Emerald Prints Revised Constitution Women students of the Uni versity will vote Thursday at women's elections to accept or reject the revised constitution of the Associated Women Students ns well as electing officers of the women’s organization. The following copy of the re vised constitution appears in to day's and yesterday’s Emerald, in accordance with Article 8 of the present constitution. PREAMBLE: We, the women students of the University of Oregon, in order to taster the best inter cuts of VMMiicu students, do ordain and e»tab Tsh this constitution. «. ARTICLE I: NAME AND PURPOSE ♦SECTION I: NAME ThL orzaniza ti<»s be known as Associated Women Student> of the University of Oregon. SECTION II: PURPOSE The pur pose of this organization shall be to promote acquaintance aud friendship among it' mem hers, furnish a medium through which the social standards of the University of Oregon may be elevated and maintained, inaugurate, aid and promote projects or activities of l»enetit to the members of the organization and the University. and aid aud coO(»erate with all organizations in which AWS has an ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1: ACTIVE MEMBERS - The active membership of AWS shall in clude all women members oi the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and the University associate director ot student affairs responsible for women** activities. SECTION II: HONORARY MEM BERSH1P—Honorary members of AWS shall include the wife of the University oresideut and the president of the Oregon Mother's club. Honorary membership in AWS may be conferred upon other women who have given outstanding service to the University by a majority vote of those it: attendance at a regular meeting otlhe AWS Executive Council. ARTICLE III: MEETINGS Meetings of all the members shall be held at least once during the year tor the pur pose of nominating officers. Additional metinzs of the entire membership of AWS shall be called by the president upon the recommendation of the Executive Council. ARTICLE IV: ASSOCIATED WOMEN STUDENTS' CABINET SECTION I : OFFICERS The officers of thi^ organization shall include a presi dent, a vice-president, a secretary, a treas urer. a historian, an editor, and an inter collegiate AWS representative. The above officers shall comprise the AWS cabinet. SECTION II: QUALIFICATIONS The president and vice-president shall be ii -minated from the women who axe mem bers of the junior class at the time of their nomination; the secretary and treasurer shall be nominated from women who are meml»er» of the sophomore cla>' at the time of their nominationthe historian.and editor shall !>c nominated from women who are members of the freshman class .at the time of their « omination. The inter-coUea iate AWS repre sentative shall be selected by the cabinet and must be an upperclassman during her term of office. Ail nominees must meet the minimum scholastic requirement set by the University and shall be approve! by the Office of Student Affairs. SECTION 111: ELEUHOAS -At an excutive council meeting within the first ■three weeks of winter term, the president fchall appoint a nominating committee which •’hall include all of the senior member* of the council. The president sliali act a? chair man of the committee The committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for pre-mutation at a meeting of all the member* of AWS held winter terra. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the meeting Elections .shall be held on the ^arac day. immediately following the nominating as sembly. Each officer shail have a majority cf the ballots cast in the election, which must be at last ten per cent of all the wom en enrolled hi the University to validate the election. SECTION IV : I X ST A ELATION AND OATH—Installation of officers shall be held within six week* following the elec tion. Time and place of the installation shall be set by the president. At the instal lation newly elected officers shail take tl»e following oath: "1. (name), pledge my.*eIf t :» perform the dutie* of the duty of the President to call and pre side over all meetings of the entire member ship cf AW S and to preside over all meet ings of the AWS executive council and cab inet; to fill all vacancie* on the AWS cab inet as provided in Section VI of this article; to recommend appointment of the ASUO social chairman, a.* provided in Ar ticle VIII of this constitution; to direct cabinet members to act as advisers chair men of various committee* as required; to represent all women student-on committees where she is a member by virtue of being AWS president; to place an annual report in the records of this organization contain ing a description of the year’s activities and suggestion.* for the future; to represent the organization on ail occasions, including na tional and regional conventions; to act as co-ordinator of all -women’s activities on the University, campus; and to carry out all other duties pertaining to her office. Clause 2: Vice-President It shall be the duty of the vice-president to preside over- all meetings and to otherwise assume the role of President should the president be absenth or should the office of president be vacant; to act as adviser on parliamentary rules; to manage all elections and to be in charge of the constitution and all amend* -clients thereof; t«> be responsible ior AWS scholarships awarded spring term'; and to carry out all other duties delegated to her by t4»e president aud thone peiUiiiiuk to ho oil ice. Clause ': Secretary It shall l*e the duty of the secret a r\ to keep records of all meet tnflTf ot the A\\ S executive council and cabinet; to conduct all necessary corrc spondence ; to keep a calendar ot all wom en’s activities; to organize and supervise the AVVS activity board; to have charge ot all manuscripts, paper, record*, and sunilar property <*t the organization ; and to carry out all other duties assigned to her by the president and those pertaining tv* her of lice. Clause 4: Treasurer It shall he the duty of tlie treasurer to act as financial ad viser ot each committee appointed by the president; to l»e chairman of the finance committee; tv* keep the executive council in formed at all times of the financial condi tion of the organization; to pay all bills through the adviser\ tv* >ee that permanent records are kept of all financial transac tions; tv* perform all other duties delegated tv* her bv the president and those pertaining to her office. Clause 5: Historian It shall be the duty of the historian to keep the scrapbook and records of AVVS activities; to procure a place for meetings and to notify member* of the meetings; tv* be in charge of the AVVS office; to carry out all other duties delegated tv* her by the president ami tho>e pertaining tv* her office. Clause t»: Editor—It shall l*e the duty of the editor to see that all matters concerning AVVS are given proper publicity ; to gen erally supervise all notices ami publications concerned with AVVS; and tv* carry out all other duties delegated to her by the president and those pertaining to her office. lauie /: hiterciulrxiate AW > Krprrsen tat i ye—An lntcr-CdirKiate AWS ret»re>eii * tative shall be appointed 1 »> the president with the approval of the AWS cabinet. It shall be the duty of the AWS Inter-Colle giate representative to cotuluct all necessary correspondence with other AWS organiza tions; to contribute to the Intercollegiate AWS publication; and to perform all other duties delegated to her by the president. SECTION VIII: MEETINGS AND DUTIES OF THE AWS CABINET Hie AWS Cabiuet shall hold 3 regular meeting at least once each month. The time of this meeting shall be determined by the cabinet. The president may call such additional meet ings of the cabinet as he deems proper. It shall be the duty of the cabinet to discuss and co-ordinate the duties of the respective members thereof; to formulate the plans and policies of the AWS; to^ appoint all committee chairmen ft.r AWS-»j»oiuvjred events; and to carry on all routine business and functions of the University AWS. ARTICLE V—EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SECTION I: N AME There shall be an AWS Executive council. SECTION II: MEMBERSHIP _ Said Executive Council shall consist of the mem tiers of the cabinet and the presidents of Mortar Board, Phi Theta l-psilun. Kwama. YWCA. WRA, Heads of Houses. Panhel ieuic. Co-Ed Co-Op Council and the AW S activities board, and the campus social chairman. Its duties shall be to co-ordinate the activities of the various organizations j represented thereon, and to aid and advise 1 the cabinet in formulating its plans and j policies. SECTION III: POWERS The AWS j Executive Council shall have the power to ; remove from office any officer of AWS under article IV, Section V, aud shall have the power to approve the president's ap pointees to till elective office- under Article IV, Section VI, and the president’s recom mendation for campus social chairmau under Article Vlll. Niue member- of the AWS executive council shall constitute a quorum at a meeting where removal from office i* being considered or where approval of ap pointments is to be made. ARTICLE VI—ACTIVITY BOARD SECT 1 OS I: NAME There shall be an i AWS Activity Board. SECTION II MEMBERSHIP The AW’S Act*\ it> U<>ard .shall he composed of the uctivit) chan man f|Ml) each women's living urgani/ation. SECTION ill MEpTIXOS Regular meetings of the AW S Aetivd) Hoard shall he held utter a month at a tune ami place designated h> a uiajont) voteot the mem bers. SECTION IV DOTIES It shall lie 1 hr dut) ot members ot the AW S Acti\it> Hoard to represent their living organix.i lions; to stimulate interest m activities; to inform the office of student affair* of the | activities of their iuen»l*ers; to check the calendar of events kept by the AW S sec re t irv; to make any recommendations denned ! liecessai) to the AW S executive council and I cabinet; and to carr> out all duties dele gated to them b> the AW S cabinet. ARTICLE VII—CAMPUS SOCIAL CHAIRMAN SECTION I: NAME There shall be an ASl'O campus social chairman. | SECTION U: UCAl.ll It ATIONS - Tile campus social chairman shall be a senior woman appointed by the ASl’O president upon the lecommetulatioti ol the AW’S president, with the majority approval of the i AW’S executive council. SECTION 111 DOTIES It shall be the duty of the campus social chairman to pre side over all meeting* of the living organiza tion social chairmen; to ap|»oiut all com* qiittret tin- group deems necessary; t>> an* tiounce what dress shall l»c in order for all l*iiiver sit) - sponsored events; to be a mem ber of the AW’S executive council; and to perform all other duties delegated to her b> tlie president. AKTXvJL.lv VIII—AMfcNUMEN IS [ SECTION | PKOCEIH RE Proposed imciulments to this constitution shall be in .vritteu fus ui, subscribed by not !<•»< than twenty member* of AW S. and submitted to the urciideilt of the association. It shall t*e the duty of the Executive Council to meet within one week alter a proposed amendment is submitted to the president; to di«ctm the proposal; and 1»> a simple majority, votutK by a secret ballot, to either approve or re ject the proposed amendment. If the Executive Council approves the proposed amendment, it i* to 1h* placed np«|ti a ballot for the vote of the whole mcntliership of tlie Association; such balloting is to Ik* conducted at the next meeting, either reg ular or special, of the Association following the decision of the Council; Provided, that such meeting shall occur .at least two weeks following the decision of the Council. lJur ins the two weeks iromedi itelj pre eding the ^ balloting utH*n tlie* proposed amendment, the text of this proposal, m the form in which it is to appear upon the l*ailot. must be print ed at least twice in the CJrrpon Daily J.mrr alJ. In the balloting uj»on the proposed amendment, an Agptrahaii ballot is to Ik* used. 'l*n» per cent of the women enrolled iu the I’ll i versify must cast ha Hot* to vali date the election; of these, two thirds mu* l*r in the affirmative for the proposed amendment to become a part of this Con stitution. If the Executive Council rejects the pro* posed amcuueiimt. the decision of the Coun cil may be* apt»ealed to a meeting of the whole membership of the Association, This meeting may be the next general or special meeting of the Association; or nut less than fifty mem'iei* of the Association may sub scribe a writing to Ik* submitted to the President, requesting the President to call a meeting for the purpose considering such api»eal. I'poii receipt of such a writ ing. it is the duty of the President, to call a meeting of the whole mcmliership of the Association within one month. The member ship maj, by a simple majority, voting by a show of hands at any meeting stipulated above, either affirm or reverse the decision of the council. If the decision of the Council is upheld, there shall Ik* no further appeal, if the decision is reversed, the proposed amendment must be voted upon in exactly the same manner as if the Council had ap provrd the projKxd. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 — EXT. 218 • EMERALD OEFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: d Cent* p«r Word First Imertion, 2 Centi per Word Thereefier. — Attention married students. You ran now have Public Liability and Property Damage Auto Insurance for $15.20 per six months re newal. Suve 1 3 on other coverages. Get the facts. . Call or see Jerry Brown, Mayflower Agent, 902 OalT St. 4-9444. Res. 4-2957. 2-4-tf Business and Journalism ma jors! Learn advertising through experience and training on the Emerald. Call extension 218 this aft ernoon for further details. 2-22-tf Hungry? Pnst Closing Hours? Kitchen Locked? Don't fret - Call THE HUT and we'll deliver your Shakes, Cries, and Burgers on your Phone Order. THE HUT Phone 4-6319. 2-22 For Sale: Size 10, floor-length taffeta net formal, lavender, strapless, $40. Phone 5-0887, 388 E. 11th. 2-23 Alterations and Dressmaking. Phone 3-4182 for appoint ment. Mis. McCoy, 2024 Emerald, Apartment 1. 3-4 Roy Adams Wins Award Recently A certificate for highest merit ! in retail advertising was award i ed to the Hoy Adams Advertis i ing agency at the 7th annual j Oregon Advertising Achievement (exposition held in Portland ! Thursday night. The award is given to an ad vertising agency for the best re kail advertising and merchandis ing program for a store having an advertising budget of $5000 to $20,000. The agency received the award for ita ad vet Using program for the Boadway department store. Adams, owner of the agency, is a part-time instructor at the Uni versity school of Journalism. Last year, the agency received a nlghest merit certificate in the under $5000 budget classifica tion. Mayflower Theater *AS FINE AS ANYTHING THAT HAS PASSED ACROSS AN AMERICAN SCREEN' "MIILUNV -c» mw »n a g»#o» Joponmtm cio»t