Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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    Loscutoff Points for Crown
As Swede, Parsons Climb
Pl»v« G I'O FT PI' TI' PPG
ictoff, I, Otr HI07 5(, 47 770 I'VI
Mull.t. OSf 14 <70 hi, .10 75H 1H I
Pai.i.ru, o, W»»h. 14 77 104 10 75H IK I
llmiink, 1. W,S( 10 74 140 17 7KK |K 0
HuliU-i. I, lilal.i. 14 00 Si 10 IKS 117
KrliHrr, <•. VVSO lo 71 S7 54 198 17 l
Mellon, 1, lilulio 14 57 S.l 4H 167 110
\ lu.l.!a»,l, OSC H 00 .14 I I J54 110
IUu«ilirr, If. Ida. 14 ',1 40 J| ]4o 10 1
Nallir, c, Idaho . 14 .14 00 37 17K 0,7
Oregon's Jim Loscutoff must
neon at leant 19 pointH against
Oregon State and hope that
Gavilan Fails
In Comeback
Hector Constance, a tough young
sharpshooter fro m Trinidad,
knocked Kid Gavilan off the
comeback trail Wednesday night
with an unanimous decision over
the ex-welterweight champion.
The 24-year-old Conatance,
fighting a smart, aggressive
battle all the way, scored heav
ily in the infighting and punished
Gavilan with hard right upper
cuts and a piston-like left when
ever the Cuban Ktyl launched one
of his famous flurries.
Gavilan's defeat by the ninth
ranking contender may have
ruined the once-great champion's
hopes of beating his way back to
the title he lost Oct. 20 to John
ny Saxton In Philadelphia.
It wits a close fight from start
to finish. Referee Cy Gottfried
gave Constance, the 9-5 under
dog. a margin of 90-95.
Judge Gus Jacobson voted it
67-95 and Judge Morris Keingold
96-97. The Associated Press gave
Constance a 97-90.
Braves' Wilson
Refuses Contract
Milwaukee Braves have offered
Jtm "No Hit" Wilson a salary
increase, but the 32-year-old
hurler has refused to sign.
John Quinn, Braves general
manager, told about the offered
raise but didn't say how much it
"I talked with Wilson on long
distance the other night about
his contract," said Quinn. "I
told him that every club in the
National League had waived on
him and that his friend Paul
Richards had offered only a
triple A player in exchange for
him. I guess that was a big sur
prise to Jim."
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor Paul Keefe.
Copy Desk Jan Bennet, Dot
ty Griffeth and Kathy Morrison.
Night Staff - Elton Engstrom.
News Desk Gordon Rice and
Anne Hill.
Wade Halbrook and Dean Par
aons don’t do much better In
order to win the conference scor
ing crown, according to latest
The big Duck forward still
holds the Northern Division
polnts-per-game lead with 270
points In 14 games but is now
1ft counters behind WSC's Don
Hennlnk in total scoring. The
Cougar star finished his season
against Idaho Tuesday.
Itennlnk Fourth In Averages
Halbrook and Parsons both are
12 points behind Loscutoff with
two games remaining and will
have to tally at least 52 points
this weekend If the ex-soldier
maintains his 19.3 pace. Bemiink
Is now fourth In averages after
finishing with 2ftft points with a
14-polnt evening against Tdaho.
C of I's Baylor
Tops NW Scoring
8EATTLE lAP) -College of
Idaho’* 21-Jewel basketball point
machine, Elgin Baylor, took full
charge of the Northwest colleg
iate scoring race this week after
pushing his average to 29,5 tal
lies per tilt.
This was three points ahead
of Don Porter of Uinfield, who
was making a desperate stand to
retain the crown he won last year
while playing for Portland State,
His 1954 total was 624 and both
he and Baylor probably will sur
pass that before the season
Porter had to settle for third
spot this week on the rating by
averages with 25.6. Norm Hubert
of Pacific, tied with Porter in to
tal point production, took over
second with a 26.8 average.
There was a big drop from this
trio to fourth spot, held by Ted
Sehadewitz of Eastern Oregon
with 21.6. The rest of the field
was bunched, a total of 11 men.
! including Oregon’s Jim Loscu
tofi. averaging better than 18
points per game.
Net Hopefuls
Plan Meeting
All men interested in turning
out for varsity or freshman ten
nis have been asked to attend
a meeting at 4 p.m., March 1, in
the Student Union.
Back from last year's net
; sauad are Dick Hamilton and
Bob Baker, seniors, and Dick
i Gray and Don Bonime, juniors.
Also highly regarded is Ron Carl
! son. a senior transfer.
Top freshman prospects in
clude Stan Kalapus from Med
ford, Marv Woods from Ashland,
! and Bryan Booth of Roseburg.
We Have ’Em!!
Bob Hoffman
Powder Tablets
For Body Building Energy
And Reducing
Health Food Center
787 Olive Street Phone 5-9453
Bennink finished second to
Halbrook in scoring last season
in the conference and the dark
haired senior has recorded 706
points in three seasons with 274
in 1954 and 144 the previous
year. Bennink’s 10 free throws
against the Vandals upped his
new conference record for foul
tosses in a season to 140, 25 bet
ter than Parsons’ 1954 ND rec
Vandal Moves Up
Changes in the top ten scor
ers since last week finds Jay
Btihler of Idaho moving into fifth
after a 26-point flurry against
WSC. Both Couger Bill Rehder
and Vandal Harlan Melton
dropped a notch. Another shift
saw Idaho's Jim Sather becoming
the fourth Vandal in the top
ten as he replaced Washington’s
Jim Coshow.
Halbrook took over the league
leadership in shooting with a
.460 mark while Coshow and
Husky Doyle Perkina are tied
for the free throw leadership
with an .833 percentage. Ben
nink is right behind with .814
on 172 chances. Rehder and Cou
gar Larry Beck each have 54
fouls while OSC's Tony Vlaste
lica has only 13 for the high and
low' in that department.
Minnesota Legislature
Blasts NCAA Policy
ST. PAUL, Minn. fAP)—The
Minnesota House of Representa
j tives panned a resolution asking
the University of Minnesota to
: ignore NCAA policies and per
mit telecasting of athletic events.
The resolution has no binding
effect on the school. Rep. D. D.
Wozniak, chief sponsor, said he
hoped "this type of legislative
pleasure, which is the only thing
the NCAA understands, will in
fluence it to come up with a sys
tem whereby the games can be
The NCAA now permits tele
vision, on a national basis, of only
one football game a week. Its
policies on local telecasts of col
lege basketball games are more
liberal. The Minnesota-Iowa bas
ketball game next Monday, for
example, will be televised locally.
The measure, a House resolu
tion, does not require Senate ac
Copies of it are being sent to
the Big Ten, the NCAA, the Min
nesota Board of Regents and
legislatures of the states where
Big Ten schools are located.
A total of 483 commercial tele
vision stations were authorized
by the Federal Communications
commission in 1953.
Winter SWIAA Schedule
Mon. & Toes. — Private Parties — Phone for Reservations
Wed. & Thur. — 7 to 10 — Campfire Nights
Picnic around our 8-ft. island fireplace in our spacious lounge. Bring your own
wionors t trimmings. Wa furnish fire t sticks. Wo sail nothing but swimming.
Fri. — 7 to 10 Sat. — 2 to 6, 7 to 11 Son. — 1 to 6
Benton Lane Pool
Htwev 99 Wests 4 Miles North o# Junction C^vPhono 8-1836