‘Duc6*7ftac6& By Jerry CUussen Emerald Co-Sport* Editor ■■ The Northern Division basketball race is all over as far as first place is concerned, and Oregon State has successfully defended its championship. The Beavers desejve plenty of respect for their 12 straight wins without a defeat, although _they had to put on last-minute rallies to come out on top sev eral times. The old master. Slats Gill, deserves a lot of credit in bring ing a mediocre Oregon State team back from a 4-6 pre conference record to a championship with still a fourth of the ND season remaining. He has shuffled the OSC bench in and out at just the right times to stop opponents’ rallies and win games. Of course, the return of Wade Ilalbrook to the OSC lineup didn't hurt the Rea\ er cause any. although the new champions stopped second-place Oregon two straight the weekend when the Swede was suspended. lie is a probable certainty to be named Afl-Conference for the second year in a row after his great performances within recent weeks, including a new re bound record. Beavers Take Ninth OSC's championship closes 33 years of Northern Division play before the merger in the new PCC schedule next year. It's OregTm State’s ninth title since 1923. with Washington having won the most. 14. Oregon has won live pennants, WSC has three and Idaho two to their credit. So now the coast playoffs will have Oregon State as the northern entry for the second straight year, with UCLA the probable southern representative. Playing at home in Cor vallis. the Beavers should be a slight favorite, although Los Angeles writers think not. Only two questions, three counting the individual scoring title, remain to be answered in the next two weekends of play. The one in everybody’s mind is whether the Beavers can ex-! tend their unbeaten string through four more games for the first unscathed record in the ND since it adopted its 16-game schedule. Cougars Next Opponents The champions have two games with WSC. at Pullman Friday and Saturday-, which shouldn’t prove too difficult for the tall and talented warriors from Corvallis. If Gill’s Orange-and-Black squad wins that pair, it will give them 14 straight and tie the all-time winning streak set by Washington in 1953. The Huskies lost to Idaho in their 15th game that season but won the next to become the sec ond team ever to win 15 out of the 16 conference games. They also did it in 1944. The last weekend finds OSC and Oregon mixing it up in the final series of the year for the Ducks. And this gets into the other important question. Can Oregon hang onto their present second spot in the league? It will depend somewhat on what they do against Washington this weekend. Washington Senes Important Two wins by the Huskies will put Washington and Oregon into a tie for second with two games to go. Oregon would probably have to beat OSC at least once to keep from falling into third since Washington plays cellar-dwelling Idaho in its i last series. A split between the Huskies and Ducks will assure' Oregon of at least a second-place tie, while two wins this weekend will give the Webfoots second place before facing Oregon State. Most likely the final Oregon-OSC series will still mean a lot to both clubs, even though the ND race is al ready finished. A note from the University of Washington reveals that Dean Parsons, the Huskies’ great center from Eugene, is the fourth player in the school’s history to scpre 1000 points in his career. The 6’-8” star dropped in 47 points against WSC last weekend to run his total to 1009 for less than four years, 974 since his freshman season. The three Huskies who have crashed the magic hi ark in the past include Bob Houbregs, 1951-3, 1374; Frank Guisness, 1950-52,1070; and Jack Nichols, 1944, 1947-8, 1067. The Husky captain also seems certain to become Washington’s second best all-time scorer in the conference behind Houbregs, who set an all-time record in 1953 with 406 points for the season and 855 for three years. SAE, Phi Delf Fives Advance to IM Final Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta swept past their semi-final opponents Wednes day and will square off to meet each other next Monday after noon at 4 on intramural court 40 for the championship in the A bracket. The SAE's hit consistently from the free throw line to down the Straub Erosh, 29-22, and the Phi Delts took over in the second half to drub Alphu Tau Omega, 41-24. SAE's Roll SAE's triumph was a tale of fouls and free throws. Straub was whistled down 15 times against only three on SAE, and the winners took full advantage of the situation by dropping in 15 of 29 attempts, to only 2 by Welsh, Bragg Near Mark A spectacular shooting battle between Southern California's Dick Welsh and Don Bragg of UCLA threatens to shatter the all-time Southern Division rec ord for accuracy, it was disclosed Thursday by figures from the Pacific Coast Conference com missioner's office. Welsh, who ranks third in total scoring, and Bragg, 13th. are only one percentage point apart, 60.6', to 59.6"r, on their field goal shooting as they head into their final four games of the regular season. Their pace is far ahead of the Division record of 48.9'; set by John Hickson of California in 1953. Welsh has scored 43 field goals in 71 at tempts and Bragg 31 in 52 tries. Hon Tomsic of Stanford holds a 10 point lead in total scoring with 168 points and a 21.0 game j average to 158 and a 19.8 aver age for Bob McKeen of Califor-1 nia. Welsh has a 16.9 average; John Moore, UCLA, 16.4, and Willie Naulls. UCLA, 14.3. Tom sic needs 70 points in his four remaining games to equal the Division season record of 238 Stet in 1950 by Bill Sharman of Southern California. Next to the Thrill of Flying Nothing Compares With the Fun of Skiing Oregon's Cascade Slopes j Greyhound Ski Bus Leaves 8 a.m. Sunday for Willamette Area You Can Rent Skis - Boots - Poles $2.50 per day at the SKI SHOP HEMDERSHOTFS 770 Willamette Phone 4-9325 Dave Shelby of the Frosh. By contrast, Straub sank 10 field goala to only aeven for SAB. SAE led at every quarter-atop, 9-8, 14-12 nt halftime, and 24-20 going into the final period, Rex Davis sank a pair of free thrown for a 26-20 SAE lead, but Shelby pulled Straub gaek within four points with his two gift tosses. SAE went into a stall with about 3 minutes remaining, and con tinued building their margin from the charity stripe until the game was over. and 8 out of 15 free throws for 10 points to lead the SAE scor ing. Tom Hale's accurate jump shots brought in four field goals and eight points for high honors for the Krosh. MAE (29) (22) Frosh Davis 10 . P 6 Wheeler Savage 6 .F.. 4 Jarvis Tennyson 2 .... C . 8 Hale Hardin 7 G Blanc Dahl 4 G McCoy Subs: Frosh — Bigelow 2. Speers, Blevins, Shelby 2. Phi Delta Theta's defending champions again reached the fi nal round of the intramural play offs, by powering their way to a, 41-24 win over Alpha Tau Ome ga The ATO'a caught the Phi IM Schedule 4:00 Sigma Chi B vs. Sigma Al pha Epsilon B. court 40. 4:45 Sigma Phi Epsilon B vs. Phi Delta Theta B, court 40. ATO's Crushed Thursday Basket ball fl Dell's off guard, and jumped to h 9-4 lend In the first minute, of the game, but Bob Wagner and Dick Rchlosatein bit baskets to close out the first quarter with the score 9-8. In favor of ATO. The Phi Dell's settled down In the second quarter and led by halftime, 20-17. In the second half ATO turned Ice cold, and failed to score a field goal. They dropped In three free throws to trail 20-20, at the end of the third period, and could muster only four more free throws In the last quarter, ATO (24) (41) Phi I»e||, Shaw 4 F 10 Wagner Blodgett 2 K 10 Powers Blck 3.C .. 5 Johnson Keller 6 G ft Garrett Basham 5 ..... G 1 Hastings Subs: Phi Delta Schlossteln 4, Williams 0. ATO Huggins 4. Beta s Win Handball Beta Theta Pi won Us second straight Intramural handball title Monday afternoon with a 2-1 victory over the Dorm Counselor - ors. Beta Jim Barlow topped Bill Johnson of the Counselors, 21-19. 1.1-21, 21-1H and Ken • • : clinched the crown with his vic tory over Jack Morris in the sec ond singles match. Scores were 21-19, 18-21, 21-18. The Counselors got their only win the doubles, where Ted Schopf and Dong Whittle won 21-19 and 21-17 over Bruce Pur vine and Russ Manncx. ORIGINAL "DEHEN AWARD" 100% WOOL Jackets • LEATHER SLEEVES • REG. 19.95 GREEN, GREY, BLACK, RED, and BLUE COLORS! HURRY, SALE STARTS TODAY! EUGENE SURPLUS SALES 666 WILLAMETTE STREET EUGENE