Air Scientists Confer On AFROTC Program Addresses by President O. Meredith Wilson and Doan Paul B. Jacobin of the school of edu cation, will highlight the Profes sors of Air Science conference today and Friday at the Student Union, Wilson will apeak to the as aembled officer* at a luncheon today following Jacobeen'a ad dreaa, which wax acheduled for 8:30 a.m. After thla morning Introduc tion* and remark* by varloua of ficer*, the afternoon waa to be given to several apeeebea by Ihe delegates. After a talk on teach ing methodology by Homer Bor S U Currents Koutek Plans Meeting Of Art Gallery Group The Art Gallery committee will meet today at 12:25 in room 313 Of the Student Union. Bob Kou tek, chairman, announced. Valentino Plays Lead In Sunday War-Film •'Four Horsemen of the Apoca lypse," starring Rudolph Valen tino. will be shown Sunday at 2 30 and 5 p.m. in the SU ball room. This war-film romance contains Valentino's f a m o u a tango. Sorenson Will Speak In SU Browsing Room Lloyd Sorenson, assistant pro fessor of history, wilt apeak on "Calvinism and Capitalism” at this Friday's evening coffee hour at 7:30 p.m. in the SU browsing room. Ad Staff Layout: Pat Case, Jody Klahre. Jon Wright, Laura Morris and Anne Pett^-son. Salesmen: Lee Peters, Jack Radich, Bob Knowland and Dick Hoc. Office: Shirley Parmenter, Pat Cushnie and Francis Achee. I (High* of the University of Wash ; ington, the University's air scl | ence head, Col. Bruce Daily, will speak at 2:30 p.m. on staridard . izlng procedures for sub-area i school activities. In today's last session, Col. | Leroy G. Heston of Oregon State ! college will speak at 3:15 p.m. on the selection of advanced ca dets for the AFROTC progratn. The Friday meetings will be all devoted to addresses by of ficers, with such items as sum mer camp and supply problems, cadet honor societies, academic evaluation, review of recommen dations from previous meetings and selection of a spokesman for the national conferen<®» Alternate subjects which may la* Introduced Into the discussion Include high school visitations, in-service training, annual fed eral Inspection, proposed flight training program and program-. mod AFROTC production. The AS IV directors’ confer ence will be running concurrent-, ly with the conference. The main topics will be on the effect of new courses introduced this year. Speakers will represent the University of Washington, Ore gon State college, the University of Portland, Centra) Washington College of Education, Willamette university and the College of Puget Sound. Maj. James Death erage will represent Maxwell Air Force base in Alabama, site of the Air university. 'Causerie Francaise' Held at Side Today A "Causerie Francaise" will be held today at the College Side Inn at i p.m. This is an oppor tunity for French students to speak together while having cof fee. First and second year French students are especially urged to attend. However, all students are welcome. Today's Staff Makeup Editor- Paul Keefe. Copy Desk Jan Bennet, Dot ty Griffith, Bob Funk, Anne Ritchey, Anne Hill, Donna Run berg and Sue Lamb. Night Staff - Elton Engstrom. News Desk Mary Alice Allen and Anne Hill. Ground Beef Steak (V2 lb. fresh ground beef) Hashed Brown Potatoes Boston Baked Beans Also... • HOME MADE SOUP _20c • HOME MADE CHILI_30c • HOME MADE BOSTON BAKED BEANS-Side __ 25c Ford s Drive-In 1769 FRANKLIN BLVD. Independents Plan Dance for Friday United Independent Students will hold their second annual dance Friday from 9 to 12 p.m. on the third floor of Gerlinger hall. The dance will be open to all Oregon students. Admission is 50 cents per student. Refreshments will be furnished by Orides, organization of off campus women and entertain ment has been planned for inter mission. Connie Drury, sopho more in music, is chairman for the dance, and chaperone will be Brad Blaine, counselor for men. The dance is being held in con junction with the regional In dependent Students association convention here Friday and Sat urday. Delegates from several Oregon, Washington and Idaho colleges and universities are ex pected to attend. Registration for the ISA con vention will begin at noon Fri day in the Student Union. Dis cussion periods are planned for Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Discussion leaders will include Miss Drury, Sam Vali*y, junior in business, and Ho*.is Ransom, graduate in political science. A luncheon la scheduled from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Saturday in the Student Union. Main speaker will be Si Ellingson, SU director. All convention meetings will be held in the SU and will be open to Oregon independent stu dents. Oregon students who wish to be voting delegates, however, should pay a 75 cent registra tion fee, according to Uen Cal vert, convention chairman. Stu dents who wish to attend the Saturday luncheon a» official delegates will be charged $2 for the luncheon and for registra tion, he said. I’atronlze Emerald Advertisers Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN THE BEST CHICKEN IN-A-BASKET IN TOWN! Car Service Weekends Only West 6th, Near Blair Phono 5-9001 Reader's Theater Held With Festival A Reader's Theater, presented by University staff members and alumni, will be held Friday and Saturday nights as part of the current Festival of Arts. Dramatic material which was popular in America during the 19th century and has been lost stnee that time as far aa pro duction goes will make up the program for the Theater. Participating in the program will be Horace Robtnson, asso ciate professor of speech; Daniel Krempel, instructor in speech, and Mrs. Krempel; George San born, instructor in speech, and alumni Gerald and Joan DeLap Pearce, of Eugene. WANTED! lost? found? selling? in the EMERALD EXCITINGLY NEW I THE LITTLE GAYMODE WITH THE BIG S-T-R-l-T-C-H... s. GLAMOUR-SHEER NYLONS THAT CLING TO THE SHAPE OF YOUR LEG NEVER-EVER BAG, SAG OR WRINKLE! Better than “custom mades”, Penney’s sheer stretchable Gaymode nylons mold to your legs, follow every curve and hollow like a sec ond skin. Seams stay in place . . . never twist, never turn. And these Gaymodes are glamorously sheer, too. Find them in Gala, a shade >oh 11 love. Sizes Midge, Norm and Long, to fit every leg perfectly. Penney Quality is your Greatest Saving!