Conclave Planned By Beta Theta Pi Beta Theta Pi fraternity’s an nual conclave and songfest will be held this weekend with the conclave in Eugene today and Friday and the songfest in Port land Saturday night. Registration for the conclave opened this morning at 9 at the chapter house. Friday morning delegates may register at Ger linger hall until 10 a.m. A general session will be held Friday from 10 a.m. until noon, attended by presidents, house ! managers, rush and social chair- j men. pledge trainers, alumni ■ secretaries, scholarship chair men and song leaders from the five Northwest area Beta chap ters. The five include Oregon, Ore gon State. Willamette. Univer sity of Washington and the Uni versity of British Columbia. A luncheon at the Student Union will be held Friday, fol lowed by committee meetings on the SU 3rd floor. A Friday-night banquet, also in the Student Union, will fea ture as speakers G. Herbert Smith. Willamette university president and a past national president; Donald DuShane. a national officer of Phi Delta The ta and Director of Student Af fairs. and Louis Torgeson, past alumni chairman and district chief for the Northwest district of the fiaternity. Torgeson was ASUO president here -ia. 1942. A dance for delegates and their dates will be held Friday evening from 9 to 12 p.m. Breakfast will be held at the chapter house Saturday morning, with a general session in the SU afterwards as the concluding event of the conclave. The songfest will be attended by approximately 2000 people, according to Andy Berwick, an assistant chairman of this chap ter’s participation. The fest will be held at the Neighbors of Woodcraft hall in Portland, beginning with a ban quet at 6:30. Competition will be held be tween eight chapters—the five members of the Northwest dis trict plus chapters at Washing ton State college, the University of Idaho and Whitman college. Each chapter will send a 16 man song team to the competi tion. and house officers will be official delegates. Alumni and other delegates to the conclave may also attend the banquet. Behind the banquet area in the hall will be an audience area, ac cording to Berwick, so that the general public may attend the fest. Trophies will be given to the chapter winning the songfest, and additional awards will be given among the five Northwest district chapters. Dick Van Allen, from the lo cal chapter, is conclave manager. The songfest is being sponsored and planned by members of the Portland alumni club. Faculty Writes Papers For Science Meeting Several members of the Uni versity faculty will be among the persons participating in the Ore gon Academy of Science meet ing in Salem Friday and Satur day. George Gorin, assistant pro fessor of chemistry, will preside over a panel on “Producing More Chemists” Saturday. D. F. Swinehart, associate professor of chemistry, will be a member of the panel. He will talk on “A Special Section for Superior Stu dents?” Papers in the chemistry sec tion are to be submitted by L. H. Klemm, assistant professor of chemistry; Pierre Van Ryssel berghe, professor of chemistry; Gorin and R. G. Pilmer. graduate assistant in chemistry; Herman A. Johansen, research fellow in chemistry, and Joseph Weissbart, research fellow in chemistry. Submitting biology papers are IV. R. Fleming, instructor in bi ology. and Bradley T. Scheer, professor of biology; J. R. Oren durff, research assistant in bi ology, and Fleming; R. R. Hues tis, head of the biology depart ment, and Ruth W. Anderson, teaching fellow in biology; Da vid L. Jameson, instructor in biology, and J. A. Shot well, cur ator of the museum of natural history. . In the geology and geography section, a paper will be given by Lloyd W. Staples, professor of geology. Alpha Lambda Delta To Entertain With Tea Alpha Lambda Delta, women’s scholastic honorary, will enter tain the 21 freshmen worpen who made over a 3.5 GPA fall term at an informal tea this afternoon in the Carson hall living room from 4 to 5. All freshman girls having a 3.5, or better, accumulated GPA after winter term will be invited to membership in the honorary. The purpose of the Oregon sci ence -group is the promotion of research in the fields of science and the stimulation of science interest. The Academy also col lects and preserves scientific ma | terials relating to Oregon. Themes Released For Float Parade Thornes for Canoe Fete floats were announced Wednesday fol lowing a meeting of the living or ganization float chairmen ut which time the representatives chose their preferred theme. Delta Upsilon, Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Tan Delta will built their float around the theme “Of Thee I Sing." "Forestry Fantasy" will be the theme of the Lambda Chi Alpha, Chi Psi, Alpha Gamma Delta and Ann Judson house float. Other houses and their themes are as follows: "La Fete Moderne,” Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha: "Where Rolls the Oregon." Phi Kappa Psi and Gamma Phi Beta; "Babes in Toyland," Alpha Tau Omega, University House and Kappa Kappa Gamma: "Lure of the East," Sigma Alpha Mu, Kappa Sigma. Alpha Omicron Pi, and Phi Kappa Sigma. "Venetian Nights," Sigma Chi. Highland house and Chf Omega: "Alice in Wonderland," Theta Chi. j Delta Zeta and Orides; "La Fete Fantastique," Phi Gamma Delta, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Carson inde pendents, and Alpha Xi Delta: "Float of Song." Sigma Nu. Phi Sigma Kappa and Alpha Delta Pi. “Arabian Nights," Beta Theta Pi and,Alpha Phi; "Float of the Present." Philadelphia house. Re bec, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Delta Gamma: "Spirit of the Sea,” Sigma Phi Epsilon and Pi Phi. Delta Tau Delta and Phi Kappa Sigma have been added to the Canoe Fete entrys and are listed with their assigned pairings. John Pershing was made gen eral of the Armies (6 stars) in 1919. No other officer has held this rank. SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 — EXT. 21S 0 EMERALD OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cent* per Word Firjt ln»erlion, 2 Cent* per Word Thereafter. Attention married students. You ran now have Public Liability and Property Damage Auto Insurance for | $15.20 per six months re newal. Save 1 3 on other coverages. Get the facts. Call or see Jerry Brown, Mayflower Agent. 962 Oak St. 4-9444 Res. 4-2957. 2-4-tf _' Business and Journalism ma jors! Learn advertising through experience and training on the Emerald. Cull extension 218 this aft ernoon for further details. 2-22-tf ; SALES OPPORTUNITY. If you need $100 per month for 2 evenings and Satur day work while in college, with valuable management opportunity after gradua tion, write John Arnold, P. O. Box 542, Eugene. 2-24 For Rent. Good 3-room trailer with stool at Twin Totem Trailer Court. Call Mrs. Hermanson. 8-3524. 2-22tf Alterations and Dreaamaklng. Phone 3-4182 for appoint ment. Mia. McCoy. 2024 Emerald, Apartment 1. 3-4 'Stock Market* NEW YORK 1AP1 Railroads and aircrafts transported the \ stork market higher Wednesday while many industrials lugged be hind. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced to a new all-time peak of $160.50 with a 40-oent increase. The railroad component rose $1 40 to $127.50. a new 1954-55 high. The utility group ipched up 10 cents but in dustrials dipped 30 cents. There were 12bl I Butte* traded compared with 1252 on Monday. The Block market wax cloned Tuesday in observance of Wash ington's birthday. Of those (hanging hands. 530 advanced and 190 declined. There were 122 new 1954-55 highs established during the session and only one new low. Volume amounted to 3.030,000 share? compared with 3,010.000 shares on Monday, when rail roads led the market higher. MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF SERVING YOU Yummy Hot Cross Buns What can be better for breakfast? You'll find them here at the Home Bakery. HOME BAKERY 86 EAST BROADWAY PHONE 4-5143 Snwttr Acs YOU, 100, CAN GET RESULTS THROUGH EMERALD CLASSIFIED This ad, run fall term, brought replies for several weeks after the job was filled: Wanted: Part-time bookkeeper. Approx. 10 hours a week. Close to campus. Please give qualifications. Write to Emer ald Classified. Remember, whatever your needs, Emeralds Classifieds will bring you results! EMERALD J