Oregon Eyes OSC Upset Hoping to profit from the Washington State example of last Saturday night, the still runner-up Oregon Ducka will aim this week's basketball practices to the season's final games, the concluding series with Oregon State. The unheralded Cougars pro sided the biggest shock of the Duck Paddler Visit Huskies Oregon's swimming team Is scheduled to invade Seattle Sat urday for a Northern Division meet with the favored-University of Washington tankers. Webfoot chances seem best In 110-yard. 300-meter and 440 yard free styles and the 200 yard breast stroke. Howard Hedinger is still un defeated in the 60-yard free style, but the Huskies' Dan Kramer Is expected to make the race tight. Hedinger holds the national prep record for the 40-yard free style at 18 seconds, set at Menlo JC in California In the spring ot 1953. Although Washington swim mer I-arfy Dalrymple has the better time in the 440-yard free style, the Ducks’ Harry Fuller has been Improving rapidly and i» expected to give Dalrymple a close contest. Vandals Trip WSC With 77-59 Upset MOSCOW, Maho (APi The Idaho Vandals, trying out some new offensive patterns, found the right combinations Tuesday night to pull steadily away from Washington State for a decisive 77-f>f* Northern Division Pacific Coast conference basketball win. WSC ended its season with a 5-11 division record. Idaho, which entertains Washington for a pair Friday ami Saturday, needs to win both to pull out of the divi sion cellar. I^ed by Jay Buhler, high scorei for the night with 26 points and a demon on defense, the Vandals took control of the game with the opening tip and pulled steadily away. They enjoyed a 20-poinl margin midway in the second half. J ne cougars couldn t seem to find either the basket or an an swer to Idaho’s aggressiveness. They hit a miserable 15 per cent of their shots in the first half and had a game average of only 26 per cent. The Vandals man agcu to make 34 per cent of their attempts. VVSC appeared let down from its upset 68-66,win over Oregon State Saturday night and the Cougars’ scoring punch, forward Hon Bennink, was held to one field goal in each half. He man aged to hit well from the free throw line for a 14-point total. WSEC (59 (77) Idaho Bennink, 14 .F. 26, Buhler Beck, 9 .F.6, Melton Rehder, 11 .C. 15, Sather Klock, 6 .G. 11, Falash Perry, 4 .G. 15, Bauschcr Subs: WSC: Olson, 6; Nelson, 3; Garton, 6. Idaho: Monson, 4. Halftime score: Idaho 41, Washington State 26. Free throws missed: Washing ton State — Bennink, Beck, Reh der 2, Klock, Nelson 2, Garton; Idaho — Melton, Buhler 3, Sath er 3, Bauscher 2, Falash 2. CantC/tcft waffiri Northern Division campaign in upending the prevlously-un heaten Heaver five, while Ore gon whh hard-pressed to earn a split with the determined Washington Huskies. The Webfoots will travel to Corvallis on Friday night and: Slats Gill's forces will make the | trip to Kugcne on Saturday with I full houses expected for both McArthur court and Gill coll-' i seuni. In other action, Washing ton's Huskies travel to Moscow ' to meet the Idaho Vandals. Oregon Is faced with the necessity of winning at least one game from the Beavers to maintain its second-place position, unless the cellar- 1 ridden, Vandals can spring an upset on the Huskies. The Ducks have an 8-6 mark while the Huskies ar« -close behind with 6-8. With T 3” Swede Halbrook in action only one night in the earlier Duck aeries with the Beavers, the Staters barely eked out. two wins over Oregon. They took the Eugene game by a 56 53 count and used a two-hand set shot by Ron Robins to win an overtime game at Corvallis, 56-54. Both Halbrook and present leader dim I.osrutoff of Ore gon will Ih* out to capture the Northern Division scoring title, l/oscutoff is behind Ron Ben nlnk of WHC in total points, but he has a better average and one more gam** to play. Halbrook In Homo 14 points i back, but gaining fast and with a few more 30-point nights could take it all and defend his title won last year with 888. Loscutoff and Guard Howard Page, the Oregon co-captains, : wilt be playing their final games i *n Duck uniforms in the series and seven Beaver .seniors will see their final league actidh, though they play UCLA in the | coast conference playoffs March 4 and 5. Graduating from Gill's five will be Tony Vlastelica, Tex White man, Ron Robbins, Bill Toole, Ron P’undingsland, Johnny Jar boe and Reggie Halligan. 8'fAKl'ING AT VtiKWARD for Coach Slits Uil.’s Northern Division champion Beavers this week end will he Jay I Van, a 6’ 5” junior from Nampa Idaho. Captain for Oregon State, Dean’s accurate passing makes him a key playmaker for OSC and his rebounding is near the top of the squad. Medford Retains Top Poll Rating For Fifth Week By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Unfaltering Medford added two more victories last week, and so again heads the top 10 teams | in the weekly Associated Press poll on high school basketball in | Oregon. It is the fifth straight week Medford has headed the list, and the second time the state’s I sports writers have been unanim ! out in the choice. Medford has ; not been defeated since Decem i ber, and now has a 19-1 record. Milwaukie and Eugene follow in order behind Medford, just as | last week, but there was some ; reshuffling of other teams in the : tOp 10. North Bend, after winning two sub-district games, moved into a j fourth-place tie with undefeat i ed St. Helens. Cleveland Jumps Cleveland of Portland jumped ■ from eighth to sixth place with ; e. pair of victories in the close Portland race. Albany held on to seventh place, but Astoria i dropped from sixth to eighth be | cause high-ranked Milwaukie i trampled Astoria, 73-44. The poll with the season rec ord for each team. , 1. Medford .19-1 120 2. Milwaukie .17-3 102 3. Eugene .17-3 91 4. tie St. Helens .18-0 76 tie North Bend ...18-0 76 6. Cleveland .15-4 54 7. Albany .16-4 36 8. " Astoria .19-3 34 9. Jefferson .13-6 27 10. Beaverton .17-4 18 Others: Pendleton 6, Dallas 5, Reedsport 4, Milton-Freewater 3, La Grande, Lakeview and Har risburg 2, Powers and Baker 1. 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