As was obvious to all w ho knew anything about the Idaho \ andals the Northern Division’s cellar'dwcllers play ed their best game of the season in beating Oregon Friday. This was affirmed by Vandal Coach Harlan Hodges who had nothing but praise for his well balanced team after they walked over < >regon in the 65-50 series opener. But Saturday night it was a different story and a look at the statistics will bear out the reversal of form shown by both clubs in the second game won by the Ducks, 70-44. Primarily it was a matter of shooting eyes being lost and found. Oregon took a tremendous total of 50 shots in Friday's first half and made only nine for a .180 average. Nine for 45 in the second half gave the Ducks an anemic .167 for the con test which won't win in any league, much less the tough Northern Division. Saturday they came out with a different slant on the hoop, especially in the second half. The Ducks shot .410 in the third and fourth periods and finished w ith a .325 mark. Idaho's Shooting Cold Idaho was a little better Friday than the Ducks were Sat urday with a .370 average including a .437 average in the second half. But the second night they were as cold as their hosts were Friday as they missed IK straight shots for a ri diculously low .105 first-half shooting percentage and fin ished w ith a .194 mark. Individaully it was a series of contrasts also. Jim Loscu toff shot .219 Friday and .320 Saturday, Max Anderson hit .191 Friday and .333 Saturday. Idaho's Harlan Melton shot .35C Friday and .071 Saturday. Jay Buhler had .421 Friday and .182 Saturday and Bill Bauscher hit .545 Friday and .125 Saturday. That just about tells the story. The most notable performance of the weekend, of course, was Jim l.oscutoffs new Northern Division rebound record of 26 set Saturday night. This broke the old record of 26 held jointly hv Oregon's Chet Noe and Bob Peterson. This also gave Jim 46 rebounds for the series and left him onl\ 13 shy of ,Noe's Nl) season's record of 226 with Oregon still hating four games remaining. Ducks Threaten Record Anderson gave a fine performance off the boards also, as the frowning Dane recorded 42 rebounds to complete Ore gon > one-two punch in swipes. The Ducks came within one rebound of equaling the conference team mark for one game. Oregon now is threatening its own season’s rebound rec ord of 757 made in 1951 when Loscutoff and Peterson were in Duck spangles. The Webfoots now have 622, an average or about five more per game than in 1951. Higgest improvement shown bv Oregon was in the free throw department, the old bugaboo, where the Ducks cashed in on 18 out of 2d tries Saturday night for their best foul shouting of the season. Anderson got six for seven anti none missed more than one. Nelson Bats 1.000 Nomination for the best shooting eye: LeRov Nelson, sub guard, who came into Saturday’s game with five minutes left and shot three times from the floor and once from the free throw line—he made them all. Idaho Coach Harlan Hodges certainly deserves credit for at least one noticeable improvement in Idaho basket ball—the bright new red and white uniforms with gold numbers. For years Vandal teams have been the poor boys of the league with their tee-shirt-type of uniform in nause ating gold with black trim. Incidentally, the Vandals' Jim Sather was supposed to be their tallest first stringer at b'5“. Hodges told us Sather is really only 6’3", which emphasizes Idaho’s terrific handicap in height. Hut the Idaho mentor says he will be ready for the new I’CC schedule next year with a tew big boys of his own. It happens that the Idaho Freshman team has a lineup com posed of boys standing 6 6’6", 6’5", 6'4" and 6 even. It sounds good, anyway. OSC Wrestlers Top Ducks, 25-3 In Return Match Oregon State’s varsity wrest ling team swept to its sixth straight win of the season Sat urday by defeating the Oregon grapplers for the second week in a row by a 25-3 score. The Beavers swept the first six matches before the Ducks managed to post their first win. Ken Kesey of Oregon decisioned Ron Hicks of the Beaver squad by a 9-4 win for the only Oregon victory. Melvin Lehman and George Meyers had the only pins for the Staters. McLain Remains Unbeaten In the first contest. Gary Mc Lain kept his record clean and posted a close 6-4 decision over Oregon's Roy Schlesser in the 123-pound class. In the second round Melvin Lehman of the OSC squad pinned Darrell Klampe of the Ducks in 1:32 of the second round. In the 137-pound weight Bob Williams lost on a decision to Orville Swindler of the Bea vers in another close duel. In the 147-pound class PCC champion Art Keith of the Bea vers proved his prowess when he decisioned Dave Newland of the Oregon team by a 9-0 score. It was a much different match than last Saturday's when Keith beat Newland by only four points. OSC Victories Continue Lou Taucher turned in another win for the Beavers by decision ing Roland Wilson of the Duck team by a 13-5 margin. Ore gon’s John Woyat and OSC's Bud Gienger fought a close match, the Beaver winning by a 6-3 score. Ken Kesey broke the Beaver's individual win string when he scored Oregon's only points in winning a 9:4 decision over Ron Hicks of the Beavers. In the last match of the day, George Meyers of OSC turned in the second five-point victory by pinning Oregon's Dick Barker in 1:57 of the second round to end the day’s match. HoopPlayoffs Break IM Tie Kappa Sigma waltzed through its second playoff game in two days in intramural basketball Friday as they beat Sigma Alpha Mu for a place in the A league tournament beginning Tuesday. The win gave the Kappa Sig’s the A-IV title after the league had wound up in a three-way tie in regular-season play. Thurs day the Kappa Sigma downed the Pi Kappa Alpha team, 44-16, to eliminate them from the race and then beat the Sammies to complete the sweep. Kappa Sigma begins tourna ment action against Phi Delta Theta Tuesday for a berth against Alpha Tau Omega in the tourney’s semi-finals. The ATO’s drew a bye. Ducks Place 2nd In Handball Meet The University of Washington topped the University of Oregon. 15-12, in a playoff to capture the Northwest intercollegiate hand ball championship at Seattle Sat urday. Both the Husky and Duck handballers whipped the Univer sity of British Columbia and Ore gon and Washington split, the Huskies winning the first, 15-7 and the Webfoots tfiking the sec ond, 15-13. The third match gave Washington the championship. Patronize Emerald Advertisers Ducks, Idaho Divide Series By Allen Johnson Emerald Sports Writer Coming back Saturday night to take a 70-44 win after Idaho had v/on a 65-50 Friday decision, Bill Borcher’s Oregon Ducks hung onto second place in the Northern Division chase in a pair of games at McArthur court. Each team suffered from cold shooting spells and profited from field goal accuracy and the two games were exact reversals. The Vandals were sharp Friday and won easily, and the Ducks came back Saturday with a vengeance to walk all over Harlan Hodges’ charges. On Friday, Jay Buhler, Bill Bauseher and Harlan Melton couldn’t miss and paced Idaho to its win, while the hapless Ducks were missing shot after shot. Jim Loscutoff managed 18 and Max Anderson 10 but the Vandals! were easy victors. Idaho 65, Oregon 50 This game pointed out two vi-1 tal lessons to the Oregon basket- \ ball forces. First, no matter how I little the opposition, they can still | win with accurate clutch shoot ing, and second, that on an off shooting night there’s just noth-j ing to be done about it. Proving both these points were the Vandals, who got better and better as the game wore on. The Ducks, in turn, became progres-1 sively worse and fell hopelessly behind in the second half, after: trailing 30-24 at the midway mark. Jay Buhler, a 5’ 11” jump shot demon; Bill Baucher, a 6' guard with a deadly foul shot, and Harlan Melton, a 6' 2” southpaw smoothie, led the Idaho five to its win. These three, along with Captain Bob Falash, were especially effec tive during the last seven min utes of the game when the \ andals user! a semi-stall of fense and continued to score regularly. Oregon's big guns, Loscutoff | and Anderson, had poor nights, even though scoring 28 points between them. Loscutoff got only seven buckets in 32 tries while Anderson connected on just four ; of 21 attempts. The game started at a snail’s pace, with almost five minutes elapsing before the Ducks hit a fielder. Jerry Ross got in for a tipin to break the iee. It took two more minutes for Ida ho to get a basket, with the flashy Buhler leaping in for a layup. Late in the first half the game began to get speedy and ragged, with the Ducks missing six straight shots in one onslaught at the hoop. But Oregon held the lead at 21-18 when the Vandals i suddenly caught fire. Bauscher dumped in a field goal and two foul tosses, Buhl er and Sather scored field goals, Falash sank a long one hander and Bauscher sank an other field goal while Oregon had only a tipin and a free throw to match them. This gave Idaho its halftime lead and wrapped up the game. Oregon was never able to catch up after that, and managed to bring the margin to as low as six points only three times. Bauscher, the conference’s top foul shooter, got eight for nine from the foul stripe and added six buckets for a game-leading Sports Staff Desk Editor: Jerry Claussen. Staff: A1 Johnson, Jack Wil son, Chuck Mitchelmore, Don Lovett and Jerry Olson. total of 20. Buhler was right behind with 19 and Melton fol lowed with 16. Howard Page was third man for Oregon with eight points. Idaho (65) Buhler, f Melton, f . Sather, c Bauftcher, k Falash, H oota Totals Oregon (50) Ross, f ... Loseutoff, < ..... M. Andrrv»n. c Page. K McHugh, g Bell, f . Bingham, f McManus, f . R. Anderson, g Costi, g Sherman. g I.undell, g Totals. FG FT PF TP - 8 3 2 19 7 2 3 16 1 1 3 3 6 8 3 20 2 3 5 7 .. 0 0 0 0 .24 17 16 65 FG FT PF TP I 1 1 3 7 4 3 18 4 2 0 10 3 2 4 8 0 10 1 ~ 0 0 1 0 12 2 4 1 I 2 3 .. 0 0 2 0 .. 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 18 14 18 50 Oregon 70, Idaho 44 Oregon switched roles on Ida ho Saturday and enjoyed a hot shooting night while the men from Moscow were even less po tent from the field than the Ducks of Friday. The Webfoots streaked into a 20-2 lead in the first twelve minutes and were never threatened. Starting at a racehorse clip, the game saw Oregon begin hitting immediately as Los cutoff canned a long pusher for the first two-pointer. Idaho was held to fewer shots than usual by an adept Duck de fense while Loscutoff and An derson swept the boards clean. Hodges pulled his first five in an unusual move with ten min utes to go in the half. The inex perienced second platoon played a zone defense and succeeded in holding off the Duck attack somewhat, but they had no scor ing punch of their own. The Vandals never recovered from that early drought and fell further behind in the second half. Euhler, Bauscher and Melton— highly effective on Friday—could only get 4 of 33 shots in this contest, a crippling blow to the Vandal offense. It was 6' 31/2 ” Center Jim Sather who sparked the losers, getting four quick baskets in the second half and a total of 11 points. Little-used three year letterman Don Monson was runner-up with nine, and Buhler had eight. Following Loscutoff and An derson for Oregon was sopho more Guard LeRoy Nelson, who repeated an earlier performance against WSC by firing three bas kets in three tries and adding a foul shot for seven points. Oregon (70) FG FT PF TP Ross, f . 110 3 Loscutoff, f .. 8 2 0 18 M. Anderson, c . 6 6 1 18 McHugh, g . 2 2 4 6 Page, g .... 10 3 2 Bingham, f ...... 12 14 McManus, f ... 12 2 4 Bell, f .... 0 0 3 0 Nelson, g .. 3 10 7 Sherman, g ... 0 0 3 0 Borrevik, t . 2 0 1 4 Werner, c.. 0 2 0 2 B. Anderson, g .. 0 0 0 0 Costi. g . 10 12 Lundell. g . 0 0 0 0 Totals 26 18 19 70 Idaho (44) Melton, f . Buhler. f . Sather. c . Bauscher, g . Falash. g Hoots, f . Monson, f. Swanstrom, c Nelson, g . Webb, g . Totals FG FT PF TP . 1 . 1 . 0 . 0 13 18 14 3 8 11 2 5 9 2 44 The U.S. Olympic Teams need yow support fwE MUST BE THERE TO Will / Send a contribution to U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM FUND 540 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11. Illinois