Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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Furman Coach Asks
Anfi-Stall Ruling
Coach Lyle Alley, whoso Kurman
basketball team managed only a
26-24 victory Saturday night
againat The Citadel, which froze
the ball, said Sunday the game
demonstrates the need for col
lege teams to adopt the proa’ 24
eecond rule.
tinder the rule u team must
about within 24 seconds of
getting the ball or lose posses
sion. Alley mild freezing tur
tles hurt college basketball by
lessening Interest of the fans.
Furman went Into the game as
the nation's highest scoring ma
jor college team, averaging in
the high !H)'a. Hut It made no at
tempt to score a field goal in the
second half of the game at
Charleston, 8.C., home of The
Citadel, South Carolina state
military college.
I>arrell Floyd of Kurman, the
nation's leading scorer with an
average of 35.5 points a game,
wan ill with the flu and did not
Ijist Jan. 8 Kurman defeat
ed The Citadel 134-67 on Fur
man's home court in Green
ville. S.C.
Alley said In a telephone Inter
view that his team came to
Charleston to win the game Sat
urday night, win they did, and he
is satisfied.
He said he Is not angry at any
one, and Coach Jim Browning of
The Citadel had a perfect right
Heart Surgery
Prolongs Life,
Specialist Says
surgery now is old enough to dem
onstrate statistically that it ac
tually can prolong life, Dr. E.
Cowles Andrus, president of the
American Heart asoeiation, said
Although most heart disease
rases are not sutlable for opera
tion and even then the results may
be poor in 15 to 30 per cent of
those who risk surgery, the bene
fits among the successful cases
are substantial, Dr. Andrus told a
news conference.
t unic Head
Dr. Andrus is head of the adult
cardiac clinic at Johns Hopkins
Univeratiy and a consultant to
Walter Reed Army - Hospital,
Washington. He came here to ad
dress a meeting of the San Fran
cisco Heart association.
Only about one-third of the
rheumatic heart cases which come
to the attention of hospitals are
accepted for surgery, Dr. Andrus
said. In about half these cases, he
added, the results are excellent,
and most of the patients will con
tinue to Improve.
Outcome Can Be Good
In 20 per cent the outcome can
be classed as good; In another 15
per cent i3 fair, and in the remain
der it is poor.
There still are no specific fig
ures on the extent to which life
is lengthened in the successful and
good cases because the operation
was not done generally until about
eight years ago. However, many
of the first patients still are alive
and reasonably healthy and the
outlook for patients in the recent
years is exceptionally bright, the
physician said.
5-8 Per Cent Deaths
For the over-all number of
rheumatic heart surgery cases the
rate of death during the operative
period is 5-8 per cent, Dr. Andrus
to a (1 o p t the freezing tactics ]
which Browning believed might
bring iiis team victory.
Browning, also reached hy
telephone, said he did not start
the game with the Intention of
freezing the ball, lie said that
toward the end of the first
half, with Furman ahead 25-20,
“Coach Alley put in a tight
2-3 zone with tall hoys under
the basket.”
"Since we don't have anybody
who can hit well from the out
side, we decided to work the ball
deliberately in an attempt to get
a good shot at the basket. When
Alley's team goU the ball later
after we missed, Furman started :
holding the ball outside.
"I Instructed my boys to let
them hold the ball outside be
cause we were only five points
la-hind. My idea was that If we
could go into the last four min
utes still only five points behind,
we would have a good chance of
pulling an upset.
“We could take chances, put
the pressure on them, and if
we were lucky we could hit a
few and win. We almost did
However, Alley said he be
lieved fans pay their money to
see fast-break, high scoring bas
ketball and freezing hurts the
college game.
Guard Fred Fraley of Furman
took the second half tipoff and
for 14 and a half minutes held the
ball near midcourt. Alley said
during that time The Citadel
made no effort to come out from
Furman's only point during the
second half was a free throw by
forward Dave Hailey.
The Citadel made both its field
goals in the second half after
gaining possession of the ball
when Furman missed free throw
___ '
Duck Matmen
Set for PSC
Oregon's varsity wrestlers
swing into action again Thursday
when they journey to Portland to
tangle with Portland State col
lege. In a previous duel the
Ducks and the Vikings ended
their contest in an 18-18 dead
The Webfoot matmen will be
looking for their third win of the
season after they were taken
twice by Oregon State’s power
ful squad. Coach Bill Hammer’s
Oregon team will be handicapped
because Roy Schlesser, the
Ducks' Far Western and Pacific
Coast chhmpion wound up with
a knee injury after his match
05C CopsCrown
With 67-56 Slap
Of Vandal Five
Oregfjn Slat*
Ot rflhli
\Va*h. State .
I'lalio .
W I. IVt I'F I'A
12 0 1.000 751 62H
7 5 .5X3 735 1,6.1
5 7 .417 719 670
4 9 .3OX 731 X50
3 10 .231 712 X5X
State Hewed up the Northern Divi
Hion Pacific Coast conference bas
ketball championship Tuesday
night by defeating Idaho 67-56. It
was Oregon State’s 12th straight
conference win.
Wade Swede Maibrook, Oregon
State's 7-foot-3-lnch center, top
ped the Northern Division rebound
record of 32 he made Monday
night, by grabbing 36 Tuesday
night. He scored 31 points.
The game followed the pattern
of Monday night's contest when
Oregon State won 80-65. After
five ties early in the first hal^the j
Staters moved .-/head to a 31-22
halftime lead.
Idaho Tho* Count
They increased the margin
early in the second period to 13
points, 37-24. But at that point the
Vandals began to pick up speed
and with 7 minutes left, Jim Sa
ther dropped in two free throws
to ties the score at 47-47.
The Beavers met the challenge
with 10 straight points in the next
three minutes. In that surge Hal
brook scored 4, Tex Whiteman 3.
Tonly Vlaslelica 2 and Bill Toole
1. The Beavers held the margin
the rest of the game.
Suther Tops Vandals
Sather was high for Idaho with
25 points. After Halbrook's 31.
Vlastelica and Whiteman were
next in line with nine each.
Idaho Coach Harlan Hodges,
who used only five men Monday
night, used seven Tuesday as his
team made 17 of 05 shots for an
average of .262. The Staters sank
28 out of 74 for .378.
The Northern Division title was
the eighth for OSC coach Slats
Gill who now is in his 27th season
The title qualifies Oregon State
for the Pacific Coast playoff
which opens here March 4 against
the Southern Division winner.
Saturday with Gary McLain of
Oregon State.
Coach Bill Hammer doesn’t
have a replacement as yet and
will send only seven men into ac
tion against the Vikings. To com
pensate for the five of the 18
points §chlesser scored in the
previous match, the Oregon
grapplers will have to do some
top wrestling against the Vik
After a brief rest Friday the
Ducks will duel with Lewis and
Clark in the Rose City Saturday.
In previous action the Ducks
topped the Pioneers by a 20-11
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Three More Win
In IM Playoffs
mi ueita in eta raced on to
the semi-finals of A division in
tramural basketball playoffs and
Sigma Chi and Sigma Phi Epsi
lon rounded out B semi-finalist
spots in Tuesday afternoon play.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon faces the
Straub Frosh and Alpha Tau
Omega meets the Phi Delta today
to determine the finalists for the
£ league championship.
Sigma Chi takes on the SAE
B team and the Sig Ep and Phi
Delt B squads vie Thursday, to
pick the B finalists. Champion
ship games in both divisions will
be played Monday afternoon.
Hale Kane Swamped
Don Bowman poured 17 points
through the hoop to spark the
Sig Ep B team to a 40-20 rout of
Hale Kane Tuesday.
The previously once-defeated
Hale Kane five found their oppo
nents too powerful and the Sig
Eps swept to their quarter final
Sig Eps (44) (20) Hale Kane
Bye 6 .F . 6 Pinjuv
Hulls 6 .F. 6 Fujita
Walker 1 .C. 4 Averill
Bowman 17 .G 4 Kanada
Chase 6 .G. Burt
Subs: Sig Eps — Carmody 4,
Mellish, Tycer, Fraunfelder 3.
Hale Kane — Ikada 2, Attig.
Phi Delts Go Again
Scoring a barrage of points in
the last half of play, the Sigma
Chi B quintet kept aiive its
champions-hip hopes Tuesday in
IM basketball action by defeat
ing Nestor Hall, 43-33.
After a close first half in
which the score was 16-15 in fav
or of Nestor at the intermission
mark, the Sigs hit 15 points in
the third stanza and 13 in the
IM Schedule
4:00 Sigma Alpha Epsilon A vs.
Straub Frosh A, court 40.
4 :45 Phi Delta Theta A vs. Alpha
Tau Omega A. court 40.
final quarter as compared to the
loser’s 7 and 10.
High point man of the game
was Nestor's Dick Nelson, who
collected 15 points with an edu
cated hook shot and an accurate
two handed set shot.
Alex Byler was the big gun in
the Sig’s attack, as he hit four
field goals and six gift shots for
a 14 point attack. Dick Reinhart
was next in line with 12.
Sigma Chi (43) (33) Nestor hall
Weber 4 .F 8 Knowland
Hodges .F. 15 Nelson
Byler 14 .C. 6 Lincoln
Walberg 2 .G. Berg
Barker 7 .G. 2 Johnson
Subs: Sigma Chi — Carrol,
Stamper, Greenly, Reinhart 12,
Gildersleeve 4, Soesbe. Nestor
hall — Chambers, Stone, Haw
kins, Ackerman, Young 2.
Sigma Chi's Spree
Undefeated Phi Delta Theta’s
team rounded out the fourth
semi-final spot in playoff action
with a 43-18 thrashing of Kappa
Bob Wagner topped game scor
ers with 16 counters for the Phi
Delta. Center Harry Johnson had
8 for the winners. Kappa Sig
pivot man, Jack Murray also hit
Phi Delts (43) (18 Kappa Slgs
Schlosstein 4 ... F. 4 Galleon
Wagner 16 .F. Bowles
Johnson 8 .C. 8 Murray
Powers 1 .G. 4 Richter
Hastings 2 .G... 2 Shannahan
Subs: Phi Delts — Garrett 2,
Williams 10.
round the clock
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