Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Additional Religious Notea
on page 8
Baptist University
A buffet supper for students
will he nerved by tin* University
committee of the Emerald Bap
tist church from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
Sunday. The aupper will be held
nt the home of the Rev. Charles
W. Moore, l(/92 Potter at reel.
Students may call 3-3198 for
1 ransportation.
Christian House
Students will meet at Chrls
1 ian Hotter. 730 E. Kith, at 7 :TiO
tonight to go to a skating party
nt Fox Hpllow rink. The group
v.'HI return to Chriatiun House
for vefr<«-timer ts. Girls itavc been
advised to wear pedal pushers;
tin1 boys should wear sports
Hot hex, according to Carl Cobb,
recreation chairman.
A “work party" ia scheduled
to begin at 9 a.m. Saturday, (lari
Kloshmau will be in charge of the
Saturday evening after the
basketball game, Christian House
will entertain members of the
Oregon State college Christian
House at an informal party. Jo
Anne Flanders will me hostess.
The second in a series of pro
grams on India will is- presented
ut 5.30 p.m. Sunday. The Rev.
S Raynor Smith, a former Meth
odist missionary in India, will
speak on "Rife in India." Audry
Putnam will show pictures of
her recent trip to Palestine at the
8 p.m. fireside- Sunday.
Luther House
Luther House student* will
meet «t the House, 1376 Alder,
at 5 p.m. to go as a group to
the Oregon-Oregon State basket
ball game in Corvallis. After the
game, the group will attend open
house at the Corvallis Lutheran
student House. 211 N 23rd
After the Oregon-Oregon State
game here Saturday, a gami
night will be held at Luther
House. Refreshments will be
I-'.lection of next year's officers
will be before the Sunday eve
ning program at 6. At the meet
ing Maurice Burchfield, princi
pal of Willamette junior high
school, will show pictures and
talk on his church work in Alas
ka. Games and refreshments will
follow the meeting.
A study discussion will be held
at 9 p.m. Thursday. The Rev.
Ed Svenscn of Corvallis will tell
about a series of lectures by
Emil Brunner, a German the
ologian and teacher at Berkeley,
Plymouth House
Tin* University class of the
Congregational church will meet
ut 9:30 a.m. Sunday In the fire
place room of Plymouth House,
498 E. 13th. J. C. Perkins, act
ing head of the religion depart
ment, will speak on St. Francis.
Colored slides also will be shown.
Want Ads
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Mon. thru Friday, I may be
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We are opening new of
fices in this area for one of
the largest companies in the
U.S. Good chance of ad
vancement. Apply in person
only. See personnel man
ager, Hoorn 104 — 119 E.
Broadway before 3 p.m.
+ Campus Calendar
7:.'JO IRL BkfHt 110 SU
IKL Regialm*
tlon Lobby 2nd K1 HU
0:00 Beta Conclave 3rd FI SU
Noon Beta Lm h 110 SU
IRL Lncli Ballrm SU
3:00 Tr Tbl Coin Lnrh SU j
0:00 Beta Dinner 110 HU1
H:!5 IRL Dinner Ballrm SU
7 ;30 Bin Urn Lect
Croniand 210 8U
8:00 Phi Chi 334 SU
The firHt commercial television
broadcast whh from the Kmpire
State building in 4941.
Treat your date to a Smorgasbord Dinner
before the house dance.
Open 5:30 to 9:00 — Every diy except Monday
1258 Kincaid
Phono 5-7332
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Perfect For That
Special Occasion
Start at
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• Thu Amazon Wcbfont co-op
will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. in
the Student Union for a tii-an
nual general membership meet
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