Frosh Hoopers Record Victory, Lose Saturday Oregon’s Ducklings put on a allow of real basketball power hh they swamped Moore's Drlve-in at Vancouver's Khumway Junior high gym, Wl-69, Friday night. But the Frosh had to be content with a apllt on their Washington Invasion, for the experienced Fernandez loggers came from behind to clout the Ducklings, fcl-72, at Longview Saturday. Frosh 96, Moore's 69 Dave Wanaka hit the hoop for II field goals to pace the Frosh, and three other Ducklings hit in double figures. The AAU five, moved In as a replacement for the previously scheduled Clark JC Penguins, kept Is close throughout the first half, mostly on the efforts of Guard Karl Enos. Hut Wanaka was unstoppable on jump shots and layins, and the intermission scoie favored the Frosh, 47-39. ! Froth (96) Wmab, ( Tuchardl. I c ila»tlllg*, K A>tp, if KtiMjr, if Swin, l Fan*, i Slick, if \\ ilium *. \ In.Moik, k FG FT PP TP | 11 7 3 2 4 3 1 1 2 1 4 0 Total* 39 26 96 MoorVs (69) ItUkrtirrJ kiggin%. C Kuw, a Smith, if l.l»ar