Idaho Quint Meets Webfoots In Northern Division Series Coach Harlan Hodges of Idaho will send five “little” men into action tonight and Saturday as his Vandal team meets the Jhn Loscutoff-led Oregon Ducks in a Northern Division series at Mc Arthur court. The new Vandal mentor, fresh from Murray State in Kentucky, has been forced to use the same five men for most of his games, but his success has not been com pletely heartening to Idaho hoop boosters. With senior Forward Harlan Melton leading the way in scor ing. the Vandals have managed to whip Washington and Wash ington State once each for their only two wins in nine games. The 6'2'2” star has 122 points in the ND games, a 13.6 average. Tallest of the Idaho regulars is center Jim Sather, a junior let terman stretching G’!1-..-*. The other three are 5T1" junior for ward Jay Buhier, a star foot baller. and six-foot Guards Bob Falash and Bill Bauscher. Only reserve to see much ac tion for Hodges has been 6Tl2“ senior Don Monson. But lately it has been the first five carrying the load, performing several 40 minute stints along the way. Oregon, of course, can counter with 6'7“ Max Anderson at cen ter; 6'5” Ray Bell. 6'4" Gary Mc Manus or 6'2” Ed Bingham at a Patera Signs Colt Contract EUGENE (AP) — Jack Pa tera, the University of Oregon's All-Coast guard. Thursday sign ed a contract with the Baltimore Colts of the National Football League. The announcement was made jointly by Patera and D. S. Kel lett, Baltimore president who came here to talk with Patera and quarterback George Shaw, his club's bonus pick in the re cent college draft. Both Patera, chosen by Balti more in the fourth round of the draft, and Kellett said they were happy about the contract. Kellett had said earlier he came here “primarily to meet Shaw and show him what kind of people we of the Baltimore club are.” He said he was aware in advance that Shaw would not consider signing with the Colts until the end of the college base ball season. Shaw has indicated he may pass up football in favor of a professional baseball career. He and Patera recently completed four years of varsity football at Oregon. Both played for the West team in the Shrine All-Star, game at San Francisco Jan. 1. Kellett arrived Wednesday night and was to leave late Thursday. HARLAN MELTON Leads Vandal Quint forward and massive Jim Loscu toff. 6'5”, at the other forward spot. Guards, or course, match Idaho’s, with six-footers Howard j Page and Phil McHugh. Available for part-time action only will be junior forward Jer ry Ross. The scrappy star suf fered an ankle injury in the sec | ond Washington game and will be out of the starting lineup. Bill Borcher's Webfoots will attempt to solidify their second place notch in the Northern Divi sion against the cellar-dwelKng Vandal five. The Ducks took two earlier games at Moscow by 82 59 and 41-40 counts, with an Ida ho stall almost winning. The Vandals took two on the chin from league-leading Oregon State in Moscow last weekend, and will be making the famous four-game-in-five-night trip through the Willamette valley. They move on to Corvallis Mon day and Tuesday for games with the Beavers. Hale Kane B Squad, Kappa Sigs in Finals Hale Kane captured the B-VI league Thursday afternoon with a 19-14 win over the Legal Eagles and Kappa Sigma A topped Pi Kappa Alpha to gain the A-IV league finals against the Sammies today. PiKA's Bounced Kappa Sigma romped to a 44 1G victory over Pi Kappa Alpha Thursday to gain the right to meet Sigma Alpha Mu in the A-IV league playoff Friday. Doug Talbot with sixteen points and Jack Murray with ten led the winners’ attack. The Kappa Siga grabbed an Duck Records Player G FGA FG Pet. FT A FT Pet. RB Rbpg PF TI* PPG Loscutoff, f .20 394 155 .393 130 78 .600 336 16.8 66 388 19.4 Anderson, f 20 185 74 .400 123 76 .618 209 10.5 59 224 11.2 Page, g 20 201 64 .318 61 38 .623 62 3.1 58 166 8.3 McHugh, g 20 167 55 .329 56 34 .607 66 3.3 42 144 7.2 Ross. ? . 20 164 48 .293 70 36 .514 143 7.2 32 132 6.6 Bell- f 20 127 38 .299 83 43 .518 92 4.6 71 119 5.9 Bingham, f .18 55 20 .364 41 25 .610 57 3.2 23 65 3.6 Sherman, g .13 33 8 .242 1 0 .000 8 0.6 10 16 1.2 Moore, g . 8 24 8 .333 1 0 .000 9 1.1 5 16 2.0 Nelson, g . 5* 4 3 .750 2 21 .000 2 0.4 1 8 1.6 - Werner, c . 0 4 2 .500 6 4 .750 5 0.8 6 8 1.3 Costi, g . 6 7 3 .429 3 2 .667 2 0.4 0 8 1.3 McManus, f .15 17 1 .059 15 5 .333 13 0.9 11 7 0.5 James, g . 4 6 2 .333 5 2 .400 1 0.3 4 6 1.5 Borrevik, c . 3 2 0 .000 6 4 .667 2 0.7 2 4 1.3 Anderson,' g .12 11 2 .182 0 0 .000 4 0.3 5 4 0.3 Lundell, g . 5 4 0 .000 6 3 .500 1 0.2 1 3 0.6 McLain, f . 3 1 0 .000 0 0 .000 2 0.7 0 0 0.0 Oregon Totals . 201406 483.344 609 352 .578 1024 51.2 396 1318 65.9 Opponents .201253 445.355 658 399.607 830 41.5 383 1289 64.5 early 10-0 lead which they ex tended to 22-5 at halftime. They hit from all angles in the second half and had little trouble keep ing their margin. PiKA's (16) (44) Kappa Sign Bach .F. 16 Talbot Loennig 2 .F . 6 Richter Steele 2 .C 10 Murray Rapke 3 .G. C Poissant Weber 7 .G. 2 Tucker Subs: PiKA’s Hample 2, Maf fei. Kappa Sigma — Galleon 2, Shanahan 2. Hale Kane Tops League Hale Kane came from behind to win its B-IV league playoff from the Legal Eagles by a 19-14 margin Thursday afternoon. The dead-eye shooting of Fred Pin juv was a major factor in the Hale Kane comeback. The win gave Hale Kane two teams in the intramural playoffs, as the Hale Kane A team had taken their league title. A slow first quarter ended in (Continued on pane fire) Portland Teams To Meet Frosh The Oregon Ducklings will get a chance to even up their win loss record when they meet Port land air base tonight at 5:45 fn McArthur court. Saturday night the Frosh play host to Dahl- , Penne, another strong Portland A AIT five. Both games are preliminaries to the Oregon-Idaho Northern Division tilts. Kx-Pro Conches Coached by cx-professlonal i Harry Roos, the Dahl-Penne out fit has been ranked one of the best ih the state for several years. This year they arc paced by Ken Servas, ex-Lewis and Clark ace. Jerry Hefty, annual ly one of the top big men in the city, Lou Scrivens. scrappy ex Franklin high guard, and Dong Rogers, a performer on Don Kirsc-h's Oregon freshman team of 1951. Klrsch was well-pleased with the weekend performance of his squad. The Ducklings, after dropping five straight. . finally caught fire to knock over Mar ion Motors of Salem and Clark Junior college, and this record now stands at 4-5 on the season. Diddock Praised Kirsch had a good word for every member of the starting five, and he singled out Roger Diddock, reserve guard from Madras, for his hustle in the sec ond half of the Clark JC game. Diddock was a big factor in the effectiveness of the full-court press that slowed the Penguins while the Ducklings were coming from behind to win. The Frosh took their Monday workout with the varsity re serves and the rest of the week Williams Said Set To Rejoin Bosox BOSTON (AP) — The Boston Daily Record says Thursday night in a copyright story that slugger Ted Williams “is return ing to the Red Sox” and will join the team "about March 10.” “Although Ted has not yet no tified the Red Sox of his impend ing return," the story adds, “he is expected to make his official anouncement in about 10 days.” Williams, the Record adds, “is postponing his return to the team until March 10 because of pre vious commitments, which will keep him busy until that date.” IM Schedule Friday 3:50 Kappa Sigma A vs. Sigma Alpha Mu A, court 40. SHISLIR'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A.M. DAILY & SUNDAYS 13th at High St. TILL 11:00 £ M, Dial 4-1342 have concentrated on smoothing their fast-break offense. Forward Spot Open The Ducklings will open with a dependable flvesomc, no mat ter how Kirsch makes his final choice. Sure of a starling berth are Wendy Rasor and Bob Ayre at the guards. Hal Duffy at ren ter. and Paul Tuchardt at one forwurd. Battling for the remain ing starting Job are Dave Wan aka, Bob Faria and Martin Swan. Rasor and Ayre hit for a total of 51 points In the last two games, while Tuchardt leads the team with an average of Id 2 for the season. Duffy has been big man on the boards along with Tuchardt, and between them they have accounted for 1 Wi recover ies In nine games. Wanaka, Karls and Swan have all demonstrated their .ability to score and rebound. Kirsch saw the Clark JC bat tle as a turning point for the Frosh. "They really started to hustle for the first time," he commented, "and they should be a far better team from now on." Unbeaten Beavers Top ND Statistics LOS ANGELES (APi Ore gon State, with a 10-0 win and loss record, leads the statistical field in four of six departments in the Northern Division basket ball race In the Pacific Coast Conference. Individual leaders are Jim Los cutoff of Oregon in total scor ing. 197 points, and rebounds, an average of 17.0; Wade Halbrook, OSC, field goal percentage. .441; and Bill Bauscher, Idaho, free throws, 28 for .867. Oregon State's shooting strength was evident. The Beav ers led in field goals, with 38 7 per cent, and free throws, 69.8. They were equally strong on de fense, allowing but 52.7 points per game and holding opponents to 31 per cent on field goal at tempts. In the Southern Division, Stan ford's Ron Tomsic holds the in dividual scoring honors, with a total of 134 points and an aver age of 22.3. Nearest rivals In clude Bob McKeen, California, 129 and 21.5; John Moore, UCLA. 102 and 16.7; Dick Welsh, South ern California, 96 and 16.0; Willie Naulls, UCLA, 84 and 14*0, and Bill Bond, Stanford, 81 and 13.8. You'll Need Lots of GAS This Week-End! Before You Leave Fill Your Tank at WALDER'S ASSOCIATED STATION 694 E. 11th St.