Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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Emerald Women's Page
Sally Jo Graig and Marcia Maunay,
Election of officers is continu
ing in the campus houses. To
dale the officers of twenty liv
ing organizations have been pub
lished. It Is expected that the
elections will continue for two
weeks or more. Recently elected
officers are:
At Alpha Phi
Unanimously elected president
Joyce Bearden recently took over
office assisted by Barbara Bailey,
vice-president; Meta Jean Frink,
scholarship chairman; Nancy
Mackle, treasurer; Ann Iiarzee,
corresponding secretary; Shirley
Brown, rush chairman; Rae
Bergeron, social chairman; Ber
na Dean Bartz, recording secre
tary; and Karen Kraft, activity
chairman. Carol Adams will fill
the position of house manager
for the coming year. \
At Delta Gamma
The newly elected president
for the new year at Delta Gam
ma will be? Kaye Durno, who has
already assumed her office. Oth
er officers who will be helping
Kaye are Bev Braden, vice- presi
dent; Sue Smith, recording secre
tary; Laurie Goodell, rush chair
man; Denny Kenyon, social
chairman; Jean Fay, correspond
Schwering Dinner
Pairings Planned
Announcement of pairings of
women's living organizations for
tonight's Hazel Schwering din
ners has been made by Nancy
Moore, president of heads of
The 10 cents charged each
woman for dinner will go into
a scholarship fund established
several years ago in honor of
Hazel Schwering, former dean
of women at the University.
Zeta Tau Alpha will be paired
with University house, Susan
Campbell with Alpha Xi Delta.
Sigma Kappa with Orides, Rebec
house with Alpha Delta Pi, Pi
Bela Phi with Carson 5. Kappa
Kappa Gamma with Ann Judson
house, Kappa Alpha Theta with
Alpha Phi, Highland house with
Hendricks hall, Gumma Phi Beta
with Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta
Zeta with Alpha Chi Omega,
Delta Gamma with Carson 3, and
Alpha Gamma Delta with Car
son 4.
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I mK secretary; Put Do»avan,
i house manager; Eileen DeWilde,
I chapter treasurer; and Pat Dee
riey, house treasurer.
At Phi Delta Theta
Now president for the Phi
Delta Th'-ta'a is newly-elected
Dick Schlosstein. Dick will be
assisted by Martin Brandenfels,
| vice-president; Fred Haswell,
house manager; Jim Larpenteiir,
secretary. The Phi Delta have not
1 completed their elections and
j other officers will be elected next
j week.
At Kappa Kappa
Ann Erickson, the 1954 Home
j coming Queen, has recently been
| elected president of Kappa Kap
pa Gamma. Other officers for
the year 1655-56 include Jill
Hutchings, vice-president; Em
Overhaulae, recording secretary;
Barbara Geyer, corresponding
secretary; Nancy Hagglund, ao
iclal chairman; Janet Gustafson,
’rush chairman; Peggy Gather
coal, house manager; and Myrna
, Smith, treasurer.
At Zeta Tau Alpha
The office of president at Zeta
Tau Alpha will be filled by Nor*
ma Terry. Assisting her will be
Pat Arblnger, vice-president;
Loretta Humphreys, house man
ager; Shirley Hardy, secretary;
Regina Hannon, treasurer; Celia
: Clogston, rush chairman; Joyce
i McKinzie, standards chairman.
'The ZTA's also announce the
pinning of Joyce McKinzie to
Dean Beck, Phi Kappa Sigma,
At Alpha Omicron Pi
Janice Bibby announced her
pinning to Gary Alden. this
year’s King of Hearts, at din
ner Tuesday night at the house.
He is a member of Campbell
i Club. Bev Hall, freshman, is
fiinned to Don Peck, a Chi Psi
j freshman. Their pinning was an
nounced early in the term. Abbie
Andrews was tapped for Chi
Delta Phi, national women's lit
erary honorary, at dinner Tucs
dany night.
Mile. Contest Deadline Set
Mademoiselle ha* announced
it* annual college fiction and art
contest* with deadlines set for
March 1.
The two winner* will receive
$500, and the stone*, illustrated
by the art contest winners, will
be published in Mademoiselle.
Honorable mention award* will
go to the runners-up in each con
test with (he possibility that the
works will be published in Ma
demoiselle at a later date. Any
woman tinder 26 years of age
who is enrolled in a college, Jun
ior college or art school is elig
ible to compete.
! Those wishing to enter the fic
1 lion contest should type their
.entries on regulation size typing
paper, double spaced on one side
of the paper only. Stories should
tie approximately 2500 to 5000
i words in length and should not
j have been previously published in
I a commercial publication. No '
| limit on the amount of stories'
I that can be submitted by one'
! person has been set.
All work, clearly marked with
' the contestant's name, age, home
j address, school address, and
! school year, should be enclosed
; with a self-addressed and
stamped manila envelope. Ques
! tions and entries should be ad
dressed to the College Fiction ,
i Contest, Mademoiselle. 575 Madi
son Ave., New York 22, New
A maximum of five samples,
no larger than 8U by 11 inches
1 and of any medium, may be sub
mitted by a contestant in the art
[contest. Photography, either
, black and white or color trans
parencics, may lx- submitted. All
entries should be unmatted, un
mounted and nnframe/I, and
clearly marked with the same
information as the fiction entries.
The entries should also be ac
companied by a manila envel
ope, self-addressed and stamped.
The address is Art Contest, Ma
demoiselle, 575 Madison Ave.,
New York 22, New York.
Winners of the contests will be
announced in the August issue of
the publication.
Freshman Council
To Hold Meeting
The newly formed freshman
council of the WYCA will meet
today at 12:30 p.m. in Gerlinger
hall. Membership, the coming
elections, and evaluation of the
Sunday night suppers will be on
the agenda.
The presidents of all the fresh
man commissions comprise the
new council, organized at the
beginning of winter term. Joyce
Jacobson is president.
YWCA Committee
Formulates Slate
The slates for the YWCA elec
tions Thursday, Feb. 24, will be
drawn up today at noon by the
Y executive council and the soph
omore executive committee.
Candidates for offices in both
the upperclass and sophomore
cabinets will be decided upon by
the present officers. The meet
ing will be in Gerlinger hall.
Heyden Will Speak
To Literary Clubs
Victor Heyden, instructor in
speech, will speak to members
1 of C'ni Delta Phi, women’s lit
erary honorary, and Ye Tabard
Inn, men's literary honorary,
tonight at 6.45 in the Student
Heyden will speak on radio and
\ television script writing, inelud
1 ing rules of thumb and tech
niques, according to Valeria Go
! vig, Chi Delta Phi president.
New pledges ox Chi Delta Phi,
who were tapped Monday dur
ing dinner, will also attend the
They are Abbie Andrews, Carol
Baldwin, Cornelia Fogle, LaRae
Koon, Shirley Mantelli, Eliza
beth Mcllveen, Evelyn Olson,
Joanne Rogers, Rosemary Stev
enson, Patricia Schumacher and
Noleen Wade.
Y Breakfast Combines
Waffles With Fashions
The annual YWCA waffle
breakfast and style show will be
Saturday from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
in Gerlinger hall. Tickets are
50 cents and are now on sale in
all women's living organizations.
The style show, built around
the theme, “Prelude to Spring,’’
will begin at 10:30 p.m. It is
sponsored by the Town and Tra
vel shop in Eugene.
Waffles with homemade syrup,
. and coffee will be served. Cam
pus clothes are in "order for the
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February 19.1955 *< :00 p.m.
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