KJl taiouS Additional Religious Notes on page 7 Westminster Foundation Tonight, Westminster mem bers will go to Corvallis for the Oregon-Oregon State basketball game and a "Fun Time" at the OSC Westminster. The Sunday program at West minster Foundation, 1414 Kin caid. will begin at 9 a.m. when coffee and rolls are served. Two study groups will meet from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The Rev. J. Stanley Barlow will lead a dis cussion on the gospel of Mark. The second groijp will study “Brief Statement of the Re formed Faith,” led by Bob Dean. Meditation at the Sunday eve ning vespers at 6 will be led by Mr. Barlow. Vernon F. Snow, instructor in history, will speak on "The Uni versity and You” at the 6:45 p.m. fireside Sunday. The planning council will meet at noon Monday. A meeting of the student council is scheduled for noon Tuesday. COLitCE OUTLINE SERIES BUSINCSS A ECONOMICS .—ACCOUNTING. Elementary_SI.25 _ACCOUNTING MOSLEMS_ 1.30 -BUSINESS 4 GOVEtNMENT_ 1.73 .—BUSINESS LAW_ 1.30 —BUSINESS MANAGEMENT_ 1.75 __CORPORATION FINANCE _ 1.75 -ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE U.S. 1.30 -ECONOMICS. Principle* of_ 1.30 -ECONOMICS, Rending* in_ 1.7S .—lABO* PROBLEMS A TRADE UNIONISM_ 1.J0 .—MARKETING, An Introduction_1.30 .—MONEY AND BANKING_ 1.75 -STATISTICAL METHODS _ 1.30 .—STATISTICIANS. Table* (or_ 1.00 .—AMERICAN IITERANjTe_1.50 -ENGLISH GRAMMAR__ 1.75 — ENGLISH LITERATURE to Drydea. I.7S .—ENGLISH LITERATURE *inco Milton 1.75 --JOURNALISM. Now Surw of_ 1.75 .—SHAKESPEARE'S Play* (Online*)- 1.00 —WORLD LITERATURE [Vol. I)_ 1.50 —WORLD LITERATURE (Vol. Ill_1.50 GOVERNRRENT A POLITICS —GOVERNMENT, American_ 1.75 -INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS_ 1.50 —POLITICAL SCIENCE _ 1.00 HISTORY —AMER. COL. 4 REVOl. HISTORY 1.75 . ANCIENT HISTORY_ 1 A>0 -ANCIENT, MED., A MOD. Hiitory 1.25 -ENGLAND, History of ,—EUROPE, 1500*1848 _ ..EUROPE, since 1815 .—MIDDLE AGES. History of_ ._RUSSIA, History of_ -UNITED STATES lo 1845 .-UNITED STATES sinco 1845 _ —WORLD *ince 1914, History of. MATHEMATICS A ENGINEERING 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.75 .—ALGEBRA,. College -CALCULUS --ENGINEERING DRAWING_ .—GEOMETRY, Analytic _ _GEOMETRY, Plane__ .—LOGARITHMIC A Trig. Tablet— —-TRIG., Plane A Spherical_ MODERN LANGUAGES —FRENCH GRAMMAR _ _GERMAN GRAMMAR . --SPANISH GRAMMAR . 1.00 1.25 . 2.00 1.25 1.25 .75 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY A EDUCATION —EDUCATION, History of_ 1.00 -PHILOSOPHY, An Introduction_ 1.50 _ -PHILOSOPHY. Handbook in Hist. of 1.50 _PHILOSOPHY, Reading* ln____1.50 _PSYCHOLOGY, Child_1.50 -PSYCHOLOGY, Educational_ 1.00 .—PSYCHOLOGY, Ganeral_1.25 .—PSYCHOLOGY, Readings In_ 1.75 SCIENCE — ATLAS Of HUMAN ANATOMY_2.00 — BACTERIOLOGY_—. 1.85 ._BIOLOGY_ 1.25 — .BOTANY ........1.00 -CHEMISTRY, First Yeor College— 1.50 -CHEMISTRY, Organic_1.75 -CHEMISTRY. Physical ——_ 1.25 —CHEMISTRY PROBLEMS ..1.25 —GEOLOGY, Principles of_ 1.25 -PHYSICS, First Yeor College_1.00 .—PHYSICS without Mathematics_ 1.25 .—ZOOLOGY, General_ 1.25 SOCIOLOGY A ANTHROPOLOGY - .ANTHROPOLOGY, General.-. 1.50 --SOCIOLOGY. Principle* of_1.50 .—SOCIOLOGY, Readings in_1.75 SPEECH, ART A MUSIC -ART, History of_ 1.50 _MUSIC, History of_1.25 -PLAY PRODUCTION_1.50 —SPEECH ____ 1.50 STUDY AIDS - .DOCUMENTED PAPERS .. -1.00 .—EXAMS., How to Write Better.. .50 _RESEARCH A REPORT WRITING_ 1.25 _STUDY, Best Method* of_ 1.00 Prices Subject to Change c f ir UNIVERSITY CO OP) ^ _ Tut STUltM". OWN rp Rf j Jan Sams will be the student leader at chapel from 12:30 to 12:50 p.m. Wednesday. Election of officers and stu dent reports of national meetings will be held after the fellowship supper at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Newman Club Dale Cooley, a Eugene adver tising man, will be the guest speaker at the Newman club meeting at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Student Union. His topic will be “A Catholic Looks at Adver tising." Don McLeod. Portland Oregon-1 ian sports writer, will present Catholic all-star football awards to Ron Pheister and George Shaw at the Sunday meeting. Christian Science The Christian Science student organization will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday on the first floor of Gerlinger hall. Wesley Foundation Wesleyans will go us a group ; to the Oregon-Oregon State bus- j ketball game in Corvallis tonight. Immediately lifter the game, a party will be held at the Corval lis Wesley Foundation. Dress rehearsal for “Wesley Presents” is scheduled to begin at 12:30 Saturday. Wesley Foundation will host the OSC Wesleyans at a dinner at 4:45 p.m. Saturday. After the game here, OSC group will be guests at a Fun Nite at Wesley Foundation. The Koinonia Klass will meet at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. “John Wes ley," a movie about the founder of the Methodist church, will be shown at 4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday. No admission will be charged, but offerings will be taken. The council will meet at noon Tuesday. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - EXT. 31S • EMERALD OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Conli per Word Flrit Insertion, 2 Conti por Word Thereafter. Attention married students. You can now have Public Liability and Properly Damage Auto Insurance for $15.20 per six months re newal. Save 1/3 on other coverages. Get the facts. Call or see Jerry Brown. Mayflower Agent, 962 Oak St. 4-9444. Res. 4-2957. 2-4-tf Alterations and Dressmaking. Phone 3-4182 for appoint ment. Mrs. McCoy. 2024 Emerald, Apartment 1. 3-4 One A OK Simmons Coil Twin Bed Springs $10. General Mills Iron $5. Excellent con dition. Phone 3-1359. 2-28 SALKS OPPORTUNITY. If you need $1Q0 per month for 2 evening* hikI Satur day work while In college, with valuable management opportunity after gradua tion, write John Arnold, P. O. Hox ft42, Eugene. 2-2-1 Excellent fraternity* mascot* AKK registered Dober man Pinacher puppies Champion stock. Call 3-ftftHfl after ft p.m. 2-2ft For Rent, Good 3-room trailer with atool at Twin Totem Trailer Court. Call Mrs. Hermanaon, 6-3ft24. 2-22lf Klllflt, AflMU Student Church Directory First Congregational Church 490 East 13th Avenue Phone — 5-8741 We invite University Students University Class ... 9:30 a.m. Church Service - - - 11:00 a.m. "To All Mankind" Wesley Goodson Nicholson, Minister Sunday Services: 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. "Temptation and Triumph" Pastor Maier Bible Class: 10:00 a.m.—Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader WELCOME Grace Lutheran Church East Eleventh and Ferry Streets W. B. Maier, Pastor Kenneth Streufert, Assistant First Christian Church 1166 Oak — Phone 4-1425 Dr. Carroll Roberts, Minister 10:50 a.m., Morning Worship "Committed Unto God" Visit Christian House—Our Student Center 736 E. 16th Avenue 9:30 a.m. Donut Hour & Sunday School Dr. Victor Morris, Teacher 5:30 p.m. Study and Fellowship Hour St Mary’s Episcopal Church 166 13th East Phone: 5-7452 SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 — 9:30 (Family Service) — 11:00 Canterbury Club—6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall WEDNESDAY The Holy Communion, 7:00 a.m. Gerlinger Hall Rector: The Rev. Perry Smith Chaplain to Episcopal Students: The Rev. Robert Ellis Emerald Baptist Church (American Baptist Affiliate) Rev. Charles W. Moore 1992 Potter Street Tel. 3-3198 Sunday School — 9:45 A.M. (University Class for Students) Morning Worship — 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship — 7:30 P.M. Services held in Roosevelt Jr. High School 24th and Hilyard Streets Dr. Louis Talbot, Speaker 11:00 a.m. "Ministry of the Obscure Saints" 3:00 p.m. "Are We Approaching the End of All World Governments and the Establishment of Christ's Rule On the Earth?" 7:30 p.m. Dr. Talbot's latest picture of New Guinea, "New Guinea, the Land Time Forgot" 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Monday thru Friday next week, t)r. Talbot, speaker First Baptist Church Broadway at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor First Methodist Church 1185 Willamette — Phone 5-8764 Worship Services — 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. "What I Can Do For Peace" Dr. Rector Johnson Wesley Foundation — Student Center - 1236 Kincaid Eugene’s First Assembly of God . West 13fh and Madison 9:45 — Sunday School 11:00 — Divine Worship Service 6.30 — C. A.'s (Youth Service) 7:45 P.M. — Evangelistic Service GOOD LISTENING: 5:30 P.M. - KASH, dial 1600 11:00 P.M. - KUGN, Dial 590 Central Presbyterian Church 10th and Pearl Streets Phone 5-8724 Ministers: Paul S. Mellish Donald S. Ryder SUNDAY SERVICES: Church School — 9:30 and 11:00 Morning Worship — 9:30 and 11:00 Westminster Foundation Student Center 1414 Kincaid First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 1 1 a.m." "CHRIST JESUS" Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86 West Brodaway . . . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7:30 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger