Vienna University ^Offers Summer Courses The University of Vienna Hiimmitr school in Austria will offer a number of courses open to American students thsl mini in er. The school Is held in a nine teenth century castle, Traunaec in the Halakurnmergut district. The tuition of $200 includes trips to Sul/.burg and nearby places of mt>rWt;-%.*HldPs regular course work, .Students will also be able to arrange an excursion to VI ; enna. The curriculum includes Ger man language courses and I courses In Austrian art and mu sic, the formation of the modern European mind, and the history of Middle Europe. Psychology, political oclence and law arc also offered. American applicants must have completed at least two yearn of college in order to en j roll in the three or sixweek courses. Closing date for admission is June 15. .Scholarship applications are due April 18. Tinted Auto Windshields Hazard to Night Driving LOS ANGELES (AOP) — Tinted automobile windshields can be a significant hazard to night driving, according to Heinz | Haber, UCLA professor in trans portation and traffic engineering. Studies have indicated that tinted windshields reduce visi , bility at night as much as 45 per ■ cent, he said. This is not only hazardous, un der conditions of low brightness caused by poorly reflecting tar gets and backgrounds but it is also a problem for night drivers, he said. WHAT DID IT COST TO CREATE YOUR JOB? If you're an average U.S. factory worker—$12,000. If you're a rough carpenter, it took approximately $350 worth of tools to set you up in your trade. + Tools for a garage mechanic cost about $3,000; for'a Washington wheat farmer $12,500, for a secretary $300.. But if you work for Union Oil, it took $77,000 w«rth of tools in the form of trucks, service stations, refineries, oil wells, etc., to create your job.* Obviously, some of our jobs require considerably less investment than $77,000 and some considerably more. But this is the average for Union's more than 9,000 employees. That’s big money. But it accomplishes big things. •. It brings Union's customers better products at lower costs. ft1 enables eaclf employee to produce more and therefore earn more. It creates better jobs and a higher standard of living. *£t r» tins faun does not include the "tools" Union rents for its employees, such as office space, tankers, telephone service, etc. UNION OIL0COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA This is one of a series bv the people of Union Oil to explain how business functions. Your comments arc invited. Write The President, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles 17, Calitornia.