Emerald Prints Revised Constitution Women students of the Uni versity win vote Thursday at women’s elections to accept or reject the revised constitution of the Associated Women Students as well as electing officers of the women's organization. Major changes in the constitu tion. which have been approved by the women students' executive council, include the adoption of an AWS activity board, addition of an inter-collegiate AWS repre sentative to the AWS cabinet, changing the names of the of fices of reporter and * sergeant at-arms to editor and historian, and the addition of the presi dents of Panhellenic, the Co-ed Co-op Council and the newly formed AWS activity board to the AWS executive council. The following copy of the re vised constitution appeal’s in to day’s and Wednesday's Emerald, in accordance with Article 8 of the present constitution. PREAMBLE: We. the women students of the I’riversity Ot Oregon, in order to footer the best inter ests of women students, du ordain and estab lish this constitution. ARTICLE I: NAME AND PURPOSE SECTION I: NAME Tbi> organisa tion shall he known as A»ociated Women Students of the University of Oregon. SECTION lit PURPOSE—The pur pose of this organization shall be to promote acifuaiotance arid friendship arao’ig it* mem l*ers, furnish a medium^ through which the social standards o; the University of Oregon may l>e elevated and maintained, inaugurate, aid and promote projects or activities ot benefit to the member.- of the organization and the University, and aid and co-of>erate w ith all organizations in which AWS has an ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP SECTION I: ACTIVE MKMBKRS The active membership oi AWS shrill in clude ail women meml»er> of the A"pciated Student^ of' the University of Oregon and the Universit> associate director of student affairs responsible for women’s activities SECTION II. HONORARY MEM BERSHIP Honorary members of AWS shall include the wife of the University i I-resident and the president of the Oregon : Mother's club. Honorary membership in j AWS may be conferred upon other w>e in \ attendance at a regular meeting of the AWS ) Executive Council. j ARTICLE III: MEETINGS Meetings of all the members shall be held ! at least once during the year for the pur- ( * |»ose pf nominating officer.'. Additional Mtnefcings of the entire member .'hip of AWS i*iiaU be called by the president u(s a? the time of their j nomination ; the historian and editor shall i 4-c nominated from women who are member' | oi the freshman class at the time of their coital nation. The intercollegiate AWS retire- 1 tentative shall be selected 4*y- the cabinet 1 and must be an upperclassman during her * term of office. All nominees must meet the I minimum scholastic requirement -e* by the University and shall be approved by the j Office oi Student Affairs. SECTION' III: ELECTIONS-At an excutive council meeting within the first three weeks of winter term, the president sLall appoint a nominating committee which tohail inclttde all -of the senior members of the, council. The president sliall act as chair man of the committee. Tfce coraniittee shall prepare a slate of nominees for presentation **. a meeting of all the members of AWS held winter term. Additional- nominations may be made from die tioor at the meeting Elections shall be held on the same day, -immediately following the no ruinating a - - sembJy. Each officer shall have a majority o: the ballots cast in the election, which must be at last ten per cent of all the wom en enrolled in the University to validate the election. SECTION IV: INSTALLATION AND OATH—Installation of officers shall i-e held within six weeks following the elec tion. Time and place of the installation frball be set by the president. At the instil lation newly elected officer*, shall take the following oath: *J. (name), pledge myself to perform the duties of (name of office) to the,best of my ability." SECTION V: REMOVAL FROU OFFICE—Any officer may be removed f om office for tailing to faithfully perform the duties of her office as outlined i:: this constitution, or for other good and substan tial cause, by a three-fourths vote at a hear ing held by the Executive Council, at which time the Associate Director of Stu rent Affairs responsible for women*s activi ties shall preside. Any officer who at any time does not meet -University requirements .‘-hall automatically be removed from office and the office declared vacant. SECTION VI: VACANCIES — The president, with the approval of at least 10 members of the Executive Council, shall fill fxny vacancies which arise -in elective of fices. If the office of president shall become vacant, the vice-presnieut shall aa*ume the office of president and the office of vice president shall be declared -vacant. If the office of both presidefi? and vice-president fchall become vacant, then the Executive Council shall filll both office* by the ap proval of at least 10 of its. members. SECTION VII: DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS —Clause I: President: It shall by the duty of the President to call and pre side over all meeting- of the entire member tthipjof AWS and to preside over ah meet ings of the AWS executive council and cab-' -4net; to fill ah vacancies on the AWS cab inet as provided in Section VI of this article; t»> recommend appointment of the ASl () social chairman, as provided in Ar ticle VI11 oi this constitution; to direct cabinet mentor* to act as advisers t chair* men oi various committees as required; to •represent all women students on committees where she is a member In vhtue of heiiig AWS president; to place an annual re)H>rt in the records of this organization contain mg a description of the year’s activities ami suggestions for the future; to represent the Mgamzaiioii on all occasions, including na tional ami regional conventions; tv» act .»> c i-ordinator of all women's activities on the Imvcisity campus; aiul to carry out all other duties pertaining to her office. Clause 2: Vice*President It shall be the duty of the vice-president to preside over all meetings and to otherwise assume the rule of President should the president lie ub-eiith or should the office of piesgient in* vacant; to act as adviser on parliamentary rule>; to manage all elections and to l>c in charge of the constitution and all amend ments thereof; to be responsible for AWS scholarships awarded spring term; and to carry out all other duties delegated to her bv the president and those pertaining to her Clause : Secretary It shall l*e the duty of the secretary to keep records of all meet’ ings of the AWS executive council and cabinet; to conduct all necessary corre >po«dence; to keep a calendar of all wom en’s activities; to organize ami supervise ,tine AWS activity hoard ; to have charge of all manuscripts, paper, records, and similar i property of the organization; and to carr> wit all other ‘duties assigned to her hy the president and those pertaining to her of. lice. Clause 4: Treasurer It shall he the duty ot the treasurer to act as fuiancia) ad viser of each committee appointed b> the president: to he chairman of the finance committee; to keep the executive council m tunned at all times of the financial condi tion of the organization; to pay all lulls through the adviser; to .see that permanent records are kept of ail financial transac tion*.; to perform all other duties delegated to her h> the president and those pertaining to her office. Clause 5: Historian—It shall be the duty of the historian to keep the scrapbook anil record> of AWS activities; to procure a place tor meetings ami to notify members of the meetings; to l»e in charge of the AWS office; to carry out all other dtitie* delegated to her by the president and those pertaining to her office. Clause 6: Editor—Tt shall l»e the duty of the editur to see that all matters concerning AWS are given proper publicity; to gen erally supervise all notices and publications concerned with AWS; and to carry out all other duties delegated to her by the president and those pertaining to her office. t la use 7: Intercollegiate AWS Represen tative — An Inter-Collegiate AWS represen tative shall lie appointed by the president with the approval of the AWS cabinet It shall Ik* the duty of the AWS luter-Colle giate representative to conduct ail necessary c«*rre>jH»udencc with other AWS organiza tions; to contribute to the i liter collegiate AWS publication; and to perform all other duties delegated to her by the president. SECTION VIII: MEETINGS AND D l’TIES OF TH K AWS C A BIX ET The AWS 1 abinet shall hold a regular meeting at least once each month. Hie time of thi* meeting shall be determined by the cabinet. The president may call such additional meet ings i»t the cabinet as lie deems proj»er. It shall be the duty of the cabinet to discus* and co-ordiuate the duties of the respective members thereof; to formulate the plait* anti policies of the AWS; to appoint ail c<*nnnittre chairmen tor AW’S-spun sored events; and to carry on all routine business and functions of the 'Cnivrrsit v AWS. ARTICLE V—EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SECTION 1; NAME -There shall be an AWS Executive council. SECTION H: MEMBERSHIP __ Said Executive Council shall consist of the mem bers of the cabinet ami the president* ui Mortar Board. Phi Theta Cpsiloii, kuama, h W CA. WKA, Heads of House*. PanheJ lenic. Co-Ed Co-Up Council and the AWS activities ixiard. and the campus social chairman. Jt» duties sliall lx* to co-ordinate the activities of the various organizations represented thereon, and to aid and advise the cabinet in formulating its plans and policies. SECTION III: POW ERS The AWS Executive Council shall have the i*jsrer to j-emove frpm • office any officer of AWS under article IV, Section V, and shall have the power to approve the president’s ap pointee* to fill elective offices under Article I\ , Section \ l, ami the president's recom mendation for campus social chairman under Article ViII. Nine meml>er* of the AWS executive council sliall constitute a quorum at a meeting where removal from office i.* being considered or where approved of ap pointment* is to be made. ARTICLE VI—ACTIVITY BOARD SECTION 1 NAME There shall Ik* an AW'S Activity Hoard. SECTION II: MEMBERSHIP The AW S Activity Hoard shall Ik* ct>m|H»sctl «»t tlu* acti\ ity chairman from each women's living organtzution. SECTION ill: MEfTINCS Regular nicttuik* ot the AW'S Activity Hoard shrill I Ik* held once a month at a tune and place | designated l»> a majority vote of the mem SECTION IV: Dt'TIES It shall ImmIh I duty of members of the AW'S Activity Hoard to represent their living orifuiu/a 'lions; to stimulate interest In activities; to j intorut the office of student affairs of the activities of their members; to check thr calendar ot events kept by the AW'S secre I tary ; to make any recommendations deemed | necessary to the AW S executive council and i cabinet; and to carry out all duties dele [ gated to them by the AW'S cabinet. ARTICLE V11—CAMPUS SOCIAL CHAIRMAN SECTION 1: NAME There shall be an ASCO campus social chairman. SECTION II UCAUKICATIONS The campus social chairman shall Ik* a senior woman appointed l>y the ASCO president upon the recommendation of the AW'S president, with the majority approval of the AW'S executive council. ' SECTION 111: DC TIES It shall Ik- the | duty of the campus social chairman to pre side oxer all meetings of the living organise* | tiou social chairmen; to appoint all com mittees the group deems necessary; to an* i tiounce w hat dress shall l*c tu order foi all j Cnivcrsity sjHMisored events; to lie a turfli* ler ot the AW S executive council; and t*» ' perform all other duties delegated to her by j the president. ARTICLE VIII—AMENDMENTS SECTION |: PJtOCKIH'KK Prot»o*cd | imendmcnts t*» thin cuihiitution shall Ik* in ; written form, subscribed h> not lw>* than ; «ent) member* of AWS, ami submitted to [ tiie president of the association. It shall !** the iitrt) of the Executive Council to meet within one week after a proposed ameiuliuetit i> submitted to the president; to discus* the Eropusal; and by a simple majority, voting y a secret ballot, to either approve or re '< ject the proposed amendment. If the Executive Council approves the ■ proposed aiueuduieiit, it i* to l*e placed upon ! a ballot lor the vote of the whole membership ; of the Association; such hnihttmg n to l*e conducted at the next meeting, cither reg ular or special, «»f the Association following the decision of the Council; Provided, that »uch meeting shall occur at least two weeks following the decision of the Council. Dur ing the two weeks immediately preceding the balloting upon the proposed amendment, the text of this proi»o.sal. in the form in which it is to appear upon the ballot, must lie print ed at least twice in the (Jr won Datly f. m.r* iltd. In the balloting upon the proposed amendment, an Australian ballot is to be used. Ten per cent of the women enrolled in the lamrr»il> must cast ballot* to vali date the election; of these, two-thirds must : lie in the affirmative for the proposed ! arnriulinent to become a part of tin* Con* I stitution. If the Executive Council rejects the pro posed a men dentil!, the decision of the Coun cil may Ik* ajipcaled to a meeting of the whole membership of the Association. This meeting may l*c the next general or special meeting of the Association; or not les- than fifty metnhri - ol the Association may Mile scribe a writing to be Miltinitted to the President, requesting the President to call ! a meeting tor the purpose of considering i sixrh appeal. Cpon receipt of such a writ ing. it :s the duty of the President, to call a meeting of the w hole incnihct »hip of th«* Association within one month. The member ship may. by a simple majority, voting by a show* of hands at any meeting stipulated a?Hive. either affirm or reverse the decision of the council. If the decision of the Council i» upheld, there shall be no further apjte^l. It the decision is reversed, the proposed amendment must Ik- voted upon in exactly the same manner as if the Council had ap proved the proposal.. 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