Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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    OSC Wins Pair
While Loscufoff
Heads Scoring
W l. Pet. FF PA
Oregon Hut* 15 | 93R 1021 879
Ortt'in R 8 .500 057 922
Waihinfton 7 9 4.13 1020 946
Uol'o 5 11 .113 916 1060
W«h. Stole 3 II .313 956 1066
By Allen Johnson
imorald Sport* Writor
Oregon State's tall, talented
Beavers became the third team
In Northern Division history to
record a 15-1 championship sea
son and the Oregon Duck* back
ed Into a second place finish in
the final standings aa a remilt
of weekend basketball action at
Corvallia, Eugene and Moscow.
An 80-79 upset v/in by the pes
ky Idaho Vandals over Wash
ington's Huskies Saturday night
allowed the Ducks to wind up
with an 8-8 record and the run
ner-up slot, despite 53-44 and
BK-58 kisses to the OSC quint.
The Huskies finished two lengths
back with a 7-9 mark after tak
ing the Friduy game from Idaho,
•Jim I-nsriitof f, Oregon's
great senior forward, wrapped
up his fine seuson in an Ore
gon uniform by Inking the
league scoring title from I'W
C enter I>ean Parsons, and It
was by a bare uni -point mar
Frosh Mafmen
Thump YMCA
The Oregon Frosh wrestling
team concluded Its season Sat
urday at McArthur court by de
feating the Portland YMCA, 33
5, in one of the season's more
colorful matches, The Frosh had
previously defeated the Portland
team by a 22-7 count and this
match-was similar to the first
The Frosh victory brought its
season's record up to a nine-won.
two-lost mark. Portland YMCA
gave away 15 points at the start
of the match because of its fail
ure to provide grapplers in the
137-pound, 147-pound and 167
pound weight classes.
rulM I- nature Match
The Krosh picked up the rest
of its points by way of three
falls and one ^decision. The YM
CA team garnered ita only points
when George Coleman pinned Al
vin Denham of the Frosh in 7:57
in the unlimited weight class.
The best match of the after
noon occurred in 177-pound j
weight class between Oregon’s
George Krupicka and Claude
Hulls of Portland YMCA. Hults
is totally blind and wrestles by
feel, thus Krupicka was forced j
to keep contact with this talented
malman throughout the match.
Itlind (iruppler Tough
Hults took a 2-0 lead in the
first three-minute frame, but
Krupicka came back in the sec
ond round to gain a 3-2 lead.
Krupicka lengthened his lead to
4-2 during the third period, but
Hults almost tied up the match
when he came close to gaining
an advantage with ten seconds to
go in the match.
The match ended in favor of
Krupicka, 4-2, but both wrest
lers gained the applause of the
crowd for their fine wrestling.
1^.1 pounds Ray Green (FI pinned
Flank Foley < Y). 5:41 ; 1.10 pounds Jack
Mrlinen (F) pinned (den Buyers (Y).
- ; 1.17 pounds J. I). Griffith (Ft h\
forfeit; 147 pounds Howard Timmons ( F1
to frrrfcit ; 157 pounds Bob lb-yuan (Ft
pinned Hill Pratt (Y), 7:51; 167 pounds
Hon Dexter (Ft, bv forfeit; 177 pounds
< I corse Krupicka (F) dcisioned Claude
Hulls (Y). 4-d: unlimited George Cole
man (Y) pinned Alvin Denham (F), 7:57.
Kin, .'ill-SIS. I’arsons regis
tered 24 and 31 In the two Ida
ho game*, hot Loscutoff kept
tho lea<L with 17 and 27 point
•lights. Loscutoff also broke
t'het Noe’s 1058 Oregon reeord
of 807 points.
A clutch performance by 6' 6”
Tex Whiteman of OSC led the
Staters to their 53-44 Friday win
before a Gill coliseum crowd of
10,182. Choklriff off three would
be Duck rallies with timely field
Koala, Whiteman tallied a total
of 12 counters, behind high men
Swede Halbrook and Loscutoff,
who had 17 each.
The largest home crowd In
Oregon hoop history—10,072—
watched l.osentoff rack up 27
points Saturday night for the
scoring title, but the well-bal
aneed Beavers had too many
guns and recorded 28 free
throws to take a 68-58 victory.
Twelve consecutive Heaver
points early in the second half
put the winners beyond reach
and they coasted in, paced by
I In I brook’s 19 points.
With the two wins, the Bea
vers took the first four-game
seiies from Oregon since the
1946-47 season and also retained
possession of the Chancellor's
trophy, given annually to the
school winning the UO-OSC *e
riec. Captain Jay Dean accepted
th<* awarrJ after the Saturday
game. The Staters’ 15-1 title
winning record duplicated great
Washington teams of 1946 and
OSC 53, Oregon 44
Three quick bankets, two by
Loseutoff and one by Jerry Ross.
Rave Oregon an early 6-0 lead
which they soon stepped up to
11-7. But the Orangemen knot
ted the count at 13-13 before
Hal brook canned a hook shot.
This two-pointer, coming on the
heels of three fast baskets by
Whiteman, gave the Beavers the
lead for good.
On top of this, the giant Ilal
brook bucketed two more field
goals and httle Bill Toole raced
in for a layin while the Ducks
were hieing stymied by the tough
State defense. Early Ir. the game
Hal brook had been guarding
Howard Page and Ron Robins
had been on Loscutoff, but this
quickly was changed.
uregon suffered n spell »f
fold shooting for (hr last ten
minutes of the first half and
could only muster five foul
shots, four by Page and one
by Kay Boll, while OSC was
running wild. The Beavers
held a halftime lead of 80-18.
Halbrook drew his fourth per
sonal early in the second half
and Coach Slats Gill immediate
ly yanked his big center. With
his departure the Duck cause
brightened. The inspired Web
foots closed the gap to five points
before Swede re-entered the
game. He quickly converted a
pass from Ron Robins into an
easy basket, dropped in a free
throw and watched Whiteman
slam in a long pusher to ease the
For the last 15 minutes of
the game both sides scrambled
back and forth at a furious
pace, with the Staters holding
their lead and Oregon unsuc
cessfully attempting to start a
regular assault on the hoop.
Neither team boasted sensa
Entries Requested
Entries for the spring sports
hiivo been called for by the
intramural of fire and a call
has also gone nut for true It ami
softhull officials. Names should
be left at 106 P.E. And timers
for the Frosh track meets are
asked to return watches to
truck Couch Bill Bowemian by
3 p.m. Friday.
tlonal shooting marks, with
the Beavers having a .38!*
mark and Oregon a .304 aver
Loscutoffs and Halbrook’s 17
gave them top point production
honors while Whiteman’s 12 was
next. Boss and Page contributed
8 each for Oregon while Reggie
Mulligan dunked in 6 for OSC.
Oregon State (53)
VUftteltca, f
Whiteman, f
Haliifiok, a
koh n*>.# u
Hnlligan. g
Dean, f
Pau'u*, g
AI lord, k
Shadoin, c
JurlxK, k
. 3
17 53
Oregon (44) FG
! lvO*cutoff, f 7
R«m. f 3
' M. Anderv/n 1
McHugh, g !
Page, g 2
M * ntottii f 0
Werner, f 0
Hell, f 0
Bingham, i 0
Xeh»on, k 0
x 0
Mopre. % 1
B. Anderson, g 0
3 , 17
3 8
2 3
1 2
2 8
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
0 2
0 0
1 2
0 0
14 44
OSC 68, Oregon 58
Following a 37-28 halftime
margin for Oregon State the
Beavers got hot with two min
utes gone and registered twelve
ouick points to move far out in
front. Johnny Jarboe hit two free
throws, Halbrook tipped one in
on a sensational in-the-air catch
dunk shot. Dean dumped two foul
shots, Halbrook added a bucket
and a foul shot and Toole scored
a one-hander and a free toss be
fore Ed Bingham sank a driving,
underhand layin for Oregon to
bleak the streak
The Beavers quickly expand
ed their margin to 60-37 behind
two quick hooks by Tony Vlas
telica before Oregon began to
score again. The Webfoots
went on two six-point scoring
binges to bring the score back
lip to a ten-point gap when
l'hil McHugh hit a cripple at
the final horn. .McHugh, inci
dentally, also got the game's
first basket.
Loscutoft got his title-win
ning basket and also the last of
hi: season and career with 43
seconds to go in the final half
when he stole the ball at mid
court and pounded in for a cinch
layup. This gave him a point-a
minute for the last ten minutes.
Oregon got off to another
good lead over the Beavers in
the opening minutes and held a
10-5 lead with five minutes
gone. Then Halligan dropped
in two quick pushers following
a Ifalhrook layin and the Stat
ers had the lead. Page canned
a set shot and Whiteman coun
tered with two free shots be
fore Oregon got its last lead on
a McHugh pusher.
A Whiteman hook with eight
minutes to go gave OSC its last
(and lasting) lead and the Bea
vers went on to score nine
straight points which was their
halftime margin at 37-28.
Loscutoff got his 27 markers
on 11 field buckets and five char
ity tosses while Halbrook s 19
came on 7 floor shots and five
free throws also. Toole of the
Beavers was next in line with 10
and Halligan chipped in with
nine. McHugh had eight for the
Oregon State (68) FG
Jailxje, f . 1
Whiteman, f.1
Halbrook, c . 7
Toole, g . 2
Halligan, g .4
Dean, ( ... 1
Panins, f . 1
Vlastelica, f . 3
Robins, g . 0
Fundingsland, g . 0
3 3 5
4 2 6
5 4 IV
6 3 10
1 2 9
3 1 5
4 1 6
2 2 8
0 0 0
0 1 0
Totals .20 28 19 68
Oregon (58) FG
Ross, f . 1
Loscutoff, t . 11
M. Anderson, c .1
McHugh, g . 3
Page, g 1
Hingham. f . 1
Werner, c . 2
Nelson, g. 1
Moore, g .0
2 2 4
5 3 27
1 4
2 4 8
2 4 .4
4 3 6
0 0 4
0 0 2
0 3 0
Totals .21 16 23 58
Grapplers Take
3 Wins in South
Oregon’s touring wrestling
team, winner in only three of
eighth previous matches, tri
umphed twice Friday and once
Saturday in encounters with San
Jose State, Stanford and Califor
The wins give the Duck mat
men six wins, five losses and one
tie in their first season in North
’ ern Division wrestling competi
The Webfoots scored a 17-13
victory Friday afternoon over
previously undefeated San Jose
State, which had won seven and
tied one. Oregon’s Roy Schlesser
scored the Ducks’ only fall when
he pinned Joe Isasi of the Spar
Duck Margin Small
In the 137-pound class Bob
Williams outpointed Ben Fer
nandez, Oregon's Dave Newland
decisioned Ken Simpkins in the
147-pound group, Roland Wilson
saueezed by Dick Weger in the
157-pound division and John
Woyat outscored Gus Talbot in
the 167-pound tussle to give the
Ducks a victory by a four points
Coach Bill Hammer’s Web
foots next took six out of eight
matches against Stanford to
topple the Indians by a 28-8
count in a night meet at Palo
Alto. Schlesser, Darrell KLampe,
Newland, Woyat and Ken Kesey
scored falls while Wilson won a
close decision to give the Ducks
a decisive victory.
Stanford Takes Two
Stanford scored its only points
when Pete Likins outpointed Bob
Williams in the 137-pound brack
et and on a fall in the heavy
weight match in which Don Man
nokiam pinned Dick Barker of
the Ducks.
In Saturday's action the Ducks
took their fourth straight win
in their final dual meet of the
season in whipping the Univer
sity of California, 24-7. It was
a revenge win for the Ducks, who
were beaten 20-10 last year by
the Bears. Oregon won six
matches, tied one and lost one by
a fall against the Bears.
Schlesser decisioned Henry
Stone of the Bears in the first
match but California came back
with a win in the 130-pound
class when Joe Ross pinned
Klampe. Robert Prindle and Wil
liams drew in the 137-pound
bracket for the Bears’ last
The Ducks took the last five
matches on the combined efforts
of Newland, Wilson, Woyat, Ke
sey and Dick Barker.
Win by Omega
Heralds Final
Omega hall’s powerful intra
mural track team marched into
the finals of the IM tournament
Friday as Denny George took
three first places in a 60-23 win
over Sherry Ross.
In other Friday action Seder
strom's improving squad racked
up a 42V4-201/2 win over Hunter
to enter the semi-final round of
the tourney’s consolation brack
et. Don Steen won three first
places for the winners to pace the
Omega’s win was its third in
a row after earlier putting Se
derstrom Into the consolation
bracket and following that up
with a win over French. The win
ners took every first place from
Sherry Ross' outclassed squad,
who will meet the winner of to
day’s Sederstrom-French meet in
the consolation finals.
gives you true Tobacco taste.••
is smooth and easy-drawing!