in on this if
your aim is to learn advertising!
You can get some Emerald advertising accounts and gain
actual selling experience. Call on as many or as few as you
wish. You'll find there's nothing like talking to business
men which will give you advertising know-how. And how
this will pay off after you graduate)
For a chance to sell Emerald Advertis
" ing, or for layout or office work, talk
to Donna Runberg or Bill Mainwaring
at the Emerald office today!