Reds May Question US In Island Defense Policy By Spencer Davit WASHINGTON tAP) Qual ified experts consider it quite possible that Communist China may attempt a probing action to see how the United States stands on the defense of Nationalist held Quemoy and the Matsu is lands off the Cinese mainland. One analyst who asked that his name not be used, said Pei ping evidently is not ready to take at face value the warnings of either the Formosa resolution or the Formosa defense treaty, ratified by the Senate only last week. He gave the following evaluation: Clash Inevitable There can be no stabilization in the Formosa area unless the Reds give up their announced in tention to take over Formosa and the Pescadores. There is bound to be a clash with the United States unless Communist China backs down. . Under the Formosa resolution President Eisenhower is author ized to use American armed Marian Vantuyl Speaks onDance . Marian Van Tuyl, choreogra pher. lecturer, and author lecturd on "Dance in American Culture." Monday night in which she traced the rise of modern dance and fa mous modern dancers from the early 1900’s and contrasted differ ent styles of dancing. Speaking on her theory of danc ing, she said, "modern dance is predicted on the assumption that you have a mature mind. You have something to say and you use movement (through your body) to express it.” She spoke briefly of modern dance education for chil dren. Miss Van Tuyl showed two films, "Horror Dream” and “Clin ic of Stumble.” The first dealt with what Miss Van Tuyl termed “a choreographer's honor dream and showed what happens in a ten sion producing situation as ex pressed through modern dance. The second film was "an experi ment in multile exposure and was a gentle satire on th characteris tics of women." Miss Van Tuyl did the choreography or both films and appealed in the first one. Following the films, a brief dis cussion period was held. While on campus. Miss Van Tuyl, who is editor of the annually published dance magazine, “Im pulse,” and who currently teaches choreography at Mills College, Berkeley, Calif., is donating many J hours in dance instruction. She: will continue to instruct such i classes throughout today. She is appearing in conjunction with the current University Festival of Arts. Dusk Halts Search For Belgian Plane ROME (APt — An intensive search by more than 1,000 prsons for a missing Belgian airliner was i halted temporarily at dusk Mon day. The plane disappeared north of l Rome Sunday night with 29 per sons aboard, including four Amer icans and an ill-starred Italian beauty contest winner. The plane, a four-engine DC6, vanished in fog on a flight from Brussels to the Belgian Congo. It was in radio contact with Rome's Ciampin airport only 16 minutes before a scheduled landing there. Then the plane’s radio cut off, and nothing definite has been heard, since. I • [ forces in the defense of "related” j areas he consideis necessary for j the protection of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's F ormosa | stronghold. I No hal’d and fast U.S. com I mitment for the defense of Que | moy and the Matsus has ever I been announced. An attack of sufficient force to I reduce the Nationalist garrisons | on Quemoy and the Matsus ! doubtless would be considered ; here as preparation for a Com i inunist move on Formosa. Reds Have Airways To accomplish this the Reds ■ would have to take command of j the air over the offshore islands, and it is conceded that they have CommitteeGives OK to Dam Plan McMinnville iapi — The i Willamette Basin Project com | raittee meeting here Monday ap I proved a resolution supporting j “partnership" construction of | Cougar dam on the McKenzie | river in Lane county and Green ‘ Peter dam on the Santiam river : in Linn county. The committee, made up of j members of the Willamette Bas in commission, also approved a resolution urging the Oregon legislature to approve a ground water law and a proposed state water resources commission. The group urged Army engi neers to include funds in its 1955 56 budget for a complete re survey of the Yamhill river and its tributaries. the capability to do this. If the Nationalist positions on the offshore islands were over whelmed it would mean Chiang would lose about one-third of his effective force. He is reputed to have an army of 350.000 to 400, 000 men. A defeat of that magnitude would have a strong adverse ef fect, it is thought. Psychological ly there would be a reaction all over Asia. Both friends and foes would interpret it as a sign the United States will not back uje an ally in tiouble. From the purely military standpoint, an outpost always is 01 value. As they are given up. advance warning and other mili tary advantages are yielded. There is reluctance here to stand by and see one of the strongest anti-Communist armies' destroyed or crippled. Chiang's forces would well be used if there were renewed Chi nese Communist aggression in Korea or if there is a further Chinese surge into Southeast Asia. One of the reasons Peiping is so upset by Formosa in Nation alist hands is that it represents a considerable threat on Com-. munist China's flank. If the Reds try to hit elsewhere the Nationalists unless they are neutralized are in a position to strike from an advance base at an exposed Red position. It i9 thought that if the Reds determine after a probing action that the United States is seriously intending to defend For mosa and the Pescadores, Pei ping may be ready to consider a signed, or unsigned cease-fire. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - EXT. 218 « EMERALD OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cent! per Word Fin! Inierlion, 2 Centt per Word Thereafter. Attention married students. You can now have Public Liubility and Property Damage Auto Insurance for J12.50 per six months re newal. Save 1 3 on other coverages. Get the facts. Call or see Jerry Brown. Mayflower Agent, 962 Oak St. 4-9444. Hes. 4-2957. 2-4-tf Here Is A Chance For You To Learn The Advertising Business. Kids. Practical Experience Selling Emerald Ads. Plus Special Training Sessions. Call Ext. 218 Or Drop In At The Emerald Office After 1:00 p.m. 2-15 Attractive bachelor apts. Near campus. Phone 4-1527. l-24tf Income Opportunity: Do you have 3 houi'M per day, or weekend** free? Our com pany needs several above average students who can use J100 per month. Kor * confidential interview, write Mr. John Arnold, P.O. Box 542, Eugene. 2-16 Alterations and Dressmaking. Phone 3-4182 for appoint ment. Mrs. McCoy, 2024 Emerald, Apartment 1. 3-4 SHAKES FRIES and BURN ERS. For Quicker Deliver ies Call Before 7:30. THE HUT, PHONE 4-6319. 2-15 For rent: Attractive “apart mette.” Furnished, twin beds for two, hot plate. Phone 4-3548. Address 455 E. 13th. 2-15 Oregon Journalist Dies of Leukemia LA JOLLA. Calif. (API - Ronald G. Callvert. 81, whose editorial writing for The Oregon ian at Portland won a Pulitzer prize in 1938. died here Monday from acute leukemia. Callvert was with The Ore gonian 42 years, beginning as a reporter, and becoming manag ing editor anil finally associate editor. He retired in 19.M. A native of Adel, la.. Callvert started as a printer at Belling ham, Wash., later becoming a linotype operator before moving into news rooms of papers at Los Angeles and Portland. A son. Ronald S. Callvert, New York City; and two slater*, Mr*. Paul T. Shaw. Portland, and Mr*. N. M. Singleton, Salem, nurvive. Private funeral service* will las h. ld here Friday. Campus Calendar Tuesday, Feb. 15 Noon P R. Grad* 110 SU Theatre Kx<*c 111 SU 1:00 Seeger A»bly Bnllrm SU (1:00 Thompson Dinner 110 SU 6:15 Nat Hi*t Soc 111SU 6.30 Phi Besta Gerl Alum 7:00 IVCF DadurmSU 7:30 Yeomen 315 SU He Needs Experience, Too! "Experience Is The Best Teacher" Now! Learn Advertising TRAINING SESSIONS! Mr. Jack Weber, a former newspaper advertising man ager now studying for a master's degree instructs Emerald ad staffers every Saturday at 1 o'clock. Talking over results of your account work speeds up learning. Get in on this if your aim is to learn advertising! ACTUAL EXPERIENCE! You can get some Emerald advertising accounts and gain actual selling experience. Call on as many or as few as you wish. You'll find there's nothing like talking to business men which will give you advertising know-how. And how this will pay off after you graduate! For a chance to sell Emerald Advertis ing, or for layout or office v/ork, talk to Donna Runberg or Bill Mainwaring at the Emerald office today! or'ecjot^P PO2GL0