Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    Traffic Accident
Involves Judges
EUGENE (AP) Circuit Judge
William G. East, involved in a
controversy stemming from a
minor traffic accident three
weeks ago. issued a statement (
with two other judges, dealing 1
with the incident.
The other two judges were j
Dist. Judge Chester N. Ander
son and Circuit Judge Frank B.
Reid, who were with East the
day of the accident near Reeds
Federal Recommendation
The issue became controver
sial because East has been
recommended for appointment as
a federal judge, and because an1
editorial in the weekly Port
Umpqua Courier at Reedsport j
was critical of the conduct of the
three judges.
When the editorial was shown !
Sen. Richard L. Neuberger i D- j
Ore i, he said he would ask the
FBI to investigate. A Washing-!
ton correspondent. Robert Smith,
reported to the Oregonian at
Portland that Neuberger said he I
would continue to hold Judge!
East in high regard if the FBI |
determines the editorial, is in-1
accurate, but would not support
East for the federal appoint
ment if the editorial is accurate.
.Judge-.' Statement
The statement by the judges:!
“On Saturday. Jan. 22. w'e were
in attendance as special guests
at the annual meeting of the
Coos-Curry Bar association. We
stayed overnight at Coos Bay,
and attended a luncheon in a pri- j
vate home early on the afternoon |
of Sunday, the 23rd, after which j
we started the drive home to Eu
gene, driving directly to a point
approximately four miles east
of Reedsport on the Reedsport-1
Drain highway.
“The highway was under con
Y Fashion Show
Will Be Saturday
A spring fashion show will
highlight the annual Waffle
Breakfast Saturday morning.
The YWCA-sponsored event
will begin at 10 a.m. in Gerlinger
hall with the style show starting
at 10:30.
“Prelude to Spring”, is the
theme of the fashion show which
is being put or. by Town and
Travel. It will emphasize spring
fashions, but will include others I
Models for the show include
freshmen Paula Smith. Nancy
Marston. Joann Magauson, Janet
Maier, Verity Kitchen, Mary
Helen Williams, Pat White, Caro
lyn Courtemanche and Nancy
Tickets are now on sale in the
women's living organizations for
' 50 cents apiece.
struction. extremely narrow and
the siu-face muddy. Both our car
and the car meeting' us were go
ing slowly in order to pass. We
pulled to the right as far as we
were able, slightly contacted the
other car with the left front’
fender, contacted the bank on
our right hand side, and mired
“We all got out. and, after
identification, with the help of
others our car was pushed up on
the narrow-travelled portion, and
we proceeded, looking for a place
to turn around.
Stopped by Officers
“Shortly after proceeding, we
were stopped by the officers, and
immediately returned with him
to Reedsport. We found that the
operator of the other car, who
reported the incident, was eating
dinner. We remained at the police
office until he completed his
"Upon his return the matter
was discussed with the driver of
the other car and the officers,
and we thereupon returned to our
car and proceeded home. The ac
tion was duly reported to the
Secretary of State.”
Driver Reported
Police said they stopped the
judges' car because the driver
of the other car, Wayne, Warner.
Eugene, reported the accident
and asked police to determine
whether those in the judges' car
were in condition to drive.
After talking with the judges,
the police refused to make any
arrest and told the judges they
could drive home. Warner also
refused to sign a complaint.
Law Says Guard
Can Pick Officers
SALEM (AP)—You boys in
the National Guard will want
to hear this:
Oregon has a law saying
you can eleet your captains
ami colonels.
Sen. Gene L. Brown. Grants
Pass, made the discovery in his
project to bring Oregon’s mili
tary laws up to date.
Dream Girl Finals
Narrowed to Four
Four finalists for the Pi Kappa
Alpha Dream Girl were chosen
Monday after a buffet dinner for
the ten semi-minalists.
Finalists are Maureen Doher
ty, sponsored by Carson 3; Mary
Jo Fourier, Hendricks; Pat Hoy,
Delta Zeta, and Mary Lou
Teague. Kappa Alpha Theta.
The women will attend dinner
Monday and next Wednesday.
Voting will be Wednesday night
and the Dream Girl will be an
nounced at a formal house
dance March 5.
YTS ^ws
One of the activities outside
tht> scope of the Veterans Ad
ministration is job-finding as
sistance for veterans interested
in obtaining employment. This
is definitely defined in the GI
Employment placement is the
function of the veterans employ
ment service. Veterans wanting
part or full-time work should
contact this service through the
Eugene office of the state em- j
pployment agency. 339 E. 11th.
For the good of other unem
ployed veterans it is also neces
sary that the agency be notified
of job openings. Veterans who
know of such openings should •
contact the office immediately. ;
Acting Techniques
Will Be Presented
Classes in the technique of
acting will present a student
theater production today at 4
p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. in 102
Scenes from the following will
be presented: "Sabrina Falr.’V
"At You Like It," “Hamlet,”1
Shaw's “St. Joan." and “Wonder
ful Town."
The performance is open to the
public. Admission is free.
'Stock Market*
NEW YORK (APi The stock
market hit its fourth new all
time high of the past five ses
sions Tuesday in spite of a sell
ing flurry near the close.
The Associated Press average
of 60 stocks was up 50 cents at
$159.90. a new all-time high. The
industrial component of the list
was ahead 60 cents, railroads
were up SI.00 at a new high of
$124.30, the best since 1930, and
utilities were off 10 cents.
There were 1252 individual is
sues in the list of which 659
were up and 379 down with 147
new 1954-55 highs and no new
Volume came to 3,510.000
shares as compared with 2,950,- ;
000 shares traded Monday.
It’s true!
All over
America dec
orators are
that people
portraits of
their loved
ones in
the decoration
of their
Stop in our
studio soon
and let
us show you
how. The
part is—
you can do
it yourseip
Please Phone 4-3432
For an Early Appointment
1214 Kincaid
ON the Campus
Want Ads
RATES- 4 Centi per Word Fir»t Iniertiort, 2 Cent* per Word Thereefier.
Attention married students. |
You can now have Public
Liability and Property
Damage Auto Insurance for
$12.50 per six months re
newal. Save 1 3 on other
coverages. Get the facts. !
Call or see Jerry Brown,
Mayflower Agent. 902 Oak
St. 4-9444. Res. 4-2957.
Here Is A Chance For You To
Learn The Advertising
Business. Kids. Practical
Kxperience Selling Emerald
Ads. Plus Special Training
Sessions. Call Ext. 218 Or
Drop In At The Emerald
Office After 1:00 p.m. 2-15
Dark Blue Sport Coat size 42.
outgrown. Only $25.00. Dick
Carothers. Ph. 3-1014. 2-15
Income Opportunity: Do you
have 3 hours per day, or
weekends free ? Our com
pany needs severs! above
average students who can
use $100 per month. For
confidential Interview,
write Mr. John Arnold, P.O.
Box 542. Eugene. 2-16
Alterations and Dressmaking
Phone 3-4182 for appoint
ment. Mrs. McCoy. 2024
Emerald, Apartment 1. 3-4
KRS. For Quicker Deliver
ies Call Before 7:30. THE
HUT. PHONE 4-0319. 2-15
For rent: Attractive "apart
mette." Furnished, twin
beds for two, hot plate.
Phone 4-3548. Address 455
E. 13th. 2-15
Traffic Court Will
Hold First Meeting
The Student Tmffic court will
hold its first meeting of the term
tonight at 7:80 in SU 309.
Those who wish to appeal traf
fic tickets may appear before
the court. Only one more meeting
of the court is scheduled before
the end of the term.
Petitions Ready
For Duck Preview
Petitions for general chair
man of Duck Preview are now
being called for, according to
Bob Summers, AS 1*0 presi
The |ietition» for the event,
which is April '£3-24, are avail
able on the third floor of the
Student Inlon and must lie
turned in liy 3 p.m. Feb. 23.
Hearn Leaves *
For Convention
A. C. Hearn, associate profes
sor of education will leave today
for Atlantic City, N. J., where
he will attend the 30lh annual
convention of the National Asso
ciation of Secondary School Prin
The convention theme Is “To
day's Challenge Tomorrow's
Opportunity.” The delegates will
hear speakers, take pail in dis
cussion groups, and see exhibit*
of textbooks and other school
supplies, and visit selected
schools and other places of In
terest in New Jei.iey.
While there, Hearn will act
as participate In a group dis
cussion entitled, "What Is the
Hole of the Principal in Demo
cratic Administration ?"
• An opportunity for a few U. of O. students to join a co
educational group from the country's leading universities
and colleges.
• 62 days, two full months in Europe, an unusually fine
itinerary, June 25th to August 26th.
• Cross the Atlantic with B.O.A.C., return with Air France.
• Hotels are first class, and a few are Luxury.
• Dining at famous and unusual restaurants.
For further information, contact:
Mrs. Deborah Parducci
Phone 3-1735