Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    1955 King of Hearts Is Tubbed
IIIK I l\K KlNAKlHIS for campus King of Heart' arc pictured above. Being tubbed is Gary
A We, crowned King at Friday night1* Heart Hop. In front are Martin .Brandcnfels, left, and
Bud llinkson. Standing in tlie rear ure I>ave Talb<u, left, and Bob Shepherd.
(Emerald photo by Hod Sunderland I
By Jan Bennett
fm«r«ld R*oorter
At Alpha Chi Omega
Recently announced at Alpha
Chi Omega wan the engagement
of Jean Maura to A1 Karr, both
graduates in the claim of '54.
Misa \fauro in the permanent sec
letary of her clan* ar.d Mr. Karr
was editor <»f the Kmerald during
his senior year. N< w Alpha Chi
pledge Tish Lambcil Ik engaged
to Bob Bond. Sigma Chi.
At Alpha Delta Pi
Gail wftt was “recently elect
ed preaident of Alpha Delta Pi.
Other offieerH include Jackie
Pond, vice-president; Gleeta
Barnes, corresponding secretary;
Marlene Grassephi, recording
secretary; KveJyn Diamont,
treasurer; Dee Fulp, registrar
historian; Sylvia Hill, guard;
Kathryn Holloway, chaplain; Vi
ola Gramson, reporter; Karla
Kuhnlcy, sophomore lepresenta
tive; Margie Harman, junior rep
resentative, and Jane Cotton,
senior representative.
At Alpha Xi Delta
Of recent interest at the Alpha
Xi Delta house was the pinning
of Diane Davies to Ted Drain,
Phi Kappa Sigma.
At Chi Omega
Audrey Lathrom's pinning to
Roger Clahn, a Sig Kp, was an
nounced recently at Chi Omega.
At Delta Gamma
Surprise engagement of Loie
Mead to Ed Murphy, former Beta
Theta Pi at Stanford now at Ore
gon Medical School, was revealed
at the Delta Gamma House Jan.
27 following closing hours. A
medical theme was used with
miniature doctor kits as favors
and refreshments served by sen
ior DCs dressed as nurses.
Freshman Sue Walcott has an
nounced her pinning to Dave
Chomey, Phi Delta Theta.
At Kappa Alpha Theta
The most recent pinning at the
Theta bouse is that of freshman
Louanne Pearson to A1 Evans,
Chi Psi.
At Kappa Kappa
The surprise engagement of
Donna Aaris to Paul Murphy,
Chi Psi, was announced Saturday
evening after closing hours at the
Kappa house. A summer wedding
is planned by the couple.
Two other Kappa’s have re
cently announced their engage
ments and two more have re
vealed pinnings. The announce
ment of Joanne Gerber’s engage
ment to Tim Brooks. Phi Delta
Theta at the University of Wash
ington, took place after closing
hours Feb. 5. They will be mar
ried June 25 in Seattle.
The engagement of Marlene
Harper to Ron Savage. Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, was revealed Fri
day night before the Heart Hop.
Shirley McLean and freshman
Pat Hudson are wearing th<
SAE pins of Stan Savage and
Pete Bluett, respectively.
At Pi Beto Phi
Pi Phi's were surprised during
Dad's Weekend with the an
nouncement of Donna Mast and
Jay Fournier's engagement.
Fournier, who graduated last
June and was a member of
Lambda Chi Alpha, is now with
the United States Air Force in
Florida. A summer wedding is
being planned by the couple.
At University House
A recent engagement an
nounced at University House was
that of Maureen Rice, house
president, to Randy Middleton,
senior in political science. Also
engaged is Ruth Coston to "Skip"
Willrett, now stationed in Ger
many with the United States
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Phi Beta Pledging
Planned Tuesday
Official pledging ceremonies
for women recently tapped by
Phi Beta, women's music and
speech honorary, will take place
Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Gerlinger
New pledges include Tedro
Croley. senior in speech; Barbara
Geyer, junior in speech; Shirlec
Kali;, senior in speech; Shirley
McLean, sophomore in liberal
arts; Mary Ann Megale, sopho
more in music, Sylvia Sommerer,
junior in math, and Marilyn
Stratford, junior in history.
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor ValerieHersh.
News Desk Gordon Rice,
Mary Alice Allen.
Copy Desk Marsha Mauney,
Sam Vahev.
Night Staff Janet Kneeland.
on the
Emerald Women's Page
Sally Jo Greig and Marcia Mauney,
Mu Phi Will Host
Regional Meet
The University'* active and
alumnae chapters of Mu Phi Ep
jrilon, national professional wnm
icn’s music fraternity, will be host
! this weekend to the group's bi
-ennial regional conference.
Delegates from all active and
; alumnae chapters in Oregon will
! be on hand Friday to welcome
,Eleanor Wilson, national Mu Phi
(Epsilon president, at a banquet
Friday night.
Following the banquet, a con
cert featuring all the chapters
will be presented. The public' is
cordially invited to attend th/
concert, held in the music school
auditorium. The University
Singers will also appear as part
; of the program.
A get-acquainted coffee hour
will be given Saturday morning.
! followed by a workshop. The con
ference will close with a formal
luncheon Saturday noon, piesided
lover by the national president.
I’atroni/.e Emerald Advertisers
Petition Deadline
Today for Council
IVtitiorm for counrH posi
tion* in the Women’s Recrea
tion association are tine today
at .> p.m. at the basket room in
the physical education depart
ment of (ierlinger hall, accord
ing to Nikki Powell, president.
Positions open ere secretary,
treasurer, custodian and serg
eant-at-arms. Roth sophomores
and juniors may petition. WRA
elections will be held Feb. 24,
along with women’s elections
for the Associated Women Stu
dent- and the YWCA.
Phi Beta to Start Plans
For Vet Hospital Show
Pi chapter of Phi Beta is
scheduled to begin plans tonight
for itr spring term show to be
presented at various veterans’
hospitals throughout the state.
The meeting will be in Get linger
j at 8 p.m.
Members of the women's mu
i sic and speech honorary will or
! ganizc entertainment in both
fields in keeping with their na
tional project of putting on
shows for army personnel.
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